Sep 28, 2010
links for 2010-09-27
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
We, like you, have often wished while listening to a lecture, panel, speech or newscast to stand up and tell the speaker, "You do not know what you are talking about!" The artists sit behind a desk with two laptops and two microphones before them. Behind them a projection screen displays the text "#mtaa" and a timer. They announce the title of the performance, "You Do Not Know What You Are Talking About," and explain that for the duration of the performance, they will read any, only and all text sent to Twitter with the hash tag "#mtaa." The audience is invited to start twittering. MTAA need your tweets! We'll be doing the two, 10-minute performances of You Do Not Know What You Are Talking About at approximately 2:45PM Eastern Time on Saturday October 2nd and 3:45PM Eastern Time on Sunday October 3rd. Please tweet with the hash tag #mtaa and your tweets will be included in the performance.
Sep 25, 2010
links for 2010-09-24
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
from the site… 'All Raise This Barn, West, a project by MTAA, proposes how to build a community when a quintessential community-building event—barn raising—no longer occurs. Here, the artists polled people online to decide how the barn would be built, asking what color it should be and even "Should this barn be a barn?".'

Commissioned as part of Live Shorts for the EMPAC’s Filament Festival, MTAA present 2 performances of a new live work Oct 2 and Oct 3, 2010
“You Don’t Know What You’re Talking About #MTAA”
a live lecture/performance controlled by the audience and the Internet
Like you, we have often wished while listening to a lecture, speech or newscast to stand up and tell the speaker, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
MTAA sit behind a desk with two laptops and two microphones before them. Behind them a projection screen displays the text “#mtaa” and a timer.
They announce the title of the performance: “You Don’t Know What You’re Talking About (#mtaa).” They explain that for the duration of the performance, they will read any, only and all text sent to Twitter with the hash tag “#mtaa.” They invite the audience to start twittering.
*We NEED your tweets!*
The 2 performances of *You Don’t Know What You’re Talking About #MTAA* are at approximately 2:45PM Eastern Time on Sat. October 2nd and 3:45PM Eastern Time on Sunday October 3rd. Each performance is roughly 15 minutes. Please tweet away with the hash tag #mtaa and you’re tweets will be included in the performance.
We’ll stream it live at
Some suggested topics of interest for YDKWYTA #MTAA
The Internet
World Peace
World History
The Truth
Net Art
Performance Art
Car Repair
What The Kids Are Into These Days
Man Bartlett
Today’s Football Game
and, of course, YDKWYTA in general…
Sep 24, 2010
radom friday post 09-24-10
posted at 16:00 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

All Raise This Barn(East) next Friday at EMPAC
+ new MTAA performance work on Sat 0ct 2 at 2pm and Sunday Oct 3 pm in EMPAC’s Studio 2 as part of the Filament Festival 2010. More info soon.
Also 01SJ on Dwell online
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links for 2010-09-23
posted at 02:02 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
be evil. be very evil.
Sep 23, 2010
links for 2010-09-22
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Sep 17, 2010
radom friday post 09-17-10
posted at 17:33 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

O1SJ is open
MTAA showed a new work in a fast food joint
The iPhone Drum Circle will be on wax someday
Chernobyl is creepy
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Sep 15, 2010
links for 2010-09-14
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Sep 13, 2010
All Raise This Barn (West) Photos
posted at 13:15 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Sep 10, 2010
ARTBarn: first day in San Jose
posted at 14:06 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

We arrived in San Jose around 11:30 AM PT and went straight to South Hall. The rest of the afternoon was spent arranging the barn-making materials into the ‘artful’ arrangement you see above (more photos).
We’ll be raising the barn tomorrow!
If you’re in San Jose (or thereabouts) you can come by South Hall any time from 11AM - 7PM. Register on-line if you can so we know how many folks to expect.
ALSO — we’ll be participating in an artist talk this evening in South Hall from 5:30 - 7:00PM! permanent link to this post
Sep 08, 2010
links for 2010-09-07
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Sep 03, 2010
random friday post 09-03-10
posted at 19:19 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Sep 01, 2010
All Raise This Barn Begins Today
posted at 12:25 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

All Raise This Barn (ARTBarn)
A group designed and assembled public building/sculpture
Artists MTAA are conducting an old-fashioned barn-raising using high-tech techniques. The general public group-decides design, architectural, structural and aesthetic choices using a commercially-available barn-making kit as the starting point. The duo then conducts this 21st century barn-raising with volunteers — perhaps including you — on September 11, 2010 in San Jose’s South Hall and October 1, 2010 on the Renselear Polytechnic Institute’s campus. Will it be structure? A deconstructed sculpture? Some combination thereof? That’s for the you to choose
As of right now the online voting and design kicks off at
Continuous voting, live performance, group drawing, and documentation runs until October 1, 2010

On September 11, 2010 from 11am to 7pm in San Jose, CA, the first real world wood, saw, nail and sweat barn building begins. We’ll be prototyping and beta-testing the barn-raising performance as part of the 2010 01SJ Biennial’s Out of the Garage, Into the World program in San Jose’s South Hall. Learn more and register to participate on-line.
All Rise This Barn (East)
Then, on October 1, 2010 from 9am to 6pm in Troy, NY we build the final full scale barn. Join us on the campus of Renselear Polytechnic Institute for the barn-raising performance! The barn-building is part of the RPI’s Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center’s Filament Festival in Troy, NY.
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links for 2010-08-31
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid