Oct 31, 2009
posted at 16:18 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Oct 30, 2009
halloween week - friday
posted at 11:47 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Oct 29, 2009
halloween week - thursday
posted at 13:45 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Oct 28, 2009
halloween week - wednesday
posted at 11:59 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Oct 27, 2009
halloween week - tuesday
posted at 12:19 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Oct 26, 2009
halloween week - monday
posted at 17:38 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Oct 15, 2009
Two new art blogs
posted at 21:58 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Two new ones made it into my feed reader recently.
The first is Idiom. Published by art lovers, art bloggers and art collectors (just all around awesome art dudes) Barry Hoggard and James Wagner, the site promises “a local, engaged counterpoint to the prevailing discourse of contemporary art.” And so far, so good with longer form, thoughtful articles.
The second is Hyperallergic. It’s edited by the well-known art blogger Hrag Vartanian and published by someone I haven’t heard of named Veken Gueyikian (who looks to be a marketing dude). This one promises “a forum for serious and radical thinking about visual art.” Sounds good!
Looking forward to what these two new sites will have in store and wishing them well. permanent link to this post
Oct 11, 2009
You Tunes at OTO
posted at 16:26 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

some photos from You Tunes at OTO last night on Flickr
Participants answer questions on a form, such as favorite superhero or cake. The You Tunes band (Preston Poe, Kyle Hester, David and Tara Gladden, Monica Hurtado and Clinton Wilkins) with about 1 min prep, played your song and burned it on CD. They asked Tim and I to kick it off by attempting to each do a song. Here are the awkward-but-fun results.
M.River Song by T.Whid
T.Whid’s Song By M.River permanent link to this post
Oct 10, 2009
inaction painting at work
posted at 14:47 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

just to prove that it could be done – claw hammer 90 degrees to desk using only 2 sided tape for 48 hours permanent link to this post
Oct 05, 2009
OTO Sat Oct 10 - “YouTunes”: a performance sound project
posted at 22:52 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

On October 10, 2009 from 7pm to 10pm, Over The Opening is pleased to present “YouTunes”: a performance sound project with Preston Poe and Kyle Hester.
YouTunes is a personalized song customization and distribution system. Poe and Hester invite you to participate by filling out a simple primarily multiple-choice form. Based on your answers, the artists will craft a custom-made song just for you.
“We’ll write, play, sing, record and burn a CD just for you on the spot- all for 99 centavos”
In an effort to compete with iTunes, the artists will be charging 99 cents per song. You bring a dollar bill and they will give you back your very own song burnt on CD and penny for your thoughts change. Choose your themes, rhythm, key phrases, and musical style, and they will match it to a carefully considered, spontaneous, personally crafted melody - with lyrics to boot!
Poe and Hester’s cache of musical YouTunes styles and instruments includes (but is not limited to) Theremin, electric “micro” pipe organ, washtub, fingerpickin’ guitar, ukulele, various percussion instruments, and many other surprises.
Free beer and wine will be on hand as well as a variety of international culinary tastes that will appeal to one and all.
Over The Opening (OTO) - Once a month, from 7PM to 10PM, the artist collective MTAA convert their N6th St. Brooklyn studio into a venue for the presentation of time-based art.
OTO direction and map permanent link to this post
Oct 03, 2009
some mtaa art likes for 10.03.09
posted at 21:25 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

NY Art Book Fair at PS1

A Voyage of Growth and Discovery - Mike Kelly and Mike Smith at the Sculpture Center

Jack Early at Southfirst
permanent link to this post
All About Greenpoint’s Rooftop Farms
posted at 16:30 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
PIE IN THE SKY: All About Greenpoint’s Rooftop Farms
w/ Annie Novak
MONDAY, Oct. 5, 7:30pm
(709 Lorimer St., Brooklyn)
New York City is a Farmer’s Paradise! Just ask Annie Novak, one of the masterminds behind Greenpoint’s Rooftop Farms, a 6,000 square foot organic farm picture-esquely plopped on top of a warehouse overlooking midtown Manhattan. Her operation — founded in partnership with Ben Flanner, a neophyte to farming, and Goode Green, a green-roofing specialist — currently produces produce for a host of Brooklyn gourmandizers, including Anella and Marlow and Sons. They even run a farm stand featuring fresh picked produce every Sunday! Come hear how this urban Agronomist tells us the unlikely story of how she did it — and learn how you can too!
More on Rooftop Farms at the web site permanent link to this post