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Jun 26, 2008

Crazy art links!

posted at 16:14 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Olafur Eliasson’s “Waterfalls” are ON! It’s rainy today so I didn’t bike and will miss out on checking out the perfect view of one of the falls from the Manhattan Bridge. It will suck to bike it if/when the tourists figure out you can get a great view from there.

Roberta Smith’s review of the Waterfalls


Josh Harris: still nuts; calls “an elaborate piece of performance art.” Not so sure about that…


Is it a Warhol? Who knows? Who cares? (Except for the chump that paid millions for it, his insurers, The Warhol Foundation, etc.) Me? I think it’s a damn good Warhol whether he did it, knew about it, or whatever. permanent link to this post

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