Feb 29, 2008
Leap day! 2008!
posted at 16:39 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

It’s leap day! What are you going to do with your extra day this year? I’m not planning on doing much… pretty much just a normal day. Perhaps next leap day I’ll make some plans to do something that I would only do every 4 years.
[Image found here; #1 hit on Google image search] permanent link to this post
Feb 28, 2008
Andy Warhol eating a hamburger
posted at 18:50 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
via Rocketboom
update I
Kenyatta @ RB tells me they found the video on YouTube where it’s had over 200k views and over 800 comments.
I’m really curious as to the story behind this video… when it was made? where it was made? How this YouTuber got a hold of it…
For more famous artists doing fun things on video: Beastie Beuys.
update II (2/29)
Barry’s found another artist loving the Warhol eating a hamburger video.
And I received an email from Jacob Christensen with this info:
[…] It is an excerpt from a film made in 1981 by the Danish documentary film director and author Jørgen Leth called “66 Scenes from America”.
I remember seeing the excerpt at some time on Danish TV with Leth explaining the story - the point was quite simply to film Andy Warhol (an American icon) eating a hamburger (another American icon). Unfortunately, the film crew forgot to buy a soft drink along with the hamburger, but Warhol took — or rather ate —it in its stride.
More on Jørgen Leth at Wikipedia and IMDB… permanent link to this post
Feb 27, 2008
Cory’s Colors
posted at 18:48 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Cory Arcangel has released the Macintosh software that powers his “Colors” piece (first shown at Team in ‘06). Now anyone can make the work themselves.
Get it from his web site!
Rhizome has more info on this, including the fact that this piece is going to be shown at MoMA. If you hurry, you can exhibit it in your own apartment before it graces the mighty MoMA galleries. permanent link to this post
Feb 23, 2008
Photos of RSG’s KRIEGSPIEL LAN Party at OTO
posted at 15:03 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Feb 22, 2008
posted at 14:28 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Tonight Only
BYOL (Bring your own Laptop)
(7pm to 10pm) at OTO
More info here
twhid update
And if the snow stops you then you were never really any competition anyway. permanent link to this post
Feb 21, 2008
Boing Boing tv covers Brody
posted at 15:07 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Brody Condon’s “Performance Modifcation (Nauman)” gets the BBtv treatment today.
10 performers outfitted in medieval/space/fantasy armor re-create Bruce Nauman’s 1973 work “Tony Sinking into the Floor, Face Up and Face Down”. Performed in slow motion and combined with movements based on computer game death animations, this piece is accompanied by a high volume binaural beats reputed to induce out of body experiences.
It’s pretty lame how BBtv seems to strip out the Nauman reference in the piece. I understand that it’s not their audience, but couldn’t they take a little bit of a stab at it? Boing Boing seems pretty allergic to contemporary art so it’s unsurprising.
Link to Boing Boing tv episode with comments and downloadable video. permanent link to this post
Feb 20, 2008
5 years of MTAA blogging
posted at 14:28 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Here’s the first post.
I’ve put it in my calendar so it we won’t miss it next time. (Isn’t technology wonderful?)
m.river adds - “OH YEAH! almost forgot, if you want a link on the side bar over there, let me know.” Yeah, never happened…or no one wanted to be in our side bar in the last 5 years. permanent link to this post
Feb 19, 2008
Lee Walton in Boston
posted at 21:14 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Lee Walton’s going to be bombarding Boston with his Lee Walton-ness in the coming weeks.
If I was in Boston I would be there. Since I’m in New York, it might not be possible to attend :(
Two events:
an artist talk at the Art Institute of Boston…
a new performance at the Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston. permanent link to this post
Feb 15, 2008
Various bits 2/15/08
posted at 17:12 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
First, don’t forget — Kriegspiel LAN party rescheduled for Feb 22! Check it out!
Second, Montage: Unmonumental Online, Rhizome’s portion of the New Museum’s Unmonumental goes live today. Congrats to the curators Lauren Cornell and Marisa Olson and all the artists involved.
Last, and certainly not least, MTAA has released a brand spanking new piece of web art for 2008! Check it out…
Yes & No
Cool new app on Facebook called ArtShare created by a team working out of the Brooklyn Museum. Check it out if you’re on FB. permanent link to this post
RSG’s KRIEGSPIEL LAN Party is back
posted at 13:18 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
BYOL (Bring your own Laptop)
More info here permanent link to this post
Feb 12, 2008
CAE witch hunt continues
posted at 15:13 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Lots more at the Critical Art Ensemble Defense Fund web site. permanent link to this post
Feb 11, 2008
posted at 18:04 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
The creator of Pixish, Derek Powazek, has responded to the spec-work criticisms.
more update
I can only ask myself, was Mr. Powazek expecting some other response from creative professionals? Do a search for pixish spec and you can see the design community hating on this idea big time.
Any artist, illustrator or photographer that takes part in Pixish is either a rank amateur or an idiot.
From the site:
- Create an Assignment. Ask for what you want.
- Get Submissions. People create and submit their work.
- Peer Review. Community voting helps find the best.
- Pick Winners. Select your favorites and download.
- Rewards! Winners get prizes and rewards.
Golly gee willikers — PRIZES!
I love #2 — “people create […] work” — they forget to mention, for absolutely FREE! This is called working on spec. It’s nothing new. Most professional artists, graphic designers, illustrators and photographers won’t work on spec because it devalues their work.
Now, I’m all for free culture, creative commons and sharing ones creative work if one chooses. In fact, MTAA chooses to liberally license lots of our work and we’ve been involved in the creative commons and free culture movements.
I see this Pixish site as something completely different however. If someone is doing their own work for whatever agenda they might have, then decides to share it or license it liberally, that’s one thing. But to set-up an entire operation on-line whose sole purpose is to entice newbies and amateurs into working on spec — perhaps it will be helpful for the creator, perhaps it won’t — and then gussying it with web 2.0 buzzwords, it just doesn’t sit right with me. permanent link to this post
Robbers Steal $160m in Art From Zurich
posted at 14:55 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
AP via HuffPo
Is it wrong that when I read that the paintings were stolen from a collection amassed by a nazi collaborator that my sympathies instantly shifted to the thieves? permanent link to this post
Feb 08, 2008
Tonight’s OTO canceled
posted at 16:39 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Feb 07, 2008
Restless Crowd Control, 2001
posted at 13:38 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Restless Crowd Control (RCC) from mriver on Vimeo
Restless Crowd Control (RCC) was a one night installation at the Good Bad Art Collective in Brooklyn (2001).- slide projections, video projections, internet video-conferencing, custom police barricades, music by Willing (Fritz Welch, Ian Christe) and special guest Stephen O’Malley (of Sunn 0))), Khanate and Lotus Eaters). The linked vid is a 20 mins still shot of Willing’s performance. Play loud. Enjoy.
twhid sez - Awesome! I didn’t even know we had video of this. Whatever happened to Good Bad anyway?
M.River updates - Fritz just emailed to note that the secound guitar (off screen with Ian) is Stephen O’Malley of Sunn 0))), Khanate and Lotus Eaters. Also, I’ve been told that the Good Bad Art Collective (Denton /Brooklyn) split soon after. permanent link to this post
Feb 06, 2008
Can’t get riled over the Jetty
posted at 15:06 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
The NYT picks up on what the art blogs have been discussing over the last week or so: artists trying to stop oil drilling (or exploration) around the Spiral Jetty?
For whatever reason, I don’t really care. It was submerged for 3 decades because of poor planning (or ignorance) on Smithson’s part, there’s an argument whether he would want any preservation of the site and it is an earthwork after all. How ‘earthy’ can it be if it can’t stand a little oil drilling?
M. River adds - I’m fairly certain that Smithson knew what he was doing and was not ‘ignorant’ of entropy. Although, I’m not certain if T.Whid is being sarcastic in this post. “What good is a 20th century art icon if you can’t explore it for oil?” Yikes.
T.Whid responds - I didn’t mean to imply that he was ignorant of entropy, just that he may have been ignorant of the fact that the lake was low due to drought when the Jetty was built. Perhaps he wasn’t and part of the plan was that the Jetty would appear and disappear with the cycles of drought.
I’m not sure if I’m being sarcastic either. But I’m sure that I don’t really care about the Jetty drilling. permanent link to this post
Feb 05, 2008
M.River’s theme song
posted at 14:39 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Ukulele Style
M.River adds - Just in case you have not seen my all-uke all-m.river noise band, here is LOCU - League Of Crappy Ukes. Enjoy. permanent link to this post
Feb 03, 2008
Obama FTW
posted at 16:29 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/politics

Not that anyone cares, but I’m voting Barack Obama this Tuesday.
I would vote for Kucinich or Edwards (even though they’ve dropped out of the race) if New York wasn’t Clinton country.
Sadly (or perhaps not), I’m being swayed more by emotional than intellectual reasons. Obama does inspire me. I think with him as President that perhaps the US can finally and completely leave our racial problems behind. Perhaps an Obama presidency would really create true equality and justice in the US. I know that that sounds all too optimistic, but he does give me hope — as cheesy as that might sound.
In addition, Clinton is just more corporate-rule-as-usual. And dynasties are as un-american as can be and we should resist them when we can. Other than that, their policies are very similar. Obama’s health insurance policy has issues, but I’m hoping that when he’s president pressure from the left will force him to make it better, i.e. closer to the Edwards plan.
M.River adds - For the first time, I have registered as a Democrat. The reason is to vote for Senator Obama. I have only one simple reason why. He did not support the war in Iraq and I hope that he will, as president, remove our military from this country. That’s it. It’s time to bring troops home.
Another update - Krugman on Obama’s health plan… permanent link to this post
Feb 01, 2008
The MS/Yahoo! thing
posted at 21:57 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/geek
I was hoping that some Yahoo! OSS goodness might rub off on MS, but it just ain’t gonna happen. I use both OSS stuff (PHP, JS libraries etc) and MS stuff (, Visual Studio, etc) in my day-to-day and they are just completely different beasts. To try to cram the two together in the MicroHoo deal would result in a thing that no one wants to see. MS will kill what it can’t ignore and treat the rest like red-headed stepchildren.
Update - Helen A.S. Popkin of MSNBC (as well as MTAA’s pop culture guru)on MS+YAHOO permanent link to this post