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Jan 08, 2008

Frank (Again) - a performance for Breaking Solitude

posted at 18:59 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver


Frank(Again), a performance by MTAA (New York) in the frame of Breaking Solitude a project of and Annie Abrahams.

Saturday January 12 20h 8 PM GMT+1 (Paris local time), 2pm New York time at

MTAA will draw, with input from the online audience, a larger than life snowman named Frank.

Only 30 places available. Please sign up before the perfromance at permanent link to this post

Heroic citizen stands up for the constitution!

posted at 15:19 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

I finally had to refuse the subway search today.

It was very anti-climatic. I just said that I couldn’t allow a search of my bag without reason and the cop said, “OK, you can’t enter the subway.” Then I left. And walked a half-mile to the next station on the line and came to work.

What a waste of time. permanent link to this post

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