Jan 30, 2008
OH SHIT! art-world ‘Runway’
posted at 14:43 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Sarah Jessica Parker’s Pretty Matches shingle is teaming with reality factory Magical Elves to create a “Project Runway”-type show for the art world.Read all about it on Variety.
Potential skein would pit a dozen aspiring artists against one another, following the group as they attempt to produce various kinds of artwork — from painting and photography to sculpting and industrial design. Pieces would be rated by a panel of judges, as well as by the contestants themselves.
And this looks like the real deal (not some half-baked attempt on a network that no one gets) — it’s got real TeeeVeee execs behind it! It’s currently a notion that needs money to be worked into a concept and then later it may become an idea.
(Oops, didn’t mean to step on the Kriegspiel announcement — sorry.)
m.river adds - “art-world runway” Ick. This is the a black hole result of the strike.
t.whid adds
I actually like Project Runway LOL.
But, seriously, any artist that allows a bunch of teevee execs and producers to control how they appear in the media is taking a huge gamble. You would think that a contemporary artist would know better. On the other hand, it seems like the biggest dorks from these reality shows go on to infest our television sets for years to come — so what do I know? permanent link to this post
KRIEGSPIEL - Guy Debord’s 1978 “Game of War” Produced for computer by RSG
posted at 14:35 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

On February 08, from 7pm to 10 pm, OTO is pleased to present -
+ LAN party! +
Guy Debord’s 1978 “Game of War”
Produced for computer by RSG
* bring your own laptop *
In 1978 the French Situationist Guy Debord designed and fabricated a board game called “The Game of War.” Thirty years later RSG is resurrecting this largely forgotten game, translating the game instructions from French to Java and releasing it as an online computer game. We explore the contradiction between Debord, a symbol of radical politics and art in 1960s France, and the Napoleonic war game he created. In Debord’s own words the game was the only thing in his entire body of work that had any value. Was it nostalgia, or a vision of things to come?
Founded in 2000, RSG is a collective of programmers and artists working on experimental software products. The Kriegspiel team consists of: Alexander R. Galloway, producer and programming; Carolyn Kane, research; Adam Parrish, programming; Daniel Perlin, sound; DJ /rupture and Matt Shadetek, music; and Mushon Zer-Aviv, design.
* bring your own laptop *
More info at OTO
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Jan 28, 2008
Nature Version 2.0
posted at 22:46 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Our good friends Cary Peppermint and Christine Nadir (aka EcoArtTech) have organized this exhibition and symposium at Colgate University. The exhibition features a great selection of new media artists.
Lots more info here.
Nature Version 2.0: Ecological Modernities and Digital Environmentalism
Jan. 21 - Feb. 16, 2008 @ Colgate University’s Clifford Gallery, Hamilton, New York.
Featuring works by Natalie Jeremijenko, Brooke Singer, Joline Blais, Jane Marsching, Colin Ives, Alex Galloway, Amy Franceschini, Tom Sherman, Michael Alstad, Don Miller (aka no carrier), and Andrea Polli.
Curated by EcoArtTech (Cary Peppermint & Christine Nadir)
Nature Version 2.0 is a survey of artists who reinvent environmentalism for a digital age in a number of ways: by examining how digital technologies can make ecological problems more salient, by reusing and recycling obsolete technologies for new uses, and by exploring how digital spaces and the public domain may require environmental protection much like nature. Re-imagining the relationship between nature and technology, Nature Version 2.0 suggests an ethics of the network and an environmentalism of natural, built, and digital spaces.
This exhibition is in conjunction with Environmental Art and New Media Technologies: Imagining Sustainable Futures, a two-day symposium on interdisciplinary, digital, and networked art and research that draws upon environmental science, computer science, design, hacking, gameplay, engineering, and ecocriticism. Following the Nature Version 2.0 artists’ reception on February 8, keynote speaker Natalie Jeremijenko will launch the two-day Environmental Art and New Media Technologies symposium in Golden Auditorium, Little Hall, at 7pm. “90 Degrees South,” a multimedia performance by Andrea Polli will follow at 9pm in the Clifford Gallery. The symposium will resume in Golden Auditorium on February 9 for a day of talks and presentations by critics and exhibiting artists, 9am-5pm.
Hosted by Colgate University’s Clifford Art Gallery, the Department of Art and Art History, and the Environmental Studies Program, these events were made possible through funding provided by the Institute for the Creative and Performing Arts, the Film and Media Studies Program, the Environmental Studies Program, and the Center for Ethics and World Societies at Colgate University. All events are free and open to the public.
Lots more info here. permanent link to this post
Jan 27, 2008
Pile on Beecroft
posted at 14:53 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
I’ve always detested Beecroft’s work. It’s pure vapidness masquerading as a critique of the same. And I hate it when one not-very-talented but high-profile artist does or makes stupid things thereby justifying all the morleys in the world (as the comments here exhibit).

Of course she tries to kung-fu her racist, colonialist and narcissistic attitudes by admitting that she’s just a messed up white girl:
“I thought, what a freak I am,” Beecroft says softly, almost a whisper. “But it was really me.”
I’m not sure I’m buying this as a critique of the Madonnas and Jolies in the world. Is it any better that she seems to know she’s just as messed up, vapid and of dubious motivation as these high profile celebrities adopting African babies? permanent link to this post
Jan 26, 2008
posted at 20:18 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
USM from mriver on Vimeo.
MTAA’s very unscary 3 min movie of a Coney Island funhouse made in under 3 hours for a screening at EFA’s gallery in 2007 curated by Marina Zurkow. Play it loud, alone and in the dark. permanent link to this post
Jan 25, 2008
3 Hours Of My Adolescence Verbatim
posted at 21:43 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Nauman FTW
posted at 15:07 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Jan 24, 2008
young laptop
posted at 12:52 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
laptop from mriver on Vimeo.
Teaching net art skills to the next generation. permanent link to this post
Jan 23, 2008
Understanding art for geeks Flickr set
posted at 18:29 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Bad sushi
posted at 03:18 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Recent laboratory tests found so much mercury in tuna sushi from 20 Manhattan stores and restaurants that at most of them, a regular diet of six pieces a week would exceed the levels considered acceptable by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Via NYT: permanent link to this post
Jan 22, 2008
EcoTechArt on BBtv
posted at 17:34 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Our friends Cary Peppermint and Christine Nadir’s video Wilderness Trouble is featured on Boing Boing tv today (permanent link to Boing Boing tv post). permanent link to this post
Art Wikimarathon
posted at 16:40 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

The Art Wikimarathon sounds like a good idea:
There’s a lack of art/artist info on Wikipedia, and we’re often too busy to find the time to contribute. So, we’re setting aside one day where a crew of people collectively drop serious knowledge into wikipedia about art.
Not sure I’ll be able to make it, but if someone wants to beef up the MTAA entry perhaps we can wash your back too :-)
(Is quid pro quo against Wikipedia policies?) permanent link to this post
Big changes afoot in web dev
posted at 15:05 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/geek
Crazily enough, Zeldman and the WASP seem to be on board with a blog post and 2 (count ‘em 2) articles on A List Apart (1, 2).
I haven’t read about the new ‘version targeting’ scheme yet, but Microsoft’s ‘web standards guru targeting’ scheme seems to have worked wonderfully. permanent link to this post
Jan 21, 2008
Destroy bigotry
posted at 15:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Jan 14, 2008
Rhizome commissions not just net art
posted at 22:24 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
The big news is that they’re not just funding net art anymore. They’ve expanded the scope to encompass all new media art. From the announcement email:
Rhizome has expanded our scope, formerly focused strictly on Internet-based art, to encompass the broad range of practices that fall under new media art. This includes projects that creatively engage new and networked technologies, as well as works that reflect on the impact of these tools and media in a variety of forms. With this expanded format, commissioned works can take the final form of online works, performance, video, installation or sound art. Projects can be made for the context of the gallery, the public, the web or networked devices.
My initial feeling about this is ambivalence.
On one hand, MTAA’s own work has been moving away from strictly Internet-based work for a few years now. Most of the early net artists (and a majority of the new ones) are using all sorts of digital media with the Internet/web as just one part of their practice. So it seems natural as the net moves from the shiny new thing to just another medium, and artists’ change with it, that Rhizome would also evolve.
On the other hand I liked how Rhizome was holding the torch for net art. Is this another nail in net art’s coffin? Is net art relevant or just a blip on the screen as more and more artists evolve to using digital tools and new media?
Guess that just leaves Turbulence… permanent link to this post
Jan 13, 2008
Frank (Again) stills
posted at 01:48 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
The performance was simple. We asked the on-line audience at Panoplie to give us suggestions on drawing a picture of a snowman named Frank. (The name comes from our last snowman who was built from $100 worth of deli materials.) The entire performance lasted 20 minutes.
Thanks to Annie Abrahams for having us. Twas much fun.
Check out some stills from the video:

Jan 12, 2008
Photos from last nights OTO with Elaine Tin Nyo
posted at 14:32 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

more at Tintype and Flickr
Thanks to Elaine and all the tamale people. Good times.
Update - Tamaler Michele O’Donaghue has some photos at her I wanna make some Tamales …(hell yeah!)
Flickr set. Thanks Michele. permanent link to this post
Jan 08, 2008
Frank (Again) - a performance for Breaking Solitude
posted at 18:59 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Frank(Again), a performance by MTAA (New York) in the frame of Breaking Solitude a project of and Annie Abrahams.
Saturday January 12 20h 8 PM GMT+1 (Paris local time), 2pm New York time at
MTAA will draw, with input from the online audience, a larger than life snowman named Frank.
Only 30 places available. Please sign up before the perfromance at permanent link to this post
Heroic citizen stands up for the constitution!
posted at 15:19 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
It was very anti-climatic. I just said that I couldn’t allow a search of my bag without reason and the cop said, “OK, you can’t enter the subway.” Then I left. And walked a half-mile to the next station on the line and came to work.
What a waste of time. permanent link to this post
Jan 05, 2008
Elaine Tin Nyo’s “I Want to Make Some Tamales”
posted at 20:38 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

On January 11, from 7pm to 10 pm, OTO is pleased to present “I Want to Make Some Tamales”, a cooking lesson by Elaine Tin Nyo
Hands-on cooking lesson 7-8:30
Open public feeding 8:30 until the tamales run out
Enrollment is limited for the cooking lesson. Please contact to reserve your place (materials fee: $5).
Elaine Tin Nyo is a conceptual artist with a computer and kitchen in Harlem, New York and a locker in Chelsea filled with dance shoes.
Elaine’s works explore the structures of sensual experience and social interaction. Her primary subjects have been social structures such as dinners, classrooms and ballroom dance. Her photographs, recipes, videos, installations and performances have been presented by BlindSpot, Deitch Projects, Thread Waxing Space, The New Museum, Creative Time, Bronx Museum, Fargfabriken, Neueberger Museum, Leslie Tonkonow Projects, Chez Bushwick, and French Culinary Institute.
Upcoming shows at Over The Opening
February 08 - RSG
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Jan 01, 2008
Happy New Year 2008
posted at 17:46 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

(Image courtesy of Trevor; used because it’s currently the #1 hit on Google’s image search and I always like to let Google make my decisions for me.) permanent link to this post