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Mar 27, 2007

Mtaa in Africa…

posted at 14:59 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

I’ve noticed for a long time that the string ‘mtaa’ shows up very often in african blogs and web sites. There is also a web radio station called MTAA FM that focuses on African music. I was very curious to know what ‘mtaa’ meant, but I didn’t even know what language I needed to look into.

Today I figured it out (with some help from Google of course). Mtaa means ‘street’ in Swahili. That rocks!

…wonder how the hell you pronounce it. permanent link to this post

tinjail - part 4

posted at 12:39 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Dante (aka the Unscary Movie)

For the most part it’s black video with someone screaming…but in a funny way. A cut of this film was first shown in a screening at EFA’s gallery. Turn off the lights, sit back and scream along. permanent link to this post

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