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Nov 15, 2007

Brody Condon, 3 Modifications

posted at 18:30 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

BTW, you’re a new media art chump if you miss Brody’s show at Virgil de Voldere Gallery. Opening tonight. permanent link to this post

iCommons auction

posted at 14:35 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

From the site
The iCommons Auction runs from 19 November to 14 December, 2007. This is an innovative auction of paraphernalia from some of the world’s leading Internet figures. From Internet activist and Stanford Law Professor, Lawrence Lessig’s coat that he wore in countries around the world that invited him to talk about free culture; to pre-prints from best-selling novelist, Cory Doctorow’s forthcoming, to-be-Creative Commons-licensed novel, Little Brother; and from #13 of only 20 plush toys of Firefox Japan’s mascot, Fox-keh that took the world by storm, to four of Indian intellectual property expert Lawrence Liang’s favorite Bollywood films: this auction is a celebration of free culture from around the world from those who make it and build it every day. All the proceeds of the auction will go to developing and sustaining iCommons’ global projects.

And MTAA donated 3 copies of The Evildoers’ Remix.

Check it out! permanent link to this post

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