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[splash image]


Apr 16, 2008

m.river speaks…

posted at 13:01 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Although I’m not sure what drove T.Whid to write this disclaimer, I thought I’d follow up with my own.


To whom it may concern,

Everything I, M.River, post on the MTAA-RR is true. Not only are the posts true and unbiased, but they should be thought of as truths that point to a greater reality that goes beyond right and wrong.

No… no, that’s nice, but you do not need to thank me, toss flowers at my feet or build small shrines in my honor. I’m here to give you the truth because you deserve it. Yes, I do all this for you.

Take care and try to be nice to each other today or you will feel my wrath.


twhid update:
hahahahahahaha permanent link to this post

Just to be clear…

posted at 02:34 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

T.Whid’s posts on this blog represent his opinions. There is no objectivity here. I’ll post notices for my friend’s shows but not your show; link to positive reviews of MTAA’s work, but not negative; link to positive reviews of artists I like, but not negative; support Rhizome uncritically; write exuberant things about stuff I love; post mean critiques about stuff I hate; write nice things about my friends, just because they’re my friends; narcissistically post lots and lots and lots of stuff about MTAA — sometimes to the exclusion of everything else; tell lies; and generally spout off all kinds of crazy shit.

I have no institutional affiliation to anything in the art world and my opinions are my own (so leave M.River out of it).

(I finally understand why so many blogs out there post these sorts of disclaimers.) permanent link to this post

1997 - 2006 M.River & T.Whid Art Associates. Some Rights Reserved. is licensed under a Creative Commons License with the exception of Website Unseen titles which are covered by agreements with individual collectors and otherwise where noted.