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Sep 30, 2011

friday post 09-30-11 (fall museum lockings)

posted at 22:36 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

@whitney - no bike rack but one street sign by the door - 2 out of 5 Ulocks

@ps1 - lone bike rack right by door and another nearby - 3 out of 5 Ulocks

@new museum - 4 out of 5 ulocks. a nice three wide bike rack near the front door

@sculpture center
@sculpture center - 1 out of 5 ulocks. not much to work with here

@socrates sculpture park
@socrates sculpture park - 5 out of 5 ulocks for big green bike rack permanent link to this post

Sep 25, 2011

from the archives - Happy Fun Summer Rebellion

posted at 13:08 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Happy Fun Summer Rebellion

at PS1 for a family day in 2000

MTAA barricaded themselves into an area of the PS1 courtyard on a misty summer day. Armed with wooden placards bearing revolutionary PRO FUN PRO SUMMER ANTI COLD slogans, MTAA encouraged visitors to take part in their Happy Fun Summer Rebellion. To ensure participation, MTAA provided cookies and hot dogs for the kids and beer for the adults.

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Sep 23, 2011

friday post 09-23-11

posted at 20:55 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Warning - video contains acoustic guitar soundtrack and a close up shot of my legs

Also - this video from the museum opening with techno soundtrack

Update - and here is the MTAA’s All the Holidays All at All Once Time-Lapse with Mozart soundtrack

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Sep 18, 2011

links for 2011-09-18

posted at 17:44 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

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from the archives - Lo-Fi Message Board, 2001

posted at 16:59 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver


In 2001, Creative Time commissioned MTAA to create a work for the Cell Lounge at The Meat Market Art Fair in New York

MTAA provided Meat Market Art Fair-goers with a lo-fi method to leave messages for one another, to rate the galleries (very popular), access important phone numbers (pizza delivery, car services, etc), and a casual cell phone friendly hang out. We also asked some artist friends to place audio artworks on their answering machine for the weekend and let us post the numbers on the board for people to call.

Lo-Fi Message Board

The video shows the last few minutes of the fair as T.Whid erases the work.

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Sep 16, 2011

friday post 09-16-11

posted at 12:12 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

I went to the MOMA’s exhibition deKooing’s late paintings in 97 and plan on seeing his retrospective that opens to the public on Sunday but I will always think of his work with Paul McCarthy’s 1995 performance “Painter” in mind. Here is the full 50 min video of comedy and pain.

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Sep 11, 2011

from the archives - $’##”

posted at 22:18 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver



On March 3, 2009 Christiane Paul curated a one night program of performative new media works at Light Industry. MTAA presented two works that night - $”##’, and a Live Demonstration of Autotrace #3 (Number 1A; performative)

Although we reviewed the script with Christiane before the event, we requested the work only be described in the program notes as $’##”—MTAA re-stages John Cage’s 4’33” within a framework of a new media lecture.

Tim and I had a long ongoing joke about new media lectures. New media art lectures tend to begin with someone trying to plug something into something, a projector failing, a power point in the wrong format, and some poor soul trying to make the microphones work. We thought it might be good idea for a presentation to just plug a bunch of stuff together frantically, call it art and say goodnight.

This idea on how to circumvent failure evolved into the script for $’##”.

The work begins with a table set up in the middle of an audience. On the table is a laptop connected to a projector and an amplifier. Also connected to the amplifier is a single microphone. Behind the table are two folding lawn chairs. A video camera is pointed at the table. The laptop projects a .jpg of the text $’##”. The projector is pointed at a wall that is not in the front of the audience.


M.River and T.Whid of MTAA sit in the folding chairs. Each have a iPhone with a timer set to count down from 4’33”

Without curatorial introduction, the work begins with Tim saying “Hello. We are MTAA and this is $’##”. At this point Tim hits play on audio file we made for the 2001 online work “Twenty-Five Concrete Examples of Why John is Not My Father”

The song used in this work is The Sweet’s 1975 hit Fox on The Run slowed down to exactly 4’33” in length.


As audio for Fox on The Run launches, MTAA stands up begins to power off, unplug and move the entire set. In the dark, we wrangle everything though the audience to the front of the space where we rebuild the set and plug everything back in. As the song finishes, we make last hurried adjustments and then sit down. Tim then says the title of the work again and “Thanks”.


Below are two videos of the work. The first is a rehearsal with the lights on. The second is from the event.

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links for 2011-09-11

posted at 18:56 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

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Sep 09, 2011

friday post 09-09-11

posted at 12:16 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

WOLFGANG STAEHLE - 2001 at the GOETHE-INSTITUT Wyoming Building on view Saturday, September 10 through Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Content | Form | Im-material—Five Years of CONT3XT.NET
Dan Graham talk at the BMW Guggenheim Lab tonight (free)
Jennifer Dalton’s Cool Guys Like You opens tonight at Winkleman permanent link to this post

links for 2011-09-09

posted at 08:05 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

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Sep 06, 2011

AHAAO Picnic / Performance August 21, 2011 Video

posted at 12:18 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Every 15 minutes for 2 hours, we played a song. For the duration of that song we attempted to celebrate All the Holiday All at Once. Thanks to all who joined.

Here is a 3 minute video with some youtube clips played during the performance cut with some documentation of the work.

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links for 2011-09-06

posted at 07:33 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

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Sep 05, 2011

Labor Day - The MTAA Grill Oath

posted at 14:07 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

For those about to light a grill on this Labor Day, please place your hand on a can of warm beer and repeat after me…

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links for 2011-09-05

posted at 09:26 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

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links for 2011-09-04

posted at 00:20 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

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Sep 02, 2011

friday post 09-02-11

posted at 12:18 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

works in progress - a banisters, a greenhouse and a mushroom bed


also, a before and after of the tomato trellis

k and m cabin
upstate permanent link to this post

Sep 01, 2011

AHAAO Picnic / Performance August 21, 2011

posted at 12:30 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

photo via Casey McKenna of the Ridgefield Patch

Except from AHAAO intro script….

Here now is The Ceremonial Lighting of the Holiday Grill - For this task, I will need one brave volunteer.

Now, Please place your right hand on this can of warm Bud repeat after me.

I - (state your name) - do solemnly swear - to light this Holiday Grill - I promise - to get this dang party started - I promise - in 10 minutes - when the coals are totally dead - to fan the coals furiously - with this paper plate - I promise to then - look concerned - and then - to pour an ungodley amounts of highly flammable liquids onto the coals - I promise to then - toss a lite match onto said coals - and then - to then run like hell - After the fire ball - I promise - to smugly drink this beer - and act - like it’s all under control - This I promise - So help me to a Beer.

photo via Casey McKenna of the Ridgefield Patch

And now to our main task. To begin I would like to review two performance concepts that will guide us on our path.

The first concept is The Loop. A Loop in computer science is a series of instructions in a program, performed repeatedly until some specified condition is satisfied. We will use the concept of the loop to create a form for our performance.

The second concept we will need to bear in mind is The Relativity of Simultaneity. In physics - the simultaneity of two events is dependent on the observer’s frame of reference. According to the special theory of relativity, it is impossible to say, in an absolute sense, whether two events occur at the same time if those events are separated in space.

What’s all that to do with us? The loop will be our structure and the impossibility of simultaneity or, if you will, “All at Once” is our arch nemesis.

So, here is the basic plan. Over the next 2 hours, I would like to, with your input, collaboration and direction, create a small 5 minute loop in which we will attempt celebrate all the Holidays All At Once. This loop is then repeated every 15 minutes over the 2 hour window. The loop script can be modified as we go along but the basic idea is the same. Attempt to celebrate everything all at once.

Ridgefield Patch on the AHAAO Picnic / Performance

ahaao picnic / performance
ahaao picnic / performance
ahaao picnic / performance permanent link to this post

1997 - 2006 M.River & T.Whid Art Associates. Some Rights Reserved. is licensed under a Creative Commons License with the exception of Website Unseen titles which are covered by agreements with individual collectors and otherwise where noted.