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Feb 09, 2010

7 years! blog-o-versary

posted at 13:08 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Pathetically, not much has changed around here since last year. STILL haven’t moved this thing over to Wordpress. Maybe this year…

Luckily M.River’s keeping it running.

The required link to the first post.

More importantly, it’s Alligators in the Sewers Day! permanent link to this post

Lee Walton WAPPENING #4 NY/SF right now

posted at 00:39 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

At this moment, a man is locked to a bench in Union Square Park, SF.

To unlock him, find the woman in the red scarf at Atlas Cafe in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. She is the only person that knows the combination to the lock. She will give it to you.

more info via facebook

Sigh. I just put a pizza in the oven.

Update 7:58pm EST. Fine then. I’m going to get my thermals on and bike over to the cafe. Back in about an hour.

Update 8:55pm EST 07-33-15

Update 9:20pm EST Looks like he is free. permanent link to this post

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