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interview (w/ ewa wójtowicz)

Commissioned as part of Live Shorts for the EMPAC’s Filament Festival, MTAA present 2 performances of a new live work Oct 2 and Oct 3, 2010

“You Don’t Know What You’re Talking About #MTAA”
a live lecture/performance controlled by the audience and the Internet

Like you, we have often wished while listening to a lecture, speech or newscast to stand up and tell the speaker, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

MTAA sit behind a desk with two laptops and two microphones before them. Behind them a projection screen displays the text “#mtaa” and a timer.

They announce the title of the performance: “You Don’t Know What You’re Talking About (#mtaa).” They explain that for the duration of the performance, they will read any, only and all text sent to Twitter with the hash tag “#mtaa.” They invite the audience to start twittering.

*We NEED your tweets!*

The 2 performances of *You Don’t Know What You’re Talking About #MTAA* are at approximately 2:45PM Eastern Time on Sat. October 2nd and 3:45PM Eastern Time on Sunday October 3rd. Each performance is roughly 15 minutes. Please tweet away with the hash tag #mtaa and you’re tweets will be included in the performance.

We’ll stream it live at

Some suggested topics of interest for YDKWYTA #MTAA
The Internet
World Peace
World History
The Truth
Net Art
Performance Art
Car Repair
What The Kids Are Into These Days
Man Bartlett
Today’s Football Game
and, of course, YDKWYTA in general…

Sep 24, 2010

radom friday post 09-24-10

posted at 16:00 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

ARTBarn (West)

All Raise This Barn(East) next Friday at EMPAC

+ new MTAA performance work on Sat 0ct 2 at 2pm and Sunday Oct 3 pm in EMPAC’s Studio 2 as part of the Filament Festival 2010. More info soon.

Also 01SJ on Dwell online
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links for 2010-09-23

posted at 02:02 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

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