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Apr 29, 2008

Self-Selected SuperSt*rs TONIGHT!

posted at 13:28 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Reminder: MTAA is doing a live demonstration TONIGHT!

On April 29 from 8PM to 10PM, in a Sunset Park factory, the artist collaboration MTAA shoot and simultaneously screen two films… starring you.

Two directors/camera operators will set up at Light Industry deep in the heart of Brooklyn. The space will have some cheap/random props and costumes. If you want some acting direction, we’ll have scripts and improv notes ready. If acting isn’t your thing, just come in and be your fabulous self. The shooting will be continuous and casual with both films projected live for your viewing pleasure. Join us for the entire shoot or just walk in for your close-up.

More info here

Plus, as a SPECIAL BONUS, T.Whid will conduct a screening of contemporary loops. It’ll work like this:

while (!handsInTheAir) {loop;}

It will loop and iterate AT THE SAME TIME!

Be there or be something with 4 right angles!

Events take place in Industry City
55 33rd Street (between 2nd and 3rd Avenue), 3rd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11232
(directions) permanent link to this post

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