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Jan 22, 2008

EcoTechArt on BBtv

posted at 17:34 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Our friends Cary Peppermint and Christine Nadir’s video Wilderness Trouble is featured on Boing Boing tv today (permanent link to Boing Boing tv post). permanent link to this post

Art Wikimarathon

posted at 16:40 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid


The Art Wikimarathon sounds like a good idea:

There’s a lack of art/artist info on Wikipedia, and we’re often too busy to find the time to contribute. So, we’re setting aside one day where a crew of people collectively drop serious knowledge into wikipedia about art.

Not sure I’ll be able to make it, but if someone wants to beef up the MTAA entry perhaps we can wash your back too :-)

(Is quid pro quo against Wikipedia policies?) permanent link to this post

Big changes afoot in web dev

posted at 15:05 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/geek

First, the IEBlog describes how they ‘broke the web’ when they released IE7, then go on to explain how they plan NOT to do that with IE8.

Crazily enough, Zeldman and the WASP seem to be on board with a blog post and 2 (count ‘em 2) articles on A List Apart (1, 2).

I haven’t read about the new ‘version targeting’ scheme yet, but Microsoft’s ‘web standards guru targeting’ scheme seems to have worked wonderfully. permanent link to this post

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