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Feb 20, 2007

4 years of MTAA blogging

posted at 18:51 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Nathaniel Stern reminds me that the MTAA blog’s (MTAA-RR) 4-year anniversary came and went on February 9 of this year without so much as a mention from us. Meh, who cares anyway, right? Here’s the first post if you’re interested.

Note that our archives are totally screwed and that a bunch of posts got shoved into Feb 06. Some day I’ll fix it (if I have the data). permanent link to this post

AIOTD - Why Should You Be In This Piece?

posted at 18:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

The artists ask random people they encounter to answer the question “why should you be in this piece?” and videotape the replies.

The resulting video is an always random playback of the responses (controlled via custom software). permanent link to this post

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