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Aug 24, 2007

MTAA’s Super Slow 5K!

posted at 14:01 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

MTAA's Super Slow 5K

MTAA’s Super Slow 5K!
a leisurely 5K (3.11 mile) group performance around McCarren Park’s running track

I’ve read on marathon training web sites, that one can walk 5 kilometers (3.11 miles) at an “easy pace” in 62.5 minutes. I’d like to slow that down a tad. I’d like to slow it down with a group of like-minded noncompetitive “athletes”. I want to race with people who are ready to say - “I’ll finish this 5K when I darn well feel like it and only after I stop by the official MTAA Super Slow 5K refreshment stand for another hotdog”. That’s the race I want to run.

The MTAA Super Slow 5K is a one day race/group performance on the running track in Brooklyn’s McCarren Park. Registration to the SS5K is free and open to the public. It begins at 11AM and ends when it seems right or 4PM, whichever comes first. Refreshments will be served, folding chairs and blankets will be utilized. The performance/race will be overly documented. “Celebrity” judges will be on hand to award trophies for “Best Dressed” as well as the coveted SS5K 07 “Mr. or Ms. Congeniality”.

Sunday September 16th, 2007 from 11AM - 4PM (rain or shine)

Williamsburg Brooklyn’s McCarren Park (map)

Email or just show up around 10:30AM the day of. Free and open to the public!

More details at:

MTAA’s SSK5 is part of Conflux 07


twhid update
We promise that it won’t be like this (Hipster Olympics via Gothamist):

mriver adds
Dang. LOL.

Yeah, it will kinda be like that but done with love and actual effort. Also, as of this morning, we have 0 people signed up so I might be running alone. permanent link to this post

Get yer sleep on…

posted at 13:58 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid


(Note: that’s the official title, multiple exclamation points and all.)

These crazy kids today:

Camp out with pro net surfers and net surfing clubs as we talk shop, play games, pitch tents, and make a hypertext mess big enough for mom to clean up in the morning.

When MTAA heard about this, we immediately thought of the Warhol Hijack. The Hijack is lost to history and its success is debatable. permanent link to this post

1997 - 2006 M.River & T.Whid Art Associates. Some Rights Reserved. is licensed under a Creative Commons License with the exception of Website Unseen titles which are covered by agreements with individual collectors and otherwise where noted.