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Jun 29, 2009

large dark wind chime (tritone westy)

posted at 21:37 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver


klaus weber’s large dark wind chime (tritone westy) at creative time’s this world and nearer ones on governors island, ny permanent link to this post

Jun 25, 2009

secondary market and american muscle

posted at 13:31 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

hanne mugaas @ no soul for sale

Hanne Mugaas’s “Secondary Market” at Dispatch’s space at No Soul For Sale

jonathan schipper @ pierogi

Jonathan Schipper’s “The Slow Inevitable Death of American Muscle” at Pierogi’s Boiler Space
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Jun 15, 2009

photos from The Feraliminal Lycanthroparty

posted at 12:41 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

The Feraliminal Lycanthroparty

some photos from Kai’s OTO, The Feraliminal Lycanthroparty, now up on OTO’s Flickr set

What is a Feraliminal Lycanthroparty?

Two sinewaves — one 3hz, the other 9hz played together via 2 amps. These two frequencies (one acting as carrier, the other as program) generate a lower third, .56hz. The amps run into 3 large magnets (“but kickers” - like the kind sometimes used in immersion theme park rides) place under a wood platform. The platform transmits the pulse from the magnets up to a wood bench. Around the bench, 3 sets of speakers play 6 palindrome loops of the words “yes” and “no”. Behind the bench a set of flashlights turn on and off, projecting onto a large stretched canvas in sequence. The room, ideally, is pitch black, sweltering hot, with a garbage can full of ice and beer. permanent link to this post

Jun 13, 2009

Data center as art and architecture

posted at 16:02 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

The Times pays attention to something that’s intrigued me for a while — the aesthetics of data centers (here too). Having visited such places in my duties to commerce, I noticed how a standard rack of servers has the same sort of monumental minimalism of a Judd, but with lots of blinking lights and white fan noise thrown in for good measure.

MTAA has envisioned a sculpture that would comprise a standard 19” rack holding multiple computers running a small website hosting service. This rack would be installed in a ‘heroic’ manner in the center of a gallery raised on computer flooring above the normal floor. I think we wanted to call it “Monument.”

What the NYT article is doing and what “Monument” is intended to do is reveal these hidden systems that we all rely on. In the case of “Monument” — we’d attempt to aestheticize the purely functional (the NYT photos do something similar). permanent link to this post

Jun 12, 2009

tv is dead.

posted at 17:11 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver


Back in 1999, I was sitting in a noisy club by myself watching the bar’s TV with the sound turned off. They had on what looked like some vintage 50’s propaganda cartoons that I had not seen before. As I watched, the scene cut from some cartoon war to an image of the globe. Coming out of the globe was a huge red banner that said something like “Save Free Television.” As the cartoon cut back to the war, I thought - ”wait… did that really say Save Free TV? Why would anyone need to save TV? It’s like saying save tall buildings. I should start a nonsensical digital campaign to save analog TV.”

And so came to pass MTAA’s first, and on this last day of TV, our most prophetic misunderstanding to date.
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Jun 10, 2009

The Feraliminal Lycanthroparty

posted at 22:56 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

The Feraliminal Lycanthropizer

On June 13th from 7 to 10pm, OTO is pleased to present a new sound environment by Kai Vierstra

The Feraliminal Lycanthroparty is a celebration of one of the most diabolically wacky inventions science has ever seen (or at least whispered about). It’s the feraliminal lycanthropizer and it’s a low frequency thanato-auric wave generator, and it’s at OTO for one night only. Expect some serious relaxation of muscles and mores with vibrations and party favors. It’s gonna be an awesome night. The feraliminal lycanthroparty is brought to you by the Brooklyn based artist, Kai Vierstra, who bases this and most all his other work on the continuation of what little he knows and can guess about his father’s wave research with MIT/Lincoln Laboratory’s group 38 “Air Defense Systems”.

For more information on the feraliminal lycanthropizer, please visit-

and for more of Kai’s work -

more info on OTO at Over The Opening
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Jun 02, 2009

Wheel of The Devil playlist

posted at 01:25 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Below, most of the work that comprised The Wheel of The Devil at May’s OTO. Not screened in this order, links where we can…
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