Jul 30, 2007
posted at 15:18 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
This, however, does not change my ambivalence about Twitter best summed up by Helen A.S. Popkin’s article Twitter Nation: Nobody cares what you’re doing. permanent link to this post
Jul 28, 2007
Port Huron Project in NYTimes
posted at 14:21 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
check it out: Giving New Life to Protests of Yore (NYT)
First few graphs:
WASHINGTON, July 26 — It’s not an unfamiliar tableau these days: people gathered on a grassy expanse of the National Mall here, listening to someone deliver an impassioned antiwar speech with phrases like “aggressive, activist foreign policy,” “the war we are creating,” “vigorous governmental efforts to control information” and “distorted or downright dishonest documents.” At some point, the crowd breaks into applause and a young woman yells out, “That’s right!”
She shouts this, however, just after the speaker behind the lectern refers to men with last names like Johnson, Rusk and Bundy and to the destinies of the Vietnamese people. And at its high point, the crowd numbers only about 30 people, many of them involved in videotaping, recording and photographing the event as flags snap majestically in the wind around the Washington Monument.
In other words, if you had wandered into this spectacle on Thursday evening, you would have found yourself not exactly in the midst of an actual protest but somewhere slightly removed, in the disorienting territory where art meets political engagement.
Paul Potter’s Speech (mp3)
The web site for the Port Huron Project permanent link to this post
Jul 26, 2007
Rhizome adds Creative Commons
posted at 23:36 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Rhizome is proud to announce its integration of Creative Commons licenses into its online archive of art, the Artbase. As of today, artists have the option to license their work under Creative Commons Licenses. This suite of licenses allows creators to shift the terms of copyright from “All Rights Reserved” to “Some Rights Reserved,” therefore enabling authors, scientists, educators and artists, amongst others, to mark their creative works with the cultural freedoms they abide by. Rhizome’s hope is that through the use of these licenses, artists will have greater access to each others’ work in furtherance of their goals.permanent link to this post
Rhizome would like to thank Wendy Seltzer, Fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School, for her guidance and Fred Benenson, Creative Commons Cultural Fellow and student at New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program, for his coordination of the project. “By implementing Creative Commons, Rhizome aligns itself with sites like, Flickr and Digg, who nurture not only a community of free creativity, but of free culture,” says Benenson. Lauren Cornell, Executive Director of Rhizome, adds that “It’s in the spirit of Rhizome to foster collaboration amongst artists. I’m happy that Rhizome is able to make these licenses available, and to support the practice of sharing cultural material within the arts.”
About Rhizome
Rhizome is an online platform for the global new media art community. Our programs support the creation, presentation, discussion and preservation of contemporary art that uses new technologies in significant ways.
About Creative Commons
Creative Commons is a not-for-profit organization, founded in 2001, that promotes the creative re-use of intellectual and artistic works—whether owned or in the public domain. Creative Commons licences provide a flexible range of protections and freedoms for authors, artists, and educators that build upon the “all rights reserved” concept of traditional copyright to offer a voluntary “some rights reserved” approach.
The Summer 07 Lull Report - Part 1
posted at 13:49 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Next up, on September 16, we will present new performance/ event called MTAA’s Super Slow 5 K. This is a leisurely 5k (3.11 mile) group artwork/ 5k race / 5 hour picnic around McCarren Park’s running track in Williamsburg Brooklyn. This work is part of Conflux 07. It should be a hoot. More details soon. permanent link to this post
MASS MoCA: Project Is Not Art
posted at 13:28 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
More alarming is MASS MoCA’s argument that they are the lawful owners of the materials which are the subject matter of this dispute, and thus allowed to display them publicly.
But this isn’t the end of this wonderful yarn of fiction. MASS MoCA further argues that Büchel’s work is not even art, but simply a compilation of materials which, if accepted by the Court, would not be granted protection under the Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990 (VARA). If in fact the Court decides that VARA does apply, MASS MoCA argues that any modification to the “materials” which may have happened is allowed by VARA under the “conservation or placement” exception, and/or that the doctrine of “fair use” would allow MASS MoCA to display Büchel’s project without infringing the Copyright or VARA Acts.
Read more at…
background info here
(via Winkleman) permanent link to this post
Jul 19, 2007
Steam pipe explosion
posted at 14:16 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
I found this:
Some 30 billion pounds of steam every year flow beneath the streets of Manhattan from the Battery to 96th Street. While it is unknown to most New Yorkers, Con Edison’s subterranean steam system is the biggest steam district in the world. There are 7 plants in NYC — five in Manhattan and one each in Queens and Brooklyn. On a cold winter day, nearly 10 million pounds of steam at 350 degrees Fahrenheit flow each hour through 105 miles of underground mains. Steam is efficient and cost effective for high-rise buildings and most of it is used for heating and cooling.
The city’s infrastructure is old, with much of it being built 50 to 100 years ago. Just maintaining this system, which cracks and breaks every day, is a monumental task.
(Check out Coned’s info here and here too.)
Pretty straightforward, except — what? Cooling!? How the hell does steam cool a building? I can’t find any info so I suppose it will remain a mystery… permanent link to this post
Jul 18, 2007
In case you somehow missed it: James and Barry
posted at 19:51 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Of course, as always, MTAA was way ahead of the curve (note: the date on the linked post is wrong, it was actually from June 13, 2005). permanent link to this post
Jul 14, 2007
another summer .mov
posted at 14:50 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
MTAA’s Portable First Solo Show Audio Tour & Extended Dance Mix
posted at 02:24 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Back in January 2000 MTAA had a solo show at a small gallery on the Lower East Side called Walden. The place is long gone, but evidence of our show persists.
For the show we created an audio tour. MP3s of the audio tour have been offline for a while, but I decided to put them back online (unsure why they were offline in the first place). Anyway, here they are:
MTAA’s Portable First Solo Show Audio Tour & Extended Dance Mix.
(Note: each track name links to an MP3 audio file.)
Track 1: The MTAA Promise (it looked more or less like this (PDF))
Track 2: TIME!® @ PS1 aka The Big Blue Summer (this piece had to do with our TIME® project)
Track 3: DYHAP Museum Plan (this piece related to Direct To Your Home Art Projects)
Track 4: V-TAV: "Group Text" Hard Copy Version (check out the exhibition)
Track 5: Site Unseen Tracking Poster (a sculptural version of Website Unseen)
Track 6: 99 Steps to Contemporary Art in Your Bedroom (check out the 99 Steps online)
Bonus Extended Dance Mix: Empty You by Yab Yum (Johnny Gould & Chris Flam)
All the tracks were mixed by Cary Peppermint (working under the alias CP_V70), except the bonus track which was created by Yab Yum. permanent link to this post
Jul 13, 2007
New Media Art in the Daylight?
posted at 17:39 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Need more reasons to go?
I’ll have some pics from the Thurs night opening up soon.

Jul 10, 2007
summer movs
posted at 15:37 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Jul 08, 2007
iCommons Summit videos
posted at 17:49 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
iCommons iSummit07 - AiR panel - MTAA’s Tim Whidden
Last month MTAA participated in the iCommons Summit ‘07 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. I attended as MTAA’s representative and spoke on two panels (we also put an entire exhibition together while we were there).
Videos of the panels are online. You can download the QuickTime versions: The Artist-in-residence panel where all the artists spoke (83MB) and another panel (that was sort of strange and contentious) called Why Don’t Artists Use More Free Software (93MB).
There are also flash versions available via Vimeo:
Paddy Johnson (moderating),
Nathaniel Stern
MTAA’s Tim Whidden
Kathryn Smith
Jaka Zeleznikar
Joy Garnett
Ana Husman
Q&A permanent link to this post
Jul 06, 2007
at Eyebeam
posted at 21:57 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

MTAA +RSG’s Gordon Matta-Clark Encryption Method (GMCEM)
In fall of 2002, RSG gathered 500 printed pages (1 ream) of data from MTAA using the Carnivore client installed at the Eyebeam’s studios. Each 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper was then torn in half and stacked in a plexi box permanent link to this post
at Postmasters
posted at 12:04 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
M.River took the snaps below, there’s more at his Tintype blog…

Karaoke DeathMatch 100 (2007, video, software, web site, computers, benches, desk)

25 Concrete Examples Why John Cage Is Not Our Father (2001, DVD-Video loop) permanent link to this post
Jul 05, 2007
Eyebeam featured on Channel 10
posted at 19:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Channel 10 is Microsoft’s videoblog, billing itself as:
[…] a place for enthusiasts with a passion for technology. Through a world-wide network of contributors, Channel 10 covers the latest news in music, mobility, photography, videography, gaming, and new PC hardware and software.
They also happen to cover a lot of MS technology… imagine that?
Today they’re covering our friends at Eyebeam.
Check it out… (you can download the interview in a variety of formats at their site). permanent link to this post
new summer .movs
posted at 11:51 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
garden and fun permanent link to this post