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Apr 19, 2007

Re-Staging, Re-Enactment, Remix and Mimetics

posted at 14:09 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

G.H. Hovagimyan has a new post over at about re-stagings of artworks called Re-Staging, Re-Enactment, Remix and Mimetics.
What is apparent is that none of these artists are doing exact copies of the works they are referencing. They are however playing with the signature style and brand names in varying degrees. The discussion is not however a blatant crowbar tactic of prying out and smashing property rights. It is an understanding that intellectual property has different degrees of meaning and use. While Tribes’ Port Huron project seems to be a desire to get at the emotional heart of a signifier, Kulik’s re-staging of the Beuys work is an escalation. In Kulik’s piece the animal and the human combine. MTAA seems to be researching the banal in Conceptual Art, updating it and presenting it on the networks as a pointer to the earlier works and yet the meaning is lost in a language game. Paul McCarthy and Mike Kelley are doing what can only be called remixing by taking Acconci and porno and mixing them together.
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bold face names

posted at 12:15 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Rhiz party in AFD
Good lord everyone looks cute.

twhid adds…
Damn! Missed the society pages AGAIN! Gar! permanent link to this post

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