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Dec 31, 2007


posted at 20:14 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

the decent

the wild blue yonder, the decent, la jetee, fearless, street fight, loud QUIET loud, a sound of thunder, enemy at the gate, so wrong they’re right, the illusionist, stop making sense, heart of gold, the departed, storefront hitchcock, my country, my county, requiem, the host, minority report, the good shepard, the last days, the last king of scotland, darshan, the embrace, flesh + blood, robo cop, hannibal rising, at worlds end, old joy, acid house, the last waltz, letters from imo jima, matthew barney - no restraint, high tech soul, blood and chocolate, the call of cthulha, star wars episode v - the empire strikes back, primeval, the good german, factory girl, 300, unbreakable, bug sonic youth - corporate ghost, blood simple, miller’s crossing, undead, mouth of madness, roma, the thing, mr. brooks, spiderman 3, the lives of others, bloody child, b.i.k.e, gerry, good will hunting, live free or die hard, the king is alive, blood diamond, eastern promises, elephant

Take one image, without pausing the film, from each DVD I rent and watch alone in 2007. Show each of the 60 images for 1 second in 5.7 MB QuickTime movie.



still 07 from mriver on Vimeo. permanent link to this post

Dec 30, 2007

MTAA’s creative practice

posted at 16:23 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

While M.River posts happy i-love-everybody posts about the new year I’m here to rant.

I’m not really sure what Roberta Smith is going on about with this column:
Another lamentable creeping usage is not only pretentious, but it distorts and narrows what artists do. I refer to — rather than reference — the word practice, as in “Duchamp’s practice,” “Picasso’s studio practice” and worst of all, especially from the mouths of graduate students, “my practice.” Things were bad enough in the 1980s, when artists sometimes referred to their work as “production,” but at least that had a kind of grease-monkey grit to it.

I’m here to defend artists’ use of the word practice. If you’re reading this on our web site (as opposed a feed reader or aggregator) you’ll see to the left that we use the term:
The MTAA Reference Resource (MTAA-RR) attempts to archive most information regarding the art duo MTAA’s creative PRACTICE.

Smith attaches all sorts of subjective associations to the word:
It turns the artist into an utterly conventional authority figure. (emphasis mine)

[…] there’s the implication that artists, like lawyers, doctors and dentists, need a license to practice. (emphasis mine)

[…] the implication that an artist, like a doctor, lawyer or dentist, is trained to fix some external problem. It depersonalizes the urgency of art making and gives it an aura of control, as if it is all planned out ahead of time.

It suggests that art making is a kind of white-collar activity whose practitioners don’t get their hands dirty, either physically or emotionally.

I don’t know where she gets all these implications and suggestions. Because she has all these stuffy associations with the term doesn’t mean everyone does. I would argue that few do. To me, ‘practice’ means, simply, the continual conduct of one’s profession.

The dictionary agrees with me:
13. to exercise or pursue as a profession, art, or occupation: to practice law.

I’m a professional artist. It’s not my hobby. Artists who cannot earn their living solely at their profession need ways of enforcing the fact that they are professionals (both to themselves and others). Language and conduct help underline the fact that we are professionals even though sometimes we can’t support ourselves entirely from our art careers.

Additionally, MTAA came to the term because we do all sorts of activities (we make web sites, installations, photos, sculptures; we perform; we blog; we curate; we write; we do public appearances and etc) and ‘practice’ seemed to neatly encompass all of them. permanent link to this post

Dec 28, 2007

Cya 07. Hello 08

posted at 20:33 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver


a big end of 07 hug to Postmasters, James and Barry, the mighty AFC (sorry about that “brawl”), Rhizome (congrats LC - the new digs look fab), iCommons, Haifa Museum, Computer Fine Arts, Enzimi, Glowlab/Conflux, the “All Night Roma” folks, Eyebeam, Creative Capital, C. Jones, Bryce Wolkowitz, RSG, MO, Mikey Koller, Kate (our unofficial super hypothetical and under, if not even, paid studio assistant) and all who came to the OTO. See you all in 08. We have 2 big museum shows in California next year and a great group of artist lined up for OTO.

Peace in 08. permanent link to this post

Dec 21, 2007

Merry and etc

posted at 22:11 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

This is may favorite emailed holiday greeting. It’s from the Art Workshop Lazareti in Dubrovnik, Croatia. We showed some work there during the iCommons Summit ‘07.

Here’s wishing you good holidays and happiness. permanent link to this post

Dec 20, 2007

Mark River is out of here…

posted at 17:53 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

buck hunter

Going to Columbus for Christmas. I might try posting some in Ohio. Might.

t.whid adds:
I love this pic. Have fun in Ohio M.River. permanent link to this post

Dec 17, 2007

Williamsburg is hip! Film at 11.

posted at 22:24 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

How many times can the press discover Williamsburg? It’s seems it goes on forever and ever.
[…] Brooklyn’s Williamsburg neighborhood has in recent years become one of New York City’s hippest areas. And with its easy accessibility — just a short ride on the L train from Manhattan’s Union Square — Williamsburg also stands apart as an ideal destination for visitors looking to explore another side of the City.

“Williamsburg is a haven for the young and the hip,” said George Fertitta […]

Now listen up. When I was in college. COLLEGE! (I’m pushing 40.) I read this in Ohio. OHIO! That Williamsburg was the hip ‘hood. I read this tidbit in New York Magazine. The issue was called “The New Bohemia Over the Bridge to Williamsburg” and is dated June 22, 1992. 1992! (I can’t type numbers in all caps but if I could, trust me, I would.)

So. By my calculations, this ‘Williamsburg is hip’ discovery has been going on for over 15 years. 15 YEARS! Please. Seriously. Everyone has figured it out by now. Stop it.

[via curbed] permanent link to this post

Photos from Mike Koller’s HOLIDAY REJECTS

posted at 13:42 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

“Naughty” and “Nice” slide show of found (Googled) holiday photos - faux mantel with projected Yule log loop and found (Googled) holiday photos - projected flash animation Christmas tree

Some more shots from the show at Tinjail (start at link and scroll back) and at Flickr in the OTO set. Enjoy. permanent link to this post

Dec 14, 2007

It’s A Very Special Holiday OTO Tonight only (7- 10)

posted at 16:53 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Mike Koller’s The Holiday Rejects

M.River of MTAA calls it “…a heart warming celebration of the holidays fueled by sugar, eggnog, and forced photo ops. What could go wrong?”

t.whid update
oops. Our posts collided. M.River’s is funnier. permanent link to this post

Reminder: Mike Koller — TONIGHT ONLY!

posted at 15:06 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid


Mike Koller’s “Holiday Rejects” tonight at Over The Opening.

Get all the details here.

This one is going to be great. Not to be missed :-) permanent link to this post

Dec 12, 2007

w00t! Websters is totally PWNED!

posted at 14:33 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Thousands of you took part in the search for Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Year for 2007, and the vast majority of you chose a small word that packs a pretty big punch. The word you’ve selected hasn’t found its way into a regular Merriam-Webster dictionary yet—but its inclusion in our online Open Dictionary, along with the top honors it’s now been awarded—might just improve its chances. This year’s winning word first became popular in competitive online gaming forums as part of what is known as l33t (“leet,” or “elite”) speak—an esoteric computer hacker language in which numbers and symbols are put together to look like letters. Although the double “o” in the word is usually represented by double zeroes, the exclamation is also known to be an acronym for “we owned the other team”—again stemming from the gaming community.

Merriam-Webster’s #1 Word of the Year for 2007 based on votes from visitors to our Web site:

1. w00t (interjection)
expressing joy (it could be after a triumph, or for no reason at all); similar in use to the word “yay”
Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Year 2007 permanent link to this post

Dec 07, 2007

open animated GIF frames in Photoshop CS3

posted at 20:02 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/geek

Adobe, the jerks, removed functionality from Photoshop CS3. Specifically, you could, once upon a time, open an animated GIF in Imageready (free with Photoshop). You can no longer do this with CS3 since Imageready (and it’s tight integration with PS) no longer exists. Adobe’s own KB article on it tells you to buy Fireworks to get this functionality! WTF?!

Fuck that. I have a workaround. Note: this is for OSX only. This workaround works for Windows (my workaround is very similar). Here it is:

1. Open the animated GIF in QuickTime.
2. Choose ‘Save As…’
3. Select ‘Save as self-contained movie’ and save it.
4. In Photoshop, select File->Import->Video Frames To Layers…
5. Select your new animated GIF/QuickTime movie and configure how you want to import it in the Import Video To Layers dialog box.
6. That’s it. You should now have all the frames on separate layers and as frames in the animation palette. permanent link to this post

ArtFagCity does Miami

posted at 18:26 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Paddy’s take on the art-fair-a-palooza sweeping Miami this week sounds a lot like how I would probably feel about it if I was there.

I’m really liking her cynical take on the whole thing. So far it’s the only coverage that sounds like a sane person is writing it (as opposed to a person lobotomized by a PR firm).

From: ArtNow Meets Low Expectations
Word on the street tells me ArtNow won’t be the worst fair I see this week, which frankly frightens me. I made it through the first floor of galleries before I gave up on the chance of seeing anything moderately interesting, and walked next door to Flow. […] Consider yourself warned.



For those of us braving the NYC cold, I’m thinking we need to go see Paul McCarthy’s show/business venture at Maccarone Gallery.

Will these butt plug wielding Santa chocolates appreciate? I wonder… permanent link to this post

Dec 05, 2007

December at OTO - Mike Koller’s ‘THE HOLIDAY REJECTS’

posted at 15:00 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver


One night only!
Friday December 14 7PM to 10PM
Over The Opening is pleased to present Mike Koller’s

With the proliferation of video and photography equipment and even more so the availability and user-friendly nature of at-home post-production equipment and software, the do-it-yourself documentarian is a driving force behind all our familial interactions. The need to record, in detail, the various persons and their reactions to all the activities has increasingly become the chief activity itself. The time spent face to face becomes second to the execution of a thorough archive of the event. A smiling photo is more important than the argument it took to create it, the video containing each persons thoughts for the New Year takes precedent over the people themselves. In these ways the family becomes the discarded artifact of creating a visual history of events that are largely fictionalized or staged versions of an unknown third party’s expectations.

The Holiday Season, more than any other, creates a steady stream of videos and photos posted for all to see. Presented in a one night ‘X-mas Party’ format are the photos and videos from 69 different family celebrations in a tribute to the discarded persons who were pivotal to their creation, The Holiday Rejects. True to the season, the party will feature food, drink and music to set the mood. Also featured will be three new animated video projections of a Christmas tree, a window overlooking a wintry landscape and the inescapable Yule Log. Come, imbibe, document, post.

Mike Koller is an artist and musician living and working in Brooklyn.

Upcoming events at OTO:

Jan 11 - Elaine Tin Nyo
Feb 08 - RSG (Alex Galloway)

More OTO info and directions… permanent link to this post

Dec 04, 2007

back from the SS5K Roma

posted at 16:15 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

SS5K ROMA group photo
M.River of MTAA at the SS5K ROMA

Back from the SS5K ROMA. Loved it. I’ll have some updates soon. (Sorry T.Whid. I’m sad to say the lack of web updates and contact was not so much due to the great wine but lack of sleep and wifi. Shame really.) permanent link to this post

Dec 03, 2007

Success in Rome

posted at 22:14 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

After speculating that M.River may have been abducted and sold into slavery since I hadn’t heard from him in a week. It now appears that the Super Slow 5K Roma edition was an astounding success!

M.River’s disappearance was due to the fact that he was being feted throughout Rome for the duration of his stay and he was too drunk to figure out how to work the laptop!

M.River is posting a bunch of JPGs on Tinjail of his adventures in Italy.

Check ‘em out… (start there and work back) permanent link to this post

MTAA interview etoy
2000 , originally published on

A warm May afternoon in New York City finds representatives of two virtual art organizations meeting in the etoy.TANK.

read more »

1997 - 2006 M.River & T.Whid Art Associates. Some Rights Reserved. is licensed under a Creative Commons License with the exception of Website Unseen titles which are covered by agreements with individual collectors and otherwise where noted.