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Jan 09, 2007

more on cats and less on phones

posted at 22:24 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

It has almost become law that to be a blogger, at some point, you must post about a cat. No one knows why this is. It is just how the Net operates. It is also a sign that a blog has run past relevance. Posting on cats is the net equivalence of jumping the shark So, just to drive Tim insane for his post below, here is a link for a Google image search on phone cat

Enjoy permanent link to this post


posted at 21:37 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/geek

Apple has released the iPhone. I sorta called it a few months back in this Digg comment.

Sure, I was wrong about the name and the way it would be hyped. But I got the gist right IMHO. The important part was my follow up pointing out the patent on ‘dynamic and configurable touchscreen interfaces.’ Or maybe I’m just delusional; everyone and their dog was predicting this damn thing.

PS, I needed to post something again today to push M.River’s cat post down. I hate cat blogging. permanent link to this post

what may be the first MTAA-RR blog post about a cat

posted at 20:07 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

and net art 2.0 rolls on with Evan Roth’s Satanic Images. Google image searches for the 666th photo taken on various digital cameras.

I just want to point out that the cat in the third row IS evil. Very evil permanent link to this post

Sherman: Paik as first video artist is a myth?

posted at 17:12 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

I just saw the short essay by Tom Sherman, The Premature Birth of Video Art, on the iDC list and found it very interesting. Sherman’s conclusion:
[…] the myth of Paik’s first work of video art appears to pre-date its own possibility. While Paik undoubtedly was a pioneer user of portable video equipment, he probably shared the original moments of video art with other artists, including Frank Gillette, Ira Schneider, Les Levine, and Juan Downey. The mythic story of Nam June Paik shooting the first Portapak-generated video art out of the back of a taxi in 1965 is apparently just that, a myth.

He goes on to say:

I […] welcome information that supports or undermines this challenge of the myth of the birth of video art.

Read the entire essay at the iDC archives.

Obviously, I have no idea. If I see further compelling info or evidence, I’ll post it here. permanent link to this post

Spitzer slashes sick tax

posted at 15:09 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/politics

It’s nice to see government working for the people once in a while. And Eliot Spitzer, brand new Governor of New York, is just the guy to do it.

Since 2003, NY state has had a sick, demented tax on people who’s friends and families happen to be in prison. Oh, and the government was sharing the spoils with for-profit phone company Verizon. This is how this disgusting shake-down worked:

In court papers, lawyers for Verizon/MCI said the state Public Service Commission directed them in 2003 to charge a tariff that includes the “jurisdictional” rate plus the “DOCS commission.” That included a flat rate of $3 per call and 16 cents a minute thereafter.

That meant collect calls have been charged at a rate of 630 percent more than consumer rates, of which 57.5 percent is “kicked back” to [the Dept. of Correctional Services] for operating expenses such as health care that should come out of general tax dollars, [Center for Constitutional Rights] officials said.


Yesterday, Spitzer announced that the rates would be cut. permanent link to this post

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