Sep 29, 2008
A new idea…
posted at 02:05 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Two shapes randomly extracted from an autotrace of a JPEG reproduction of Da Vinci’s Last Supper. M.River randomly selected the top, T.Whid the bottom. It would be better if software did the random selection.
This is a sketch or mockup or whatever you want to call something that really isn’t a finished piece.
M.River adds — Two shapes painted directly on a wall. The heights of the shapes are equal to the height of the Last Supper (15’); may involve a live performance. permanent link to this post
Sep 25, 2008
I had sort of given up on politics…
posted at 13:56 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/politics
McCain is such a fucking tool.

photo © Jill Greenberg permanent link to this post
Sep 24, 2008
In the studio (9/23/2008)
posted at 13:59 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

M.River on the mic
Thanks to MTAA’s #1 fan you can see just how exciting the action is in our studio — ANIMATED!

Sep 20, 2008
koller’s campfire time at oto
posted at 14:16 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Our Political Work
2008, digital video with software

In our age there is no such thing as ‘keeping out of politics.’ All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia.
— George Orwell
Continuing a series of computer-driven self-portraits, MTAA’s Our Political Work presents the artists in a never-ending state of screaming, yelling, waiting and sometimes laughing. Using 141 filmed moments, custom software randomly selects and joins video clips into a seemingly endless array of undignified action. Begun in 2007 and completed in 2008, Our Political Work creates an open-ended depiction of political discourse as Beckett-like action.
A 2008 commission of LX 2.0, a project of Lisboa 20 Arte Contemporânea and curated by Luis Silva. link to work | permanent link to this post
Sep 13, 2008
Lee Walton: Official Book Signing Event
posted at 22:13 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Lee Walton: Official Book Signing Event - Strand Bookstore, NYC - Lee Walton signs books form the Strand’s outdoor $1 book bins. (that’s Lee in the green hat)

This is the book I got for Lee to sign (not one from the $1 bin)

I had him sign page 148 on a the image of Manzoni signing one of his “Living Sculpture”. I think Tim and I will sign it on the page with Gilbert and George and then put it up for auction on eBay. permanent link to this post
Campfire Time - Mike Koller at OTO - Sept.19
posted at 12:08 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

On September 19, from 7pm to 10pm, Over The Opening is pleased to present Campfire Time, a new installation by Mike Koller. This marks his second exhibition at OTO.
“… either sitting around a campfire drinking beer and telling lies, or telling lies and drinking beer while sitting around a campfire. But I wasn’t there so I can only guess.” - from Bigfoot Has a Long, Lively Local History by Guy Barnes
OTO’s one night format provides an excellent forum to examine social situations and the various activities they surround. Koller’s 2007 instalation, “The Holiday Rejects” looked at the holiday season and the awkward obligations of our interactions during these familial events. In this spirit of experiment, “Campfire Time” examines the intimacy and spirituality of the campfire and our fascination with it. An installation featuring animated projections of the west at sunset, fake logs, terrain, a carefully edited mix of sounds, and of course the campfire itself, “Campfire Time” gives the opportunity for the viewer to develop their own ideas on the nature of our interactions around this timeless and supernatural centerpiece.
Drink beer, tell lies, sing songs, converse intimately, tell ghost stories, or quietly enjoy the recorded crackles and pops of a campfire as you sit beneath the projected sky. Stare pensively into the incandescent glow of the campfire, rest your head on a fake log, and bid a fond farewell to summer.
directions and info on OTO permanent link to this post
Sep 09, 2008
Dante’s Inferno RIP
posted at 14:48 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Astroland is now closed for the summer and forever. The 1970 dark ride Dante’s Inferno is up for sale ($225,000). Here is some video I shot on the ride a few years back. Tim and I took the video and looped it, slowed it, and ran it back and forth to make this 3 min film. For the most part, it’s just black with a person screaming. Go ahead and take one last ride.
USM from mriver on Vimeo. permanent link to this post
Sep 07, 2008
Port Huron Project 6: Let Another World Be Born
posted at 14:16 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Mark Tribe’s Port Huron Project today in NYC!!
Here’s the info:
Public reenactment of a 1967 speech by Stokely Carmichael
Sunday, September 7, 2008, 5:00 PM
East 43rd St. at Tudor City Place, New York, NY
All the way east on 43rd Street
Subways 4, 5, 6, 6, S to Grand Central
Lots more info here. permanent link to this post
Sep 06, 2008
photos of ecoarttech at oto
posted at 17:00 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Sep 05, 2008
BBEdit syntax coloring
posted at 19:02 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/geek
I really want to go back to using BBEdit. Overall, it’s better than TextMate (especially the search). But it’s got this syntax coloring problem when editing JS in the head of an HTML page that DRIVES. ME. NUTS. Is pictured below:

BBEdit 9 is a better than the previous version, but it gets tripped up on parans in the string if you put a forward slash in it as well (if you take the parans out it works correctly). As you can see, if you’re putting HTML tags in the string (which is probably a pretty common thing to do) it breaks the syntax coloring for the rest of the JS in the doc. This happens if the doc is set to ‘html.’ If you set it to ‘JavaScript’ then the JS is OK but the HTML doesn’t get proper syntax coloring.
Does anyone know how to fix this? It’s driving me nuts and back to TextMate. permanent link to this post
posted at 14:17 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
More info:
EcoArtTech (Christine Nadir & Cary Peppermint) continue to rethink relations between humans, technics, technology, and the environment with Externalities: Wilderness and its Others a networked, video-based performance piece. The performance will examine the conditions of possibility for getting back to “nature.”
Friday, September 5, 2008 Starts at 7:00pm
Over The Opening (AKA MTAA’s studio)
60 North 6th St.
Brooklyn, NY (gmap)
Take the L train to Bedford Ave. permanent link to this post
Sep 03, 2008
Conflux 08 (September 11 - 14)
posted at 17:34 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Photo of Kate’s big win in MTAA’s Super Slow 5k durring Conflux 07
Conflux is an “art and technology festival for the creative exploration of urban public space.” Last year, MTAA performed the Super Slow 5K as part of the festival. This year, I was asked to be part of the juror committee. Here are a few (of the many ) 08 projects that I’m looking forward to checking out.
Lee Walton: Official Book Signing Event - Strand Bookstore, NYC - Lee Walton signs books form the Strand’s outdoor $1 book bins.
Woody’s Ghost - Preston Poe performs the songs Woody wrote in the very locations where he wrote and sang them.
Open House - Finishing School opens the home of Matt Fisher and Todd Cooper.
C-Town Echolocation - Jeff Sisson and Bennett Williamson tour and map NYC’s C-Town supermarkets.
Speculation Station - The Eh-Team builds a faux subway entrance.
permanent link to this post