Jan 27, 2009
more RnD on robots / humans
posted at 15:14 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Jan 26, 2009
The humans are dead
posted at 01:52 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Jan 23, 2009
AFTP: ( ) update: BONUS POLL!
posted at 02:17 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
If you’re in San Francisco, CA don’t miss the performance on Feb 7th @ high noon! It’s at SFMOMA on the 3rd floor.
An update on MTAA’s Automatic for the People: ( ) project
Artists MTAA will conduct a performance on Feb 7 at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. What they do during this performance and how they do it is up for a vote.
Go here to participate:
This is the situation:
Prologue - a live audience at SFMOMA votes that the Automatic for the People: ( ) performance should happen in SFMOMA’s freight elevator
Poll 1 - the people decided that the performance should be titled: Automatic for the People: (We Solemnly Promise That No One Will Get Naked)
Poll 2 - it is decided that the duration of the performance should be “the exact same length as R.E.M.’s ‘Automatic for the People’ album”
Poll 3 - house plants, 2x4s, lawn chairs and a PA are to be used as props during the performance
Poll 4 - we’ve been directed to refer to these themes during the performance: Marcel Duchamp, chat rooms, ukuleles and take-out food
Poll 5 - we will game, build, dance and photograph (slowly) during the performance
Poll 6 - we’ll be dressed as robots
Poll 7 - the general public will be allowed to attend the performance
Poll 8 - and they’ve chosen to have wine & cheese for refreshment
Poll 9 - the nature of the space will be “all over the place”
Poll 10 - the performance will conclude in a dance party!
BONUS POLL!!!!! - Silent Mantra
- Mind over matter, mouth in motion (Public Enemy, “Rightstarter”)
- No sleep ‘til Brooklyn (The Beastie Boys, “No Sleep till Brooklyn”)
- I’m completely operational and all my circuits are functioning normally. (Hal 9000, “2001: A Space Odyssey”)
- Isn’t life a series of images that change as they repeat themselves? (Andy Warhol)
- I am interested in ideas, not merely in visual products. (Marcel Duchamp)
- Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear — not absence of fear (Mark Twain)
- All warfare is based on deception. (Sun Tzu, “The Art of War”)
- The art happens here. (MTAA, “The Simple Net Art Diagram”)
- May both of us work together with great vigor. (Shanti Mantras)
- Nothing’s free but guaranteed for a lifetime’s use. (R.E.M., “Star Me Kitten”)
We suggest that you listen to the museum audio tour when visiting the Automatic for the People: ( ) website to vote.
To do this:
- go to
- download the audio tour in MP3 format
- vote
(You can also listen to the audio tour on your phone: 415-294-3609, 424#)
You can listen to us babble on about the piece even more! Here:
woohoo! permanent link to this post
Jan 19, 2009
MLK day 2009
posted at 16:10 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

AND, it’s Edgar Allen Poe’s 200th birthday!

…slideshow from the NYT permanent link to this post
Jan 17, 2009
AFTP: ( ) FINAL POLL #10: CONCLUSION! (Jan 15-21)
posted at 16:26 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Here is the script as voted by museum and online viewers so far…
“Automatic for the People: (We Solemnly Promise That No One Will Get Naked)” will be held in SFMOMA’s freight elevator at noon on 02/07/09 and last for the exact length as REM’s “Automatic for the People.”
We will use house plants, 2x4s, lawn chairs and a PA as props. We will refer to Marcel Duchamp, chat rooms, ukuleles and take-out food. We will game, build, dance and photograph during the performance (slowly). We will dress as robots. This performance will be seen by the general public who will enjoy a wine and cheese refreshment. The character of the space will be “all over the place.”
This week’s vote…
the CONCLUSION! permanent link to this post
SFMOMA Artcast January 2009
posted at 16:16 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
The curator Rudolf Freiling talks about “The Art of Participation: 1950 to Now,” we talk about our piece “Automatic for the People: ( )” and visitors to the museum talk about their reactions to the exhibition and how they feel about interactive art in general.
You can download the file in vanilla MP3, M4A (for iTunes; audio with images) or stream it from the SFMOMA website.
You can also subscribe to their RSS podcast feed and get updated auto-magically when they post a new one permanent link to this post
Jan 12, 2009
AFTP: ( ) Update! Poll #9: SPACE (JAN 8-14)
posted at 03:18 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Here is the script as voted by museum and online viewers so far…
“Automatic for the People: (We Solemnly Promise That No One Will Get Naked)” will be held in SFMOMA’s freight elevator on 02/07/09 at noon for the exact same length as R.E.M.’s “Automatic for the People” album. We will use house plants, 2x4s, lawn chairs and a PA as props. We will refer to Marcel Duchamp, chat rooms, ukuleles and take-out food. We will game, build, dance, slow and photograph during the performance. We will dress as robots. This performance will be seen by the general public who will enjoy a wine and cheese refreshment.
This week’s vote…
SPACE! permanent link to this post
Jan 07, 2009
Secret School with Hong-An Truong Jan 17 at OTO
posted at 22:33 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

On January 17, 2009 from 7-10PM, Over The Opening (OTO) is pleased to present the first installment of Huong Ngo’s nomadic project Secret School featuring the work of Hong-An Truong.
The metaphysicians of Tlön are not looking for truth, nor even for an approximation of it; they are after a kind of amazement. They consider metaphysics a branch of fantastic literature. — Jorge Luis Borges, “Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius”
Secret School explores the importance of the hidden and invisible in the social identity of a community through a series of time-based events and collaborations. Ranging from the political to the personal, epic to the quotidian, unknown to unknowable, how do secrets function in the transfer and preservation of power? At a time in which oversaturation of readily available information already exceeds our capacity for adequate synthesis, how can the poetics of secrets cut through the logic of facts? When does the form of a secret supersede its content, and under what circumstances must information remain a secret?
Secret School Session 01 is pleased to present Wheel In the Sky, a three-channel video installation by Hong-An Truong. Wheel In the Sky investigates the possibilities of media to bear witness to moments of trauma and moments of poetry when human memory fails. As the video unfolds, the artist questions her father about his interest in the band Journey, and his responses reveal a frustration and acute sensitivity to the loss of meaning in the translation from their native Vietnamese tongue into English and vice versa. The conversation also suggests what impact the years of colonization have had on his perception of Vietnam’s most treasured art form, the poem. Secret School will collaborate with Hong-An Truong to create a text that reveals, complicates, and further conceals what is lost in translation, creating a liminal space out of what is inexpressible.
Session 01 takes place at OTO, Brooklyn, NY on January 17, 2009 from 7-10PM. Secret School spans an indefinite number of sessions and range of spaces.
Directions to OTO
permanent link to this post
Jan 02, 2009
Robot costumes attack!
posted at 22:21 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
AFTP() Update - #8: REFRESHMENTS (JAN 1–7)
posted at 16:15 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Here is the script as voted by museum and online viewers so far…
“Automatic for the People (aka We Solemnly Promise That No One Will Get Naked)” will be held in SFMOMA’s freight elevator on 02/07/09 at 1 PM for the exact same length as R.E.M.’s “Automatic for the People” album. We will use house plants, 2x4s, lawn chairs and a PA as props. We will refer to Marcel Duchamp, chat rooms, ukuleles, and take-out food. We will game, build, dance, slow and photograph during the performance. We will dress as robots. This performance will be seen by the general public.
This week’s vote…
permanent link to this post