Oct 31, 2007 @ Haifa Museum of Art
posted at 19:31 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
“NETworking” is the first Israeli museum exhibition devoted to Net Art. It presents 12 works from the Computer Fine Arts collection of Doron Golan. The works included in this show highlight a number of the fundamental qualities that characterize Net Art: the visualization of data; open-code access and connectivity; hacking and online voyeurism involving critiques of authorities and economic powers; the creation of online behavioral codes and the negotiation of cyberspace from various perspectives.
Check it out: NETworking - Net Art from the Computer Fine Arts Collection
There’s also a PDF (732kb) of the catalog available. permanent link to this post
Happy Halloween
posted at 12:47 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Oct 30, 2007
James and Barry Live
posted at 17:19 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
more info here
Will not be able to go, but wanted to give some link props back to our 2 fav hybrid collectors/blogers/critics/curators/photographers/political activist/web gurus/and all around underdog art fans, James and Barry. Have fun guys. permanent link to this post
Oct 27, 2007
2 newish projects now up on Tinjail - Walk and Flight
posted at 17:47 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

still from Flight

still from Walk
“Flight” is video loop (x 4) of a wing over Ohio. It was first presented as a projection at OTO’s Transporter Again
“Walk” is 2 videos, shot one year to the day apart, in the same location. permanent link to this post
Rhizome re-launches!
posted at 15:49 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

A superb upgrade of the new media community site
Some of the changes:
1. A major change (for RHIZOME_RAW email list subscribers) is the breaking up of the list into 3 different categories: discussion, opportunities and an arts calendar. This required me to redo my email filters a tad, but also gives me the option to filter categories I don’t want or filter them more granularly.
2. The member pages have been transformed into profiles pages with lots more features: enhanced portfolio section (unclear of whether the portfolio entries get added to the artbase automatically), ability to upload audio and video (very cool) and include the feed from your blog. The organizational improvements to the profile page makes it much easier to read and see how the person is interacting with the platform.
3. There has been a major visual re-design. The front page is easier to scan quickly and is laid out more logically. The top navigation has been improved.
4. The discussion board is much better. One can now drill way back in time very quickly. The only problem is that it seems to go back only to 2002. Also, it would be nice to filter these pages (Max Herman is just as annoying now as he was then) but I suppose that’s what the advanced search is for. Which brings me to…
…Bugs. I did run into some bugs. The biggest bug being that the advanced search form isn’t working (I’ve been waiting and waiting this feature). I’m hoping to see major speed improvements in the search. Also with search, it would be nice to have the same sort of pagination in the search results as we get in the discussion area.
But enough of bug talk. This is a major, major upgrade for Rhizome and a big improvement. Lauren, Patrick and Marisa should be very proud. Congrats! permanent link to this post
Oct 26, 2007
NYT’s Brooks: dumb or dumber?
posted at 14:07 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
[…] then I realized the magic of the information age is that it allows us to know
The last person with speed dial to realize this? permanent link to this post
Oct 23, 2007
posted at 15:49 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away there was an artist named M.River (or was it Mark River? or was it Mike Sarff?) who made… paintings?!
Yes. Paintings! And he’s posting them all on his blog!
Check ‘em out…
mriver adds - yep. paintings - thx. t.whid
Some context –
I started working on them in 2001 and have made 300 or so. They are all acrylic on canvass with the black line done with ink and a dip pen (bamboo). They are done in long series or sets (like one year was only painting heads using 3 colors). A good deal of them are based on NYT photos (not the ones on Tinjail so far).The reason I’ve been posting them on Tinjail is I’ve decided to try to document them all before Jan. I’m only a small way in so check back to that link in a few months and I will hopefully be done.
Oh…the other thing is that after painting consistently since 01, I suddenly stopped this summer. I think I’m using this time of documentation to reset / rethink the whole thing. Don’t know yet. permanent link to this post
Oct 20, 2007
Sponsored links — now in hebrew!
posted at 15:09 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/geek

I’m a bit of a Google freak. I use Gmail and Google Calendar as my main mail and calendar apps. I’m desperately trying to get my wife to use Gmail as her main mail app and I’m always trying to get my collaborator M.River to use Google Docs instead of Word. I use the Gapps.
The other day I received an email from Doron (who’s living in Israel) that had a subject line in hebrew. There was really no text in the message — a quoted line also in hebrew — and one english line. This little bit of hebrew in the message triggered the ‘sponsored links’ section of the Gmail interface to display in hebrew.
I just thought it was kinda funny and it made me wonder how Google decides what language a message is written in. permanent link to this post
Oct 17, 2007
What Chris Fahey learned in art school
posted at 13:31 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Without further ado: In art school, I learned:
- How to champion and defend my ideas.
- How to distinguish between personal and professional critique.
- How to respectfully and constructively critique my peers. How to attack the ideas of my colleagues and still have drinks with them that same night (and maybe even sleep with them — hey, it is art school)
- How to test drive a hundred different ideas through sketching, cobbling, and envisioning them, before finally settling on which one to go ahead and build.
- How to tell when I am done a project that could just as easily be improved endlessly.
- How to tell when an idea that is precious to me is actually holding me back. And then to feel good about throwing it away.
- How to have the confidence to present my ideas in public without fearing that they will be stolen. And how to take it in stride when they inevitably are.
- How to distinguish between taste, technical skill, and empirical efficiency.
- How to detect bullshit, and to avoid generating it myself (note that not all art school grads learn this).
- How to go the extra mile to make something high-quality.
- How to recognize talent in my peers.
- How to collaborate with my colleagues effectively to reach a common goal.
- How to be deeply competitive without being a dick.
- How to make something new just for the sake of being new.
- How to build off of, and give credit to, the ideas of my predecessors both contemporary and in history.
- How to save ideas that I’m not ready for and keep them for future use (usually in sketchbooks).
- How to start all over again from the beginning.
- How to teach all of the above.
That’s a long list but I think he left off the most important thing that one learns in art school: how to see.
I’ve worked very hard to be able to take in and understand lots of visual information very quickly. It’s a skill that can be learned, but it takes a lot of work. Usually a couple of years worth of work. The one great problem I’ve had to overcome in working as a designer in my day job is how to talk to people about things when I know they are seeing only a small percentage of what I’m seeing in a visual design. (Of course this may be a symptom of my astounding arrogance and I could just be one of those petulant, prima donna, full-of-shit artist/designers.)
Of course Chris is talking about thinking, but the input one gets from one’s eyes will inform almost all of the bullet points above. permanent link to this post
Oct 13, 2007
OTO Pics
posted at 19:07 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Thanks to all who came out to the first OTO last night. Tons of fun. More Pics of the show now up on Flickr in the OTO Set
and even more at Tintype’s OTO Set
Update - 2 cool photos of the SGAR on Bloggy permanent link to this post
Oct 12, 2007
TONIGHT! Over The Opening launches!
posted at 13:39 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

MTAA’s temporary gallery in their studio opens tonight for the first time with videos (and some other stuff) by Michael Sarff.
Where: 60 N. 6th St., 2nd Flr Williamsburg, Bklyn (directions)
When: 8 - 11 PM Friday Oct 12, 2007
Be there or be square. More info here. permanent link to this post
Oct 11, 2007
Untitled Landscapes for Portable Media Players
posted at 01:41 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Loving the Untitled Landscapes for Portable Media Players series by Cary Peppermint and Christine Nadir AKA EcoArtTech.
My only quibble is that there should be a version just for Zunes™… j/k permanent link to this post
Oct 05, 2007
My Kid Could Paint That…
posted at 14:53 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
My 2¢? I’d never heard of the child before this movie’s PR kicked in. Was she really an art star? It just seems like a bunch of mainstream media hype trafficking on the general public’s ignorance of how actual contemporary art works. Sounds like a decent documentary though. permanent link to this post
Oct 04, 2007
New Baghdad Journal on-line
posted at 13:59 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Check out Steve Mumford’s newest installment…
The artist Steve Mumford originally went to Baghdad in 2003 to work as a war artist, embedded with the U.S. military, both writing a journal and making drawings and watercolors of what he saw there. In early 2007 he returned to Iraq for approximately a month, where he worked at an army hospital. This is the second of three reports on that trip. The first, “With Good Company into Iraq,” was posted on Mar. 8, 2007. The archive for Mumford’s original “Baghdad Journal” can be found here.permanent link to this post
Oct 02, 2007
OTO starts Oct 12 (8pm to 11pm)
posted at 16:04 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Over The Opening (OTO)
Please join us for the launch of our once a month DIY exhibition space.
60 North 6th Street, 2nd floor
Brooklyn, NY, 11211
L train to Bedford Avenue
3 Blocks west on North 6th - just shy of Kent
On the second Friday of each month, from 8PM to 11PM, the artist collective MTAA convert their N6th St. Brooklyn studio into a venue for the presentation of time-based art.
The OTO project begins on October 12 with “Again Transporter,” new works by Michael Sarff.

still from Michael Sarff’s “Kingdom”, 2007
More details at permanent link to this post