Apr 29, 2007
John Cage has a secret
posted at 13:46 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

via Rhizome… permanent link to this post
Apr 28, 2007
KDM100 @
posted at 02:07 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/geek
by somebaudy to karaoke deathmatch art audio image movie quicktime video
by rimapra to vlog_art
by lafundicio to art karaoke drinking drunk
by harloholmes to admirable hotttt audio image internets art?
by cory_arcangel to art karaoke movie quicktime video
by mccoyspace to art video netart karaoke mtaa
by mjh to karaoke quicktime video movie
by 53os to netart art
by barryhoggard to art netart
by m.river to mtaa netart07
by twhid to mtaa karaoke netart net_art_07 art permanent link to this post
Apr 27, 2007
KDM100 on Rhizome News
posted at 13:27 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Thanks Rhizome!
Link to the news item and below…
Karaoke Or Die
Have you already subscribed to the video feeds of ‘Karaoke Deathmatch 100’? If not, do it now, as you don’t know what you are missing. ‘Karaoke Deathmatch 100’ is perhaps the most significant project ever from MTAA (artists M. River and T. Whid). Well-regarded within the new media community for works such as ‘1 year performance video (aka Sam Hsieh Update),’ it is with ‘Karaoke Deathmatch 100’ that they reach an audience beyond this field. Unfolding over 50 days, the ‘Karaoke Deathmatch 100’ features both artists in an ‘alcohol-fueled blood feud […] 50 rounds of sing-along fury,’ to use their own words. Taped live over an 8-hour period, these sessions are screened everyday at midnight (New York time). One sees both artists—one singing, the other seated in the back of the studio—both in front of typically cheesy karaoke videos. Viewers can post comments on the performances and vote on the best performer. T. Whid won the first round (with 21 votes) after singing Guns N’ Roses’ Welcome To The Jungle. One reader commented, ‘It’s like American Idol, only different. I feel like my vote counts here.’ Another noted, ‘You suck and so does Guns N’ Roses.’ The current score is tied at M. River: 6/T. Whid: 6, but the contest is just beginning. The artists, themselves, beg the question,’Who will emerge victorious?,’ decrying, ‘Only YOU can decide.’ So don’t miss any other face-off. Log-on today and participate in ‘the most brutal performance art smack down of the new millennium.’
- Miguel Amado
Don’t forget to visit KDM100 daily and vote for T.Whid! permanent link to this post
posted at 00:37 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
I’ve organized a conference for my grad students, which is taking place this Saturday, in Williamsburg. These are some of the best students I’ve ever taught and this is certainly the best class ever. In a word, it’s been *legendary* and this conference will be a fun, provocative way to end the semester. It’s my hope that you can join us to participate in lively discussions, offer feedback on artists’ works in progress, and perhaps consume a few bagels and coffees.permanent link to this post
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Presentations on the theory & practice of tactical media and contemporary protest art, by graduate students in the ITP program at NYU’s Tisch School of the arts.
The presenters’ talks will be grouped into three panels, to be moderated by their Professor, Marisa Olson (Editor & Curator, Rhizome), on the topics of Play & Consumption; Fear, Spectacle, and the Media; and the Interfaces and Architecture of Control. These panels will consist of both artist talks and analytical essays and audience members will be invited to give feedback on a few works in progress.
The Change You want to See Gallery
84 Havemeyer @ Metropolitan, Brooklyn, NY 11211
L to Bedford o Lorimer, G to Metropolitan, J/M/Z to Marcy
Hours: 12-5 pm, Saturday, April 28, 2007
Apr 23, 2007
KDM100 on Rocketboom today
posted at 20:11 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Check it out…
Thanks to Andrew, Joanne and everybody else at Rocketboom for the hook-up!
M.River adds - also thanks to Kenyatta. My next song going out to you and the rest of the RB folks. permanent link to this post
Timex Sinclair 1000
posted at 13:56 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/geek

Slashdot reminds us that it’s the 25th anniversary of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum.
Ah. Good days. My first computer was the Timex Sinclair 1000, the US version of the UK Sinclair.
From Wikipedia:
The TS1000 sold for $99.95 in the US when it debuted, making it the cheapest home computer to date at the time of its launch. The black and white display showed 32 columns and 24 lines (22 of which were normally accessible for display and 2 reserved for data entry and error messages). The limited graphics were based on geometric shapes contained within the operating system’s non-ASCII character set. The only form of long-term storage was to plug into an often unreliable home tape cassette recorder.
Good times! permanent link to this post
Apr 22, 2007
On KDM100 [part 1]
posted at 15:49 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

MTAA’s Karaoke DeathMatch 100 has been live on the web for about a week. As the project progresses I thought I would do a post now and then discussing how I think it’s going and my thoughts on the project.
As with any creative project, the creator doesn’t truly understand it until it’s released to the public.
Contemporary karaoke has been debased. The point of karaoke isn’t to entertain strangers with talented renditions of popular songs. It’s point is to entertain your friends with drunken and humiliating destructions of popular songs. Karaoke is best experienced in a private room with close friends who are all completely and totally wasted. Each takes their turn destroying a song with their drunken, fervent attempts at entertainment.
This is Karaoke DeathMatch 100. The web, in general, and net art specifically are MTAA’s best friends. We want to entertain you World Wide Web. We’ll entertain you by humiliating ourselves in drunken buffoonery like good friends should. But, if you deserve this gesture of friendship you have obligations. Art obligations. One or two or even three rounds of drunken, ear-piercing foolishness isn’t enough. You need to commit World Wide Web. This is pop endurance performance art. You need to endure this performance just as much as MTAA if we’re going to have some art happen here.
It’s up to you World Wide Web. Like 1YPV, this thing only works if you’re there for us. We’re there for you. You must watch every day. You must vote every day. If you do, the art WILL happen. If you don’t, the art won’t happen. It’s simple really. permanent link to this post
Apr 21, 2007
MTAA action figures
posted at 23:36 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

The two action figures (in the collector’s packaging) on the wall of our studio (click for a larger image).
Below are small JPEGs of the packaging. Click each one to see a larger, more detailed image. What kills me is the action figures in the playsets hahahahah.




Thanks again Bill! This is one of the coolest presents ever!
M.River adds - When I opened it, I was awe struck. Best gift ever. Thanks B n’D. Now I want to make .5 scale MTAAs now for a show. permanent link to this post
Apr 19, 2007
Re-Staging, Re-Enactment, Remix and Mimetics
posted at 14:09 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
What is apparent is that none of these artists are doing exact copies of the works they are referencing. They are however playing with the signature style and brand names in varying degrees. The discussion is not however a blatant crowbar tactic of prying out and smashing property rights. It is an understanding that intellectual property has different degrees of meaning and use. While Tribes’ Port Huron project seems to be a desire to get at the emotional heart of a signifier, Kulik’s re-staging of the Beuys work is an escalation. In Kulik’s piece the animal and the human combine. MTAA seems to be researching the banal in Conceptual Art, updating it and presenting it on the networks as a pointer to the earlier works and yet the meaning is lost in a language game. Paul McCarthy and Mike Kelley are doing what can only be called remixing by taking Acconci and porno and mixing them together.permanent link to this post
bold face names
posted at 12:15 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Good lord everyone looks cute.
twhid adds…
Damn! Missed the society pages AGAIN! Gar! permanent link to this post
Apr 18, 2007
Best MTAA review EVAH!
posted at 17:53 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
From the bastard progeny of Marcel Duchamp & the Marx Brothers, the splendid & singular MTAA, comes Karaoke Death Match 100.
It’s great stuff & clearly one to follow closely — we’ll be returning to them here ‘ere close of play in 50 days. Just want to sneak in, though, that actually I found this quite ahem…er… moving: — the sheer effort invoked in the act of singing; T.Whid’s strange shambling captive bear dance & M River’s weird but somehow totally appropriate sudden & violent changes of dynamics. A bit like Bas Jan Ader falling over, there’s something more here than originally meets the eye & ear, & it’s a lot human & a bit wonderful.
(This was in reference to round 2 of KDM100.)
Go to DVBlog now! permanent link to this post
Apr 17, 2007
The LOT-EK lean
posted at 19:24 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

via Curbed (lots more renderings and other info so go there). permanent link to this post
posted at 18:29 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

New audio by Cary Peppermint, check it out…
seven audio works .mp3 - Cary Peppermint 2007
The audio works of TRACEPLACESPACE were formed loosely in response to ever-accelerating technological developments, passing time, urgent ecological issues, and remarkable events of our globally connected system in process long before but brought to the forefront since the latter part of the year 2001. The works of TRACEPLACESPACE are components of a digital, multi-media, network-infused performance of the same title.permanent link to this post
I like to perform this work in small community venues, outdoor gatherings, art-spaces, and galleries where everyone is welcome and can sit on the floor, talk to one another, and drink green tea. However I will perform TRACEPLACESPACE approximately anywhere.
1. curse go back.mp3 - 5.4mb : a utopian template
2. uncanny situation.mp3 - 10.1mb : for Jean Baudrillard, 1929 - 2007
3. mary gone deep.mp3 - 6.4mb : because “we cannot fall out of the world”
4. unreasonable things.mp3 - 3.7mb : democracy containment
5. technics and time.mp3 - 7mb : let it take you as far as you can ride it
6. big.mp3 - 4.2mb : exciting times / exciting life
7. six years.mp3 - 7.8mb : …the dematerialization of… - Lucy Lippard
Apr 15, 2007
MTAA’s Karaoke DeathMatch 100 UNLEASHED!
posted at 14:04 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Karaoke DeathMatch 100 (AKA KDM100)
New rounds daily from April 15 2007 - June 4, 2007!
Artist collaborative M.River & T.Whid Art Associates face off in the most brutal performance art smack down of the new millennium…Karaoke Deathmatch 100! This alcohol-fueled blood feud features 50 rounds of sing-along fury (taped live over an 8-hour period with hardly any pee breaks). No Carpenters hit too cheesy, no heavy metal lyric too trite for these teleprompter warriors to hurl in a battle to the end. Who will emerge victorious? Only YOU can decide.
MTAA’s Karaoke DeathMatch 100 is a video blog performance that takes place over 50 days starting April 15th, 2007 and ending June 4th, 2007. Each day, a new round is posted pitting M.River & T.Whid against each other in drunken karaoke competition. Visit the web site daily to view the sets of videos, vote for your favorite and discuss the artists’ performances. At the end of the competition, the votes will decide who is the Karaoke DeathMatch 100 Champion.
The web version of KDM100 is an official selection of Visual 07. 7º Festival De Creación Audiovisual Ciudad De Majadahonda. The gallery version of KDM100 premiered at the Leonart ‘05 art festival in Leonding, Austria.
KDM100 was shot in May 2005 over 8 hours.
video production:
Bill Hallinan, Andre Sala and George Su
web production:
MTAA; developed using open-source software: Wordpress, X-Poll and embedthevideo.
web site:
iTunes Store: click here
QuickTime feed:
Windows Media feed: permanent link to this post
Apr 13, 2007
my long lost brother with hair
posted at 03:54 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Apr 12, 2007
Tribe & Jana release New Media Art as an open-source wiki
posted at 21:55 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Check it out…
From the preface…
This open-source wiki book is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 License. It is based on the manuscript of New Media Art, a book written by Mark Tribe and Reena Jana and published by Taschen in 2006. The Taschen book is available in French, German, Italian and Spanish in addition to English. This wiki book is not intended as a substitute or replacement for the Taschen book, but rather as an expandable educational resource to which artists, curators, students and others may contribute.
Being the narcissist that I am, the first thing I did was go there and look up MTAA and lo and behold, there I am in my underwear ;-)
Kidding aside, this is a very cool thing for the authors to do. Thanks guys! permanent link to this post
T.Whid’s day job: TVTonic
posted at 14:00 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
This is a demo of TVTonic (the software that I help develop as my day job) and an interview with our company’s president, Michael Sprague.
If the embedded player isn’t working (or you’re reading this via a news reader that doesn’t support plug-ins) try this link. permanent link to this post
Vonnegut dead
posted at 13:54 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
NYT obit… permanent link to this post
Apr 11, 2007
Napier @ Bitforms
posted at 13:31 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Mark Napier’s new show is opening at Bitforms gallery tomorrow April 12!
Be there or…don’t be cool.
From the PR…
April 12 - May 19, 2007 bitforms gallery nyc
bitforms gallery is pleased to announce a third solo exhibition with Mark Napier, April 12 – May 19. This exhibit marks the New York debut of his new software art and print work.
One of the select few artists whose Internet art has been collected and commissioned by prominent art institutions, Mark Napier is known for creating work that challenges traditional rules of ownership, authority, and permanence. Over the past decade he has developed custom software as an art medium, and this exhibition features virtual objects that hover between the material and immaterial.
“Increasingly we live and navigate in a world composed of energy: electrical, magnetic and light,” says Napier. “Digital media infuse our lives as never before. In this media environment, power is no longer associated with physical objects, but with the persistence of ideas in the collective consciousness of the media.”
[lots more at the gallerie’s web site]
There will be an artist’s talk on Saturday May 5 at 4:00PM at the gallery as well. permanent link to this post
JODI in NYC @ vertexList
posted at 01:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Apr 10, 2007
tinjail movs part 6
posted at 00:31 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Apr 09, 2007
LeWitt is dead
posted at 13:28 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Apr 06, 2007
Fight art with art
posted at 03:04 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
If M.River agrees, it can be a new MTAA motto. Whaddya think?
m.river adds - Sure. I think this is the list so far:
The Art Happens Here
Save Free TV
Meaning in Misunderstanding
Fight Art with Art
Also, speaking of fighting, I had a dream last night that we remade Jodi’s bomb work with flowers.
twhid update
Cool. A new official motto! BTW, are these slogans or mottos? Probably a motto. permanent link to this post
Apr 04, 2007
tinjail movs - part 5
posted at 13:27 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Apr 02, 2007
DRM dam has burst
posted at 14:12 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/geek
(No, it’s not a late April Fools Day joke.)
This is it folks. The beginning of the end of DRM. permanent link to this post