Aug 31, 2012
posted at 01:23 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Once a month from 2007 to 2009, MTAA invited artist to present work in our North 6th street studio. Over the years, we presented 24 one night exhibitions and 1 online artwork under the name Over The Opening (OTO).
In this time, we showed a few bands, a few video installations, a tamale instructional, a LAN party, some durational performances, a wall to wall ballon filled environment, a sound work with a low frequency brown note, and a virtual make out. We gave away paintings, held spoken word karaoke, and held an iPod drum circle in a public park. All of these wonderful artworks and more found temporary homes under the name OTO . The one thing we never did, and I always regretted not doing, was present a formal exhibition of art. That is, until now.
Please join as Over The Opening temporally resurfaces for one night on September 7, from 7pm to 10pm, with #otoshow26. The exhibition presents the works of Michael Buckland, Hillerbrand+Magsamen, Steve Ott, Shannon Sberna, and Michael Sarff.

More images from the event are at #otoshow26 flicker set permanent link to this post
Aug 11, 2012
Default Location - Flint
posted at 11:07 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
summer 2012

As it has been a quiet summer here at the MTAA-RR, it might be good to share with you some Tumblr sites I have been working on recently.
tinjail.tumblr is a site for artworks that I see, like and photograph including a poster from M/M (Paris) for Ann Lee: No Ghost Just a Shell I saw this weekend on Governor’s Island.
mriver.tumblr documents some of the things I’m working on in the studio. For the last week, this involves a set of 4 small paintings of magic hats (witch and top). You can see some studies for the hats on the site right now and I’ll post images of the paintings as they are worked on.
flintmix10.tumblr is a one year project that involves building 10 artworks remotely in Flint Mi. A new post for the project will be coming up this Friday.
Jun 03, 2012
posted at 13:12 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

a Live 15 Minute Dramatic Reading of The Forbes 400, The Richest People in American, with Brian Eno’s Music for Airports as the audio background. The work will take place at 2:45 PM, Saturday June 9, 2012 at Momenta Art in Bushwick Brooklyn, as a part of FIPCA’s Telethon for the 1%
#the400 #tele1 #mtaa

You can view #the400 at the #fipca ustream archive
(part 3) starting at 2:04 and going to 2:30 or just click on the vid below.
Video streaming by Ustream permanent link to this post
May 19, 2012
SGAR #4, 2012 Photos
posted at 18:57 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
video of UBT from APS
posted at 13:41 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
May 12, 2012
The Exalted. From the Pharaoh to Lady Gaga
posted at 12:34 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

sreen shot of MTAA’s Infinite Smile, 2005
“Infinite Smile” will be in the exhibition Wywyższeni. Od faraona do Lady Gagi (The Exalted. From the Pharaoh to Lady Gaga) in the National Museum in Warsaw, Poland from May 16th to October 23rd, 2012
For Infinite Smile, MTAA filmed a Warhol like 15 minute screen test. The pose is a 3/4 head shot to the right and looking slightly up into a light with a smile. The heads are framed against a brown felt background. The image invokes the proud workers and bright futures of social realism. The 15 minute shot is play 4x faster in a palindrome loop. The speed distills the 15 minute smile to twitches, strain and humor. The loop allows the smile to reach forward forever.
The online version of Infinite Smile may be seen at permanent link to this post
SGAR #4, 2012
posted at 00:30 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Images of SGAR #3 at OTO in Brooklyn 2008

SGAR #4, 2012 will be built for the one night exhibition PLAY at Sixteen Tons on Friday May 18 from 6 to 10 pm. Please stop by.
View Larger Map permanent link to this post
Apr 18, 2012
UBT Event Images
posted at 02:42 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Apr 04, 2012
UBT Poster
posted at 01:14 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Mar 31, 2012
Guess Who Has a Birthday Today ?
posted at 16:48 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Let’s join in this big day with some of T.Whid’s Metal favorites…
Happy Birthday Tim!
Note - for your optimal viewing /listening/ net art / birthday experience, please hit play on all videos all at once permanent link to this post
Mar 25, 2012
UBT 1st Study Model (added details) - Call for works
posted at 13:19 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Still adding some details to the Universal Backyard Theater 1st Study Model

You can find more information on the UBT at

and more images at the UBT Flicker Set

If you have a short film or video that you would be interested in screening on Saturday April 14 in Houston Texas at the UBT or a loop that or would like to see projected on the UBT, send me an email at mriver (at) The general subject we’re thinking about are “building” and “communities” . permanent link to this post
Mar 21, 2012
UBT 1st Study Model
posted at 23:31 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Mar 15, 2012
UBT RnD Reminder
posted at 23:12 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Just a reminder…
UBT Brainstorming and Beer in Brooklyn.
Sunday March 18 from 6 to 8pm,156 Franklin Street 2F Greenpoint Brooklyn, NY 11222 (in my apartment and most likely in my living room)
We will gather together some friends and begin to plan how to make a one night environment for media in the backyard of the Aurora Picture Show in Houston Texas this April. We will drink some beer and talk about possible components of a the UBT. We will talk about how the components could be built.
Screen? Screens? Seats? Walls? Bar? Popcorn? Sound? Sounds? Lights? Booth? Windows? Plants? Modular? Tents? Power? Stage? Fence? Barricades? Shack? Tower? What else? etc.
As the goal is to group build the UBT, we will then attempt to construct together the first model of the space. The model does not need to be anything that could be duplicated at the site. It will be more about thinking out loud with our hands. We hope this model building process will guide us to some possibilities for the final UBT. The UBT Brainstorming and Beer in Brooklyn will be streamed at
If you would like to participate in person send me an email. All are welcome - I just want to make sure I have enough hot glue and beer. - mriver at
Also…if you have a film, video, slide show, animated gif , or other moving image that you would like to screen at the UBT, please let me know. Short form ( 3 to 5 min) is best and if you have something about building or communities, that would be great. permanent link to this post
Mar 13, 2012
posted at 12:33 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Mar 03, 2012
Coming Soon - The Universal Backyard Theater (UBT)
posted at 20:53 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

a new MTAA sculpture, environment, performance, curatorial project, net art, film night, social sculpture, participatory, one-night-only good time.
The Universal Backyard Theater (UBT)
Sunday, March 18 from 6 to 8pm
UBT Brainstorming and Beer in Brooklyn
MTAA think tank in Brooklyn, NY
Wednesday, April 11, 6:30-8:30PM
Brainstorming, Beer and BBQ
Aurora Picture Show, Houston, Texas
Saturday, April 14, 11AM-5PM
Group Building
Aurora Picture Show, Houston, Texas
Saturday, April 14,
Free Public Screening at 8PM
Aurora Picture Show, Houston, Texas
For all the UBT details, go to permanent link to this post
Feb 20, 2012
Flint, MI x10 - 2 for 1 Hot Wings
posted at 14:07 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

New post on the year long public art/ net art / remote viewing project Flint, MI x10 permanent link to this post
Feb 12, 2012
The Pasta is Terrible
posted at 14:59 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Jan 31, 2012
Flint MI x 10 - Zone 5b (-15 to -10 Fahrenheit)
posted at 03:14 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Jan 25, 2012
Winter Studio
posted at 13:29 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Jan 16, 2012
Milwaukee All Stars Report 2.
posted at 20:39 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
More soon… permanent link to this post
Jan 14, 2012
Flint Owl Letter
posted at 17:21 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Jan 06, 2012
On Dada and The Public Library of Flint
posted at 13:21 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Jan 04, 2012
Very Short .Mov of Dia’s 150 Warhol Shadow Paintings 1979
posted at 01:52 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Jan 03, 2012
Marcel Duchamp - Rotary Demisphere (Precision Optics) 1925
posted at 02:12 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
The copper ring around the dome’s circumference is engraved with words chosen for the way their sounds echo one another. “RROSE SÉLAVY ET MOI ESQUIVONS LES ECCHYMOSES DES ESQUIMAUX AUX MOTS EXQUIS,” or “Rrose Sélavy and I dodge the eskimos’ bruises with exquisite words.” permanent link to this post
Jan 01, 2012
Flint MI x10
posted at 13:47 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

A new year long #MTAA project for Flint, MI in 2012 begins today.
Flint MI x10
#flintmix10 permanent link to this post