Jun 30, 2007
Kimmelman on The Splasher(s)
posted at 14:04 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Until the pranks turned ugly, it was heartening to follow the dust-up between a bunch of street artists and their nemesis or nemeses, identity unknown. As The New York Times reported this week, for some time works of stenciled graffiti art and wheat-pasted posters slapped onto walls in Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan have been splashed with paint and scrawled with messages of protest.
Splashing the Art World With Anger and Questions permanent link to this post
Jun 29, 2007
The Amateur’s hour
posted at 19:22 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
NYT Review “The Cult of the Amateur”
I love garage bands. I feel that some of the best American music, blues, jazz, hip-hop, punk, flows from some “amateurs” sitting around in a garage/shack/public housing party/ dive bar making and sharing music. The net is making the “garage/shack/public housing party/ dive bar” larger. Here is to the unwashed. permanent link to this post
Jun 26, 2007
Mumford’s better
posted at 20:18 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
All right, he doesn’t suck (I was just being a dick). But his drawings look much less inspired to my eye than Mumford’s. Johnson’s stuff looks overly illustrative and picky. In short, his drawings lack the confidence of Mumford’s field sketches.
via Boing Boing permanent link to this post
Shortlisted by NYMag
posted at 15:34 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
NYMag’s blurb on KDM100 makes me chuckle:
An eight-hour, booze-fueled karaoke face-off. In other words, Saturday night in Chinatown.
Even if you’ve
Jun 22, 2007
Not Your Parents’ MTV
posted at 18:04 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

click for larger image
We have two pieces in this show opening next week at Postmasters! Note: the opening is JUNE 28, 6-8PM (it was misprinted on the postcard).
We’ll be showing ‘gallery versions’ of Karaoke DeathMatch 100 and 25 Concrete Examples Why John Cage Is Not Our Father.
More below:
Postmasters Gallery is pleased to present our final, not to be missed, show of this season:permanent link to this post
Not Your Parents’ MTV: Music Videos from Hell
June 28 - July 28, 2007
opening reception Thursday, June 28 6-8 pm
- a group exhibition featuring unorthodox music videos and related projects by the following artists:
I’m a Slave 4U
The Super N Word
Because Washington is Hollywood for Ugly People
Diva Reincarnation
Shotgun Piano
Abe and Mo Sing the Blogs
Karaoke Death Match 100
25 Concrete Examples Why John Cage Is Not Our Father
Kimchi alert system!
posted at 13:59 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Under the measure, kimchi will be labeled as mild, slightly hot, moderately hot, very hot or extremely hot to indicate spiciness. The index is based on the amount of capsaicin and other substances contained in the chili peppers added to the cabbage to make kimchi.
via BuzzFeed… permanent link to this post
your future leader and or myspace pal
posted at 13:05 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
MTAA’s fav avatar/ netiquette journalist rates the presidential candidates myspace profiles.
Ha ha…
Third Party candidates
permanent link to this post
AIOTD – MTAA Self Portrait as Black Bears
posted at 01:07 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
permanent link to this post
Commons Art Diagram
2007, digital image
The Art Happens Here, as part of iCommons Summit '07, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Jun 19, 2007
Artificial legal add-ons to art
posted at 18:17 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

MTAA have been supporters of Creative Commons since the project was launched. When we can, we release versions of art works with CC licenses and our web sites (both and have CC licenses attached to them. Our digital image ‘Manual Zoom Mirage’ was released under a BY-NC-SA 1.0 license way back in ‘03 (just a few months after the initial license releases according to Wikipedia). And our Simple Net Art Diagram has had various versions of licenses attached to it until we settled on the Attribution 2.5 license.
I say all this to establish MTAA’s street cred when it comes to artists engaging with the ideas that Creative Commons embodies. Also to contextualize where I’m coming from when I try to point out the deficiencies that CC may have for fine artists or how I think most artists of this ilk will respond to CC. Which brings me to this article by Paddy Johnson: Defining Moments at the Artist in Residence Panel. She describes the iCommons Summit 07 artists in residence panel, I’m interested in this part…
[…] according to [T.Whid], no work of art is made better for having a CC license applied to it. Now, this point is clearly debatable, and having observed just yesterday that I liked his work On Kawara Update better for the license I tend to think there are exceptions to this statement, as did a member of the audience who cited the same work. That said, I still suspect most artists would generally agree with his statement.
…in order to clarify my point.
An art work’s meaning will be changed by context. Making a work available via a CC license may change or augment the context of a work thereby changing its meaning somewhat to some viewers (make it better or worse). My point is that the vast majority of viewers of an art work will not notice this contextual shift — they have no idea what sort of copyright laws are being applied to a particular art work. Many of those that do notice will simply disregard it and focus on the traditional measures of an art work’s worth: the form, content, subject, etc. In some cases, drawing a viewer’s attention to the licensing aspect of a work of art may confuse the viewer — making their experience worse.
I personally would never measure a particular work’s value by its license — it wouldn’t even go into the mix. To me (unless the CC license is part of the content of the work) it’s simply a sort of artificial add-on. If I like an art work on its own merit and then notice it’s CC-licensed, I will think the artist is enlightened, but that’s just my opinion of the artist and not the work.
Think of one of your favorite art works. Do you know its license? Do you just assume copyright has been applied? Would you really think it was more [beautiful, intelligent, engaging, enthralling, etc] if the license changed?
Just as I posted this I thought I should explain what I mean by ‘artificial.’ Simply put, artificial in this context means something added on by outside influence and may or may not have any meaning or value vis-a-vis what the artist was trying to communicate in the art work. Some artists simply don’t care about copyright, etc but legal structures force these concepts onto their work anyway.
update 2
Rob Myers has a response. permanent link to this post
Jun 18, 2007
posted at 13:26 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Jun 17, 2007
onKawaraUpdate (v2)
posted at 09:35 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

MTAA has released a new net art project entitled onKawaraUpdate (v2).
This piece updates and automates the process-oriented nature of On Kawara’s date paintings. The artist’s labor is essential to process-oriented art. What happens when that labor is removed?
If the web site is visited by anyone on a particular day, a date page is created. If no one visits on a particular day, no date page is created.
It is licensed under the CC-GNU GPL. (Download the source code.) permanent link to this post
Jun 16, 2007
MTAA – weekend posting note
posted at 12:07 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Pix of opening in Croatia
posted at 09:18 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

photo by Joy Garnett
Check out the photos… permanent link to this post
Jun 15, 2007
Hunting for that ship
posted at 18:07 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
The ship that I have been using for the project came from an image Joy tossed into the iCommonsair Pool Joy had been posting images of old ships from Croatia. I think she was considering using some of the images for an artwork. Last night, after posting the last image for my project, as I sat in bed, I thought “I bet that ship is not old and I bet it has a copyright on it…shit.
Here is the ship’s trail. The image was taken from Cao Fei’s blog Cao Fei is one of the iCommons Artist in Residence. Cao Fei seem to have got it from the Cape Farewell Project “Art and Climate Change” who picked it up from an artist named David Buckland
“David Buckland is a designer, artist and film-maker whose lens-based works have been exhibited in numerous galleries in London, Paris and New York and collected by the National Portrait Gallery, London, the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, the Metropolitan Museum, New York and the Getty Collection, Los Angeles amongst others.”
more of his bio here
So now, I’m going to email David Buckland to see if I can use his image for non-commercial project. This is, in the end, what CC is all about. Not doing what I’m doing.
I’ll update if I hear from him. permanent link to this post
10 iCSAFGM images
posted at 14:31 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
update: they can alos be found on flickr tagged icsafgm permanent link to this post
Jun 14, 2007
posted at 13:50 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
So, as part of this project, I’ve been flipping the “C” around and doubling it within the images. Tim sent me an email this morning with a strange fact.
“According to the Croats here… the 4 Cs all pointing outward… is a symbol of greater Serbia and is a bit of a local swastika since the serbs attacked Croatia during the Balkan war.”
“It’s not an exact duplicate of the symbol but was close enough that a local artist was kinda freaked to see it… should we delete it from the blog?”
So, I cut two images off the blog. I send my best thoughts of peace and respect to the city of Dubrovnik.
As for the project, I’ll put some more up tonight (sans 4 Cs). I might move the project over to my photo blog ( to give it more space. I’d like to get a good set of 10 done before Firday. permanent link to this post
posted at 02:38 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Jun 13, 2007
posted at 12:22 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Jun 12, 2007
posted at 23:38 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Jun 11, 2007
iCommons Summit AiR Flickr group mixr (iCSAFGM)
posted at 23:41 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

So, I’ve been thinking. As I’m stuck in New York at work, how can I add anything to the iCommons Summit? Answer - a bad photo shopped jpegs mix project taken from the iCommons AiR Flickr group. Ummmmm…rad. If ya want to toss one in as well, send a link. permanent link to this post
iCommons Summit AiR Flickr group
posted at 09:34 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Go to the iCommons AiR Flickr group. We should be updating it often over the course of the summit (until June 17) :-) permanent link to this post
Jun 10, 2007
posted at 10:47 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Dubrovnik, Croatia
twhid update

snapshot from my room’s terrace… gorgeous! click for a larger image… permanent link to this post
Jun 08, 2007
Where is T.Whid
posted at 13:36 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

After a crushing defeat in the Karaoke Death Match 100, T.Whid has fled the country to represent MTAA at the
iCommons Summit 07
June 15 to June 17 in
Dubrovnik, Croatia
As well as participating in the summit, MTAA and a group of fellow artist will be mounting an exhibition in Dubrovnik and in Second Life. More details soon.
Yes, some artist will be going to Venice , Münster or Basel this summer to show art to the artworld. MTAA will be in Dubrovnik trying, in some small way, to change the way the artworld works.
Also. Tim made this Simple CC Diagram that explains it all. Sounds like we will have some t-shirst made for the show. permanent link to this post
Jun 04, 2007
M.River wins KDM100 Champion!
posted at 13:27 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
It was a rough and grueling championship consisting of 50 rounds of karaoke done over one day while the competitors got progressively more drunk. It was an endurance competition and M.River seems to have endured better over the long haul.
M.River’s victory speech consisted entirely of the following: “Blow me Tim. I won. Fuck you, ha!”
There will be no rematch (unless, perhaps, we can get funding for it).
M.River update:
Although, as Tim points out on the MTAA-RR blog today, my short, sweet and to the point victory speech goes down on record as “Blow me Tim. I won. Fuck you, ha!” I would have rather it been one of these 2 quotes from the fighting wordsmith Muhammad Ali
“Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.”
“If you even dream of beating me you’d better wake up and apologize.”
It kinda work both ways. Actually, good job and well played Tim. No rematch.
Also, again big thanks to all who voted and posted. You are the true KDM100 champs. permanent link to this post
Jun 03, 2007
posted at 13:19 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
With one round to go the score is:
M.River: 24 | T.Whid: 23 | Ties: 2
The only thing I can do is tie it up :(
M.River sucks and doesn’t deserve to win, but a tie would be worse. If we tied, we might need to do this again! That’s not going to happen.
Anyway… this is the last day to vote, so get on over there. You can always visit the archives too. permanent link to this post
Jun 01, 2007
more on the GMCEM
posted at 18:43 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver