Mar 31, 2010
t.whid birthday
posted at 14:04 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
links for 2010-03-30
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Mar 30, 2010
links for 2010-03-29
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Mar 29, 2010
links for 2010-03-28
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Mar 28, 2010
links for 2010-03-27
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
YES! Completely agree. Why I've always considered myself a geek and not a nerd. Most of my friends are geeks of course.
…in IE9, which also supports the video tag and h.264. Things are looking good for the web :)
Mar 27, 2010
#class thesis response
posted at 19:32 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Art is a luxury commodity for the wealthy that limits the possibility of ownership, understanding, and access based on class, education and geography.
My short reply follows.
Speaking as someone who has created art on the web (& Internet), in comic books, via email and other populist formulations I’d say that this statement is only true for art that is created in such a way as to make it scarce. If it’s not scarce, it’s no longer a luxury. Simple economics.
An artist chooses to make their work scarce. Current media creation and dissemination technologies make it stupidly simple to make one’s work unscarce. If one chooses.
Speaking as someone trained as a painter, I can understand a painter’s objection to this idea. Their expression requires scarcity. A painting, sculpture or drawing can only be in one place at any one time obviously. But artists working in these types of media shouldn’t do so ignorantly — especially if they’re worried about the class implications of the distribution of their work. There are other means of expression.
It’s not required to play in the art world system to make work or find an audience.
Making a living? That’s another story… permanent link to this post
links for 2010-03-26
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
m.river gots da best art foto blog
Jimmy Wales at the New Museum Apr 8. I have fond memories of sharing wi-fi with Mr. Wales in a sweaty little gallery in Dubrovnik in '06 during the iCommons Summit. It was before the general conference showed up. Just a few people (mostly artists) hanging around. Good times :)
Mar 26, 2010
random friday post 03-26-10
posted at 12:27 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Abramovic photo tinjail.tumblr
Brand New Paint Job (Jon Rafman) - Gerhard Richter Delorean
Happy 10 to Newsgrist
permanent link to this post
Mar 25, 2010
links for 2010-03-24
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
MTAA's autotrace #class at Winkleman Gallery
Mar 23, 2010
links for 2010-03-22
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
MoMA’s Department of Architecture and Design has acquired the @ symbol into its collection.
"they can’t say Firefox only supports free and open video formats while still supporting Flash" — Gruber's very good point is very simple: Firefox users are still goning to get H.264, but delivered via Flash instead of a native video tag. So Mozilla, what is the point?
Mar 20, 2010
Autotrace #4 (Fishman’s Moving and Being; performative) report
posted at 14:47 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

In the heart of the Autotrace #4 performance, we asked the audience to pick one painter. They selected Louise Fishman. Then, from a Google Image search, one jpeg of her work to Autotrace. They selected the painting Moving and Being.

Using customized software to automate Adobe Illustrator, we have distilled the tracing process down to a simple drag-and-drop action. In this one action, the jpeg of Fishman’s “Moving and Being” was dropped onto the Autotrace software. The script launched, the software centered the image, traced each brush stroke and shape in the painting creating vector graphics for each, matched a color to each vector graphic, picked one random shape from the painting, deleted the other shapes and finally scaled-up the selected vector graphic to the size of the projection screen.
To output this new work we picked a stick of chalk that was close in color to it and I traced the outline of the shape onto the chalkboard-painted gallery wall.

Once the image was one the wall, T.Whid deleted all traces of the work from his computer’s hard drive. The artwork, now erased from the gallery wall, exists only in written and photographic documentation.

Thanks to
Winkleman Gallery,
Jennifer Dalton,
and William Powhida
so, remember kids…

Update - Here is some video posted by Kai Vierstra
(Note: T.Whid copy-edited this a tad after publication.) permanent link to this post
random friday 03-19-10 (late edition)
posted at 13:18 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

a day late but by popular demand (and by that i mean at least tim seems to have noticed it was missing ) here is your random friday mtaa-rr post
although the random friday post are for the most part random, this one points to the reason the random friday post is late.
coming up next week, the random friday post goes on the road to troy, ny permanent link to this post
Guess they are random…
posted at 12:39 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
M.River’s random Friday… permanent link to this post
links for 2010-03-19
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
test layouts in different browsers (via Barry Hoggard)
We'll be doing this in September.
Mar 19, 2010
Autotrace #4 (Fishman’s Moving and Being; performative)
posted at 12:26 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

photos from last night’s Autotrace #4 at #class
more details later today… permanent link to this post
links for 2010-03-18
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Mozilla needs to wise up.
Mar 18, 2010
autotrace #4 tonight
posted at 13:19 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

mccoys at #class
reminder - mtaa’s autotrace #4 tonight (6:30) at #class
winkleman gallery 621 west 27th street, new york, ny 10001 permanent link to this post
links for 2010-03-17
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
… according to this article MS promises mp4 and h.264 video support in IE9. We'll see.
Mar 17, 2010
links for 2010-03-16
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Mar 14, 2010
links for 2010-03-13
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
"Welcome to AutoTrace - a program for converting bitmap to vector graphics. The aim of the AutoTrace project is the development of a freely available application with a functionality similar to CorelTrace or Adobe Streamline. I hope that it will become better than all commercially available programs. In some aspects it is already better. AutoTrace is free software. AutoTrace is distributed under the term of GNU GPL." [ *** Adobe Streamline*** That is ole skool hahahaha]
Mar 13, 2010
Reminder: Autotrace #4 at #class THIS WEEK!
posted at 17:54 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Autotrace #4
MTAA will conduct a live demonstration of our art-making technique called “Autotrace.”
The performative variety of the Autotrace takes the form of a live, public demonstration of the technique. The mechanics of the autotrace are performed on the artists’ computer and projected before an audience. Usually the performance concludes after a single vector shape is randomly chosen from the autotraced bitmap and presented as a new aesthetic object i.e. work of art.
More on MTAA’s Autotrace series: Autotrace #2 (Nocturne; performative) and AutoTrace #1 (Full Fathom Five).
The performance will be followed by a Q&A.
When? Thu, March 18, 6:30pm - 7:30pm | add to google calendar
Where? Winkleman Gallery as part of #class (organized by Jennifer Dalton and William Powhida)
621 West 27th Street, New York, NY 10001
More can be discovered by searching Twitter for #class. permanent link to this post
links for 2010-03-12
posted at 02:03 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
The NYPOST is a horrible, right-wing rag but this is pretty funny. Every cyclist in NYC noticed that this feature needs lots of work.
Mar 12, 2010
random friday post 03-12-10
posted at 15:20 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Mar 11, 2010
links for 2010-03-10
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Biking directions added to Google Maps!!!!!!!1!
"By at least one amusing new metric, Michelangelo’s unofficial 500-year run at the top of the Italian art charts has ended. Caravaggio, who somehow found time to paint when he wasn’t brawling, scandalizing pooh-bahs, chasing women (and men), murdering a tennis opponent with a dagger to the groin, fleeing police assassins or getting his face mutilated by one of his many enemies, has bumped him from his perch."
Some pretty good icons…
Mar 10, 2010
cory’s new painting
posted at 16:36 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
links for 2010-03-09
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Mar 09, 2010
links for 2010-03-08
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
… happy to announce that we’re releasing an OS X application that does one thing: plays back a playlist of videos randomly until you make it stop. It's not the most user-friendly piece of software, but it gets the job done.
… Electronic Disturbance Theater/b.a.n.g. lab […], have opted instead to create a poetic gesture and safety device, equipped to identify water caches on the U.S. side of the border.
Random Video App
posted at 01:05 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

I’m happy to announce that we’re releasing an OS X application that does one thing: plays back a playlist of videos randomly until you make it stop.
We call it Random Video App.
If you want to play back a bunch of videos randomly from a Macintosh computer, this will do it for you. It uses the QuickTime framework so any video that QuickTime can play will be played by this app. We’ve used it to play SD and HD video in real-world gallery situations.
Most of the code was originally written by Alex Galloway for MTAA’s “One Year Performance Video (gallery version).” It was then updated for “Karaoke Deathmatch 100.” It’s been updated and used for other pieces over the years.
For this public release, I’ve updated and streamlined the software a bit and done other little adjustments to make it suitable for distribution.
Again, it does one thing: plays back a playlist of videos completely randomly. It’s been well-tested in the real world where it’s run video installations for hours and hours with no crashes, freezes, panics or other nasty things occurring.

It’s important that you read the readme.txt distributed with the software or you won’t know how to use it. If you find it useful and you use it, let us know. It would make us happy to know it was useful to you.
more notes
- This version of the software has only been tested on OS X 10.5. If you try it on other versions of the OS and it works. Awesome! Drop us an email and let us know.
- It won’t work on Power PC-based computers. But it may if you re-compile it, which brings me to the next note…
- If you want the source let me know. It’s open source, but I’m just too lazy to clean it all up for distribution unless someone actually wants it.
Mar 07, 2010
links for 2010-03-06
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
from Rhizome, "Ryder Ripps, of Internet Archaeology, along with Tim Baker (Delicious) and Scott Van Damme (MIT Exhibit), recently launched a beta version of, a chat room where participants communicate solely through images. The site combines the creative back and forth of surf clubs, tumblr’s loose and rapid-fire network of image transmission, and the real time spontaneity of an old school chat room."
Mar 06, 2010
links for 2010-03-05
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Mar 05, 2010
random friday post 03-05-10
posted at 13:18 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
links for 2010-03-04
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
"For the past fifty years, the Museum of Modern Art has been separating artists from their politics and in so doing sanitizing the history of Modern Art. 'Communist Tour of MoMA' connects the history of Modern Art to history of the 20th century Communist movement."
Mar 04, 2010
links for 2010-03-03
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Mar 02, 2010
links for 2010-03-01
posted at 02:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
We're new media artists. :-)
Upgrade! NY presents the Collaborative Futures book launch and talk. Collaborative Futures, book about free collaboration written collaboratively over five days during the 2010 Transmediale Festival, locked six writers and one programmer in a Berlin hotel room to collaboratively write a book about the future of free collaboration; the authors started with only the title, and ended the week with a book.
Rob Myers reviews the exhibition Digital Pioneers, at the V & A Museum. An overview of the first decades of the computer's history in art and design. including some of the earliest computer-generated works in the V&A's collections, many of which have never been exhibited in the UK before.