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Jan 06, 2007

It’s freakishly warm in NYC today

posted at 15:57 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

According to my little OS X weather widget, it’s 67ºF outside right now and the high is to be 71ºF!!! Is this June or January? Outside, most people are in shirt sleeves, no jackets, no coats, no scarves, no hats, no mittens. Freaky!

I know that, scientifically, these warm (or cold) outliers don’t mean anything in the larger global warming trend. But here in NYC, winter seems to be coming much later and ending much sooner. Days like this are exclamation points on that trend.

I know what M.River is saying, “Vive La Global Warming!” Perhaps we should all start keeping canoes on our roofs — just in case? permanent link to this post

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