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Feb 28, 2009

MTAA in Theater of Code at Light Industry

posted at 17:48 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

$'## $"##'

Theater of Code at Light Industry
Tuesday, March 3, 2009 at 7:30pm
Curated by Christiane Paul

Theater of Code will present three performance/interventions that explore how computer code, scripting language, and software applications relate to the movement of bodies and the staging and choreography of our lives. Curated by Christiane Paul

Adrianne Wortzel’s A Re-enactment of The Battle of the Pyramids

Ursula Endlicher’s Website Impersonations: The Ten Most Visited (Facebook)


MTAA returns to Light Industry with two new performances of code-based art. In the first work—titled $”##’—MTAA re-stages John Cage’s 4’33” within a framework of a new media lecture. The second project is a demonstration of Autotrace, a software-generated appropriation and shape creation system. As part of the Autotrace performance, MTAA will use one of the newly generated “Autotraced shapes” to create a ridiculously large, two-dimensional, site-specific work right in front of the audience’s eyes.

Tickets - $7, available at door.

more info and directions to Light Industry
permanent link to this post

Feb 27, 2009

Secret School 04: Gold at Over The Opening (OTO) March 7

posted at 14:26 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver


On March 7, 2009 from 7-10PM, OTO
welcomes back Huong Ngo for Secret School 04: Gold

Secret School is pleased to collaborate with a team of economists led by Daniel J. Martin to create a functioning and participatory economy based on the gold standard. They will examine the global and political forces that drive the continued mining and hoarding of gold, and the ecological and humanitarian crises that result. Secret School and Martin will present a text that reframes, in a contemporary context, Adam Smith’s argument for the use of the gold as a medium of exchange.

Secret School explores the importance of the hidden and invisible in the social identity of a community through a series of time-based events and collaborations. Ranging from the political to the personal, epic to the quotidian, unknown to unknowable, how do secrets function in the transfer and preservation of power? At a time in which oversaturation of readily available information already exceeds our capacity for adequate synthesis, how can the poetics of secrets cut through the logic of facts? When does the form of a secret supersede its content, and under what circumstances must information remain a secret? Secret School spans an indefinite number of sessions and range of spaces and extends from the aesthetic practice of building systems of social exchange.

For more information, visit Secret School or email

Once a month, from 7PM to 10PM, the artist collective MTAA convert their N6th St. Brooklyn studio into a venue for the presentation of time-based art.

Map to OTO permanent link to this post

Worst. Tweet. Ever.

posted at 00:56 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

First off, if you are not familiar with micro bloggin’, just skip this post. It’s kinda nerdy and it’s not that great of a post – so, you will not be missing anything.

Twhid, on the way to Brooklyn D.I.Y. at the MOMA last night, mentioned that he was twittering about going to the show (note Twhid twitters but I do not do any microblog stuff — unless you count my occasional updates on Facebook). He talked about the weird feeling he gets on seeing the constant flow of tweets from people who go out every night and have hip, action-packed lives. I reminded him tweets are a type of fiction and that people edit their lives. People tend to avoid the low parts like “sitting alone on the couch eating ice cream out of the carton” or “just vomited on my shoes” or “tending to bills at work” or, what we decided would be the worst tweet ever, “just finished masturbating — off to lunch now”

Yep. That’s about it. If you have a worst Worst.Tweet.Ever, send it on over to Twhid.

Update - Oh, hey. Guthrie Lonergan sent us some real world examples of the Worst.Tweet.Ever

Thanks Guthrie. Enjoy permanent link to this post

Feb 25, 2009

DVD Stills (2 flickr slide shows)

posted at 16:33 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

2the decent

One photo, shot without pause, from each of the DVDs I rented and watch alone in 2006 and 2007

Enjoy. permanent link to this post

Feb 24, 2009

Beautiful Breath: Veil Water

posted at 18:57 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Duchamp’s Belle Haleine, Eau de Voilette
1921, New York
perfume bottle with collage label
inside oval violet cardboard box
assisted readymade
bottle: 15.2 cm tall
box: 16.3 x 11.2 cm

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Feb 22, 2009

tintype reopens

posted at 02:56 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

fyi - tintype, m.river photo blog, is back from winter hiatus. comments open. rss. enjoy. permanent link to this post

Feb 21, 2009

The Future Is Not What It Used To Be

posted at 18:18 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Cool show opening @ Postmasters next weekend!

Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 6:00pm
Postmasters Gallery
459 West 19th Street (at 10th Avenue)

“the future is not what is used to be” brings together artists engaged in the Internet shaped culture. Through drawings, photographs, sculpture, video, and online projects they explore social interaction in a networked world, reflection in the times of speed, new communication tools and smart technologies affecting cultural and sociopolitical reality, sustainable strategies for contemporary life, connectivity and dis-connect, digital/analog divide, instantaneity and obsolescence, the web as the largest image depository ever, and new forms of appropriation, means of production, and modes of political engagement.


Kevin Bewersdorf
Charles Broskoski
Marc Horowitz
Kenneth Tin-Kin Hung
Kristin Lucas
Michael Mandiberg
Eva and Franco Mattes (
Joe McKay
JooYoun Paek
Marcin Ramocki & Paul Slocum (with Spiritsurfers)

If you’re on Facebook, you can check out the event here; there’s lots more info. permanent link to this post

Feb 11, 2009

Uni plays Nightswimming for AFTP

posted at 18:07 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

A short video shot by by Peter Samis.

This video features Uni and her Ukelele. Uni played R.E.M.’s “Nightswimming” as part of MTAA’s “Automatic for the People: (We Solemnly Promise That No One Will Get Naked)” at SFMOMA. permanent link to this post

ATFP: (WSPTNOWGN) — photos

posted at 14:10 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid


SFMOMA posted a flickr set of “AUTOMATIC FOR THE PEOPLE (We Solemnly Promise That No One Will Get Naked).” Check out the photos

There’s a few more here too. permanent link to this post

Feb 10, 2009

6 years? Holy shit.

posted at 01:27 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Yes, it’s the 6th anniversary of the MTAA Reference Resource. As promised, we didn’t forget it this year.

The required link to the first post.

We’ve been a tad remiss in our blogging and we’ll try to be better. We’ve been planning for years to move to a new platform and we hope to get that done this year at some point.

Thanks to everyone that visits here! permanent link to this post

AFTP ( ) Robots at SFMOMA

our robots

t’was fun…more soon.

Feb 03, 2009

Happy 10th Domain-iversary to us

posted at 14:40 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

10 years ago today, MTAA registered permanent link to this post

Feb 02, 2009

Please join us this Saturday at SFMOMA for the final act of AFTP ( )

posted at 19:48 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

automatic for the people ( ) - mtaa

Automatic for the People: (We Solemnly Promise That No One Will Get Naked) will begin on Saturday Febuary 7, at SFMOMA outside the frieght elevator on the 3rd floor at 12 noon.

Prologue - a live audience at SFMOMA votes that the Automatic for the People: ( ) performance should happen in SFMOMA’s freight elevator

Poll 1 - the people decided that the performance should be titled: Automatic for the People: (We Solemnly Promise That No One Will Get Naked)

Poll 2 - it is decided that the duration of the performance should be “the exact same length as R.E.M.’s ‘Automatic for the People’ album”

Poll 3 - house plants, 2x4s, lawn chairs and a PA are to be used as props during the performance

Poll 4 - we’ve been directed to refer to these themes during the performance: Marcel Duchamp, chat rooms, ukuleles and take-out food

Poll 5 - we will game, build, dance and photograph (slowly) during the performance

Poll 6 - we’ll be dressed as robots

Poll 7 - the general public will be allowed to attend the performance

Poll 8 - and they’ve chosen to have wine & cheese for refreshment

Poll 9 - the nature of the space will be “all over the place”

Poll 10 - the performance will conclude in a dance party.

permanent link to this post

1997 - 2006 M.River & T.Whid Art Associates. Some Rights Reserved. is licensed under a Creative Commons License with the exception of Website Unseen titles which are covered by agreements with individual collectors and otherwise where noted.