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Oct 15, 2009

Two new art blogs

posted at 21:58 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

The art market downturn hasn’t harmed one area of the art world — art blogs!

Two new ones made it into my feed reader recently.

The first is Idiom. Published by art lovers, art bloggers and art collectors (just all around awesome art dudes) Barry Hoggard and James Wagner, the site promises “a local, engaged counterpoint to the prevailing discourse of contemporary art.” And so far, so good with longer form, thoughtful articles.

The second is Hyperallergic. It’s edited by the well-known art blogger Hrag Vartanian and published by someone I haven’t heard of named Veken Gueyikian (who looks to be a marketing dude). This one promises “a forum for serious and radical thinking about visual art.” Sounds good!

Looking forward to what these two new sites will have in store and wishing them well. permanent link to this post

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