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Jan 30, 2008

OH SHIT! art-world ‘Runway’

posted at 14:43 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Sarah Jessica Parker’s Pretty Matches shingle is teaming with reality factory Magical Elves to create a “Project Runway”-type show for the art world.

Potential skein would pit a dozen aspiring artists against one another, following the group as they attempt to produce various kinds of artwork — from painting and photography to sculpting and industrial design. Pieces would be rated by a panel of judges, as well as by the contestants themselves.
Read all about it on Variety.

And this looks like the real deal (not some half-baked attempt on a network that no one gets) — it’s got real TeeeVeee execs behind it! It’s currently a notion that needs money to be worked into a concept and then later it may become an idea.

(Oops, didn’t mean to step on the Kriegspiel announcement — sorry.)

m.river adds - “art-world runway” Ick. This is the a black hole result of the strike.

t.whid adds
I actually like Project Runway LOL.

But, seriously, any artist that allows a bunch of teevee execs and producers to control how they appear in the media is taking a huge gamble. You would think that a contemporary artist would know better. On the other hand, it seems like the biggest dorks from these reality shows go on to infest our television sets for years to come — so what do I know? permanent link to this post

KRIEGSPIEL - Guy Debord’s 1978 “Game of War” Produced for computer by RSG

posted at 14:35 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

KRIEGSPIEL screenshot

On February 08, from 7pm to 10 pm, OTO is pleased to present -

+ LAN party! +

Guy Debord’s 1978 “Game of War”
Produced for computer by RSG

* bring your own laptop *

In 1978 the French Situationist Guy Debord designed and fabricated a board game called “The Game of War.” Thirty years later RSG is resurrecting this largely forgotten game, translating the game instructions from French to Java and releasing it as an online computer game. We explore the contradiction between Debord, a symbol of radical politics and art in 1960s France, and the Napoleonic war game he created. In Debord’s own words the game was the only thing in his entire body of work that had any value. Was it nostalgia, or a vision of things to come?

Founded in 2000, RSG is a collective of programmers and artists working on experimental software products. The Kriegspiel team consists of: Alexander R. Galloway, producer and programming; Carolyn Kane, research; Adam Parrish, programming; Daniel Perlin, sound; DJ /rupture and Matt Shadetek, music; and Mushon Zer-Aviv, design.

* bring your own laptop *

More info at OTO
permanent link to this post

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