Nov 30, 2006
Detroit Rock City
posted at 13:26 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Nov 28, 2006
CC v Zune
posted at 14:52 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/geek
Read the story (with comments) here.
It will be interesting to see if any lawsuits result because of this. Have there been any CC-related lawsuits yet? permanent link to this post
Whitney at the High Line
posted at 01:28 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
[via NYT]
A month after the Dia Art Foundation scrapped its plans to open a museum at the entrance to the High Line, the abandoned elevated railway line that the city is transforming into a public park, the Whitney Museum of American Art has signed on to take its place and build a satellite institution of its own downtown.permanent link to this post
The Whitney recently reached a conditional agreement on Wednesday night with the city’s Economic Development Corporation to buy the city-owned site, at Washington and West Streets in the meatpacking district, officials at the museum said yesterday. Plans call for the new museum to be at least twice the size of the Whitney’s home on Madison Avenue at 75th Street, they said, and to be finished within the next five years.
Nov 26, 2006
MTAA art at home in NJ
posted at 14:20 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Nov 22, 2006
Parachute fails
posted at 17:11 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

The Canadian contemporary art magazine PARACHUTE ceases publication. This sucks.
From the press release (available in PDF: english | french):
Montreal, 20 November 2006 — The contemporary art magazine PARACHUTE, founded in 1974, has taken the difficult decision to suspend its activities. Despite the success of its new format, introduced in 2000, and its international recognition, funding levels no longer make it possible to ensure a reasonable level of quality and stability.permanent link to this post
Despite its determination and efforts to maintain the journal’s presence on the contemporary art scene and to continue operations, PARACHUTE’s board of directors was obliged to take this last-resort decision after examining all the economic and social factors which would have enabled the journal to extract itself from the impasse facing it. The journal had recently succeeded in increasing its sales by more than 200% while at the same time cutting expenses and trimming budgets. Major fundraising efforts over the last years have produced significant but insufficient results. As well, the repeated demands on government agencies have been unproductive. An overall drop in subsidies, in tandem with the current funding structure of the journal and the media environment today make the task that much more complex. Despite PARACHUTE’s exceptional longevity in a highly competitive milieu — a longevity owing to the enthusiasm of its contributors and readers and to the unflagging determination of its director — its suspension of activities at this time highlights the precariousness of cultural organizations in Quebec and the rest of Canada.
Baste every 10 minutes
posted at 14:16 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
twhid adds…
…my humble turkey related links. permanent link to this post
Nov 21, 2006
MartinLutherKing[dot]org run by racists
posted at 15:35 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Here are some better links, that should really make up the first page of results on Google:
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
[via] | [digg it] permanent link to this post
Nov 17, 2006
posted at 22:47 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
I don’t want to be a buzz kill, but I’m unsure how this is going to be different from Technorati or Digg. They’ve added editorial oversight and commentary it seems, but is that a just throwback to pre-crowdsourcing techniques?
They’re in the early stages of this thing and I’m sure Jonah and the gang have a lot up their sleeves.
Looking over BuzzFeed a tad more I’d like to amend my first response. BuzzFeed is doing something different than Technorati and Digg. Where Technorati will tell you there are n number of links to story x, BuzzFeed is focused on larger trends. It gives you relevant links to the larger meme. Also, the archives are great.
I’d like to know more about it though.
Nov 16, 2006
Last minute reminder: 3x3 was last night!
posted at 17:31 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Blind following of the MTAA-RR is fine, in most cases, but we would not want you showing up at EFI, find a locked door and then wonder why we would go the empty gallery as art route again.
Oh, yeah. The 3x3 show was fun. permanent link to this post
Nov 15, 2006
Last minute reminder: 3x3 tonight!
posted at 22:47 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
3 Minutes : 3 Hours
Wednesday November 15 – 7pm
EFA Gallery | EFA Studio Center
323 West 39th Street, 2nd Floor, NYC
More info here.
Be there or be a rhombus. permanent link to this post
Artist billboards of gay Poles banned
posted at 16:14 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Edward Winkleman has the lowdown (along with a call to action). There’s info on Newsgrist as well.
Institutionalized bigotry against gays, lesbians and transgender people really needs to end. Now. How long can we continue to treat a good portion of our population like second-class citizens? permanent link to this post
Nov 14, 2006
Wiley Wiggins comments on Cory
posted at 18:23 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Note: “Untitled Translation Exercise” is Cory’s video that re-dubs Dazed and Confused using Indian outsourcing workers.
Also, Cory would, presumably, be publicly executed under the Realtime Art Manifesto. permanent link to this post
Realtime Art Manifesto
posted at 18:08 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
An interesting read none-the-less.
Realtime Art Manifesto by Auriea Harvey & Michaël Samyn
1. Realtime 3D is a medium for artistic expression.
2. Be an author.
3. Create a total experience.
4. Embed the user in the environment.
5. Reject dehumanisation: tell stories.
6. Interactivity wants to be free.
7. Don’t make modern art.
8. Reject conceptualism.
9. Embrace technology.
10. Develop a punk economy.
m.river adds:
“including the idea of writing a manifesto at all…”
We did write one.
twhid responds:
Yeah, but ours was ironic.
Irony, under the Realtime Art Manifesto, is punished by having kneecaps shattered. permanent link to this post
Nov 13, 2006 @ [DAM] Berlin
posted at 18:07 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Internet Art / Software Art
Exhibition 06:
10th November 2006 – 5th December 2006
Doron Golan collects artwork, which have been developed for the internet. He concentrated on an aspect of contemporary art, which was consindered as not marketable. The different pieces, which were developed specifically for the Web are free available for everybody. In many cases the internet, with its specific possibilities, is an integral part of the artwork. By aquiring these pieces he enables the persistence of these artworks online. The collection is internationally and you´ll find some important artists, which were already known for internet-art in the 1990s. We present his collection as a projection in the gallery.
[DAM] Berlin
Digital Art Museum
Tucholskystr. 37
D-10117 Berlin
Tue- Fri 12-6 pm | Sat 12-4 pm
There’s a lot of great stuff in Doron’s collection. It’s a very valuable resource, so check it out! permanent link to this post
Nov 08, 2006
Rumsfeld: force quit
posted at 20:42 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/politics
MTAA At The Art Opening [part 9]
posted at 16:37 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Part 9 is ready for download. (MP3, 10.2MB, 16’00)
In which M.River and T.Whid blather on about inane stuff as they count down to the end of this torturous exercise. Lauren Cornell pops in at the end to provide some much needed relief.
This is the final installment in this series. permanent link to this post
posted at 04:45 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/politics
CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and even FOX news call the house for the Dems.
The beginning of the end of the nightmare called the Bush Administration is at hand.
It’s the morning of the 8th now and it looks like a great win! As I’m writing this the Democrats have picked up at least 27 seats in the House (as reported by the NYT and the WaPo) and it’s looking good for the Senate too. Webb (D) is up by only .3% (7847 votes)! and the Democrat Tester in Montana is up by .4% (1735 votes)! If the dems can hold on there (and that’s a big ‘if’ because we all know how good the repubs are at cheating and lying) then the members of the reality-based community get a win (almost) beyond our wildest dreams :-)
I’m from Ohio and the map below (from NYT) illustrates just how far the Democrats have come in just two years. Look at all that blue :-)

For more maps like this go here, select ‘state by state’ then select a state on the left.
update 2
Holy shit! Rumsfeld is out! Almost better news than the Congressional revolution. permanent link to this post
Nov 07, 2006
MTAA At The Art Opening [part 8]
posted at 02:49 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Part 8 is ready for download. (MP3, 11.2MB, 16’36)
In which T.Whid chats with Marisa Olson.
And in case you’re wondering, there’s only one more after this. I suppose that’s either good news or bad news depending on your point-of-view. permanent link to this post
Nov 06, 2006
MTAA At The Art Opening [part 7]
posted at 01:36 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Part 7 is ready for download. (MP3, 10.1MB, 15’28)
In which M.River talks to some guy that seems to really hate art, artists and anything to do with art and artists except for the free drinks at openings (which he can’t drink because he’s training for a marathon). Helen chimes in now and then with wisecracks. permanent link to this post
Nov 04, 2006
MTAA At The Art Opening [part 6]
posted at 18:50 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Part 6 is ready for download. (MP3, 5.5MB, 8’07)
In which T.Whid talks to Tinydiva (AKA Margaret Jameson). Unfortunately, due to a technical glitch, a good portion of the interview was lost :(
Make sure to listen to Tinydiva’s submission (entitled Running — direct link; MP3, 35MB, 15’16) to To Be Listened To… permanent link to this post
The world premier of The Unscary Movie - Nov 15
posted at 16:33 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
In the spring Marina Zurkow asked us if we could make a 3 minute film in 3 hours. We said, “Yup. ”
In the early summer, we filmed Coney Island’s Dante’s Inferno ride. It took a bit more than 3 minutes but not much more. In the early fall, we edited the film. It took a bit more than 3 hours but not much more.
The Unscary Movie is, for the most part, black video. It is, for the most part, loud. It is, for the most part, 3 minutes of sitting in the dark while someone screams and groans. Sometimes a monster pops up. Sometimes you see daylight. It’s not very scary. It’s not action packed. If you come to see it, you should just pass the 3 minutes thinking of the summer past. Feel free to scream along.
3 Minutes : 3 Hours
Wednesday November 15 – 7pm
EFA Gallery | EFA Studio Center
323 West 39th Street, 2nd Floor, NYC
premiering 3 x 3 works by artists:
Chris Doyle, Margarida Garcia, Josh Greene, Oliver Kellhammer, Erin Lee, Zachary Mortensen, MTAA, Ruth Ozeki, Michael Portnoy, Robert Ransick, Marcia Scott, Abigail Simon, Elaine Tin Nyo, Lance Wakeling, Josh Weinstein, Marina Zurkow,(+ organized by Marina Zurkow) permanent link to this post
Pickle passion
posted at 15:09 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/geek

If you love, or even like, pickles. Then run, don’t walk, ah… somewhere to pick up some of Rick’s Picks. Be warned though, they ain’t cheap (11 bucks a jar on the web site).
The newly (re-)opened Cobblestone Foods in my neighborhood in Brooklyn started carrying them and I picked up a jar of the Spears of Influence last night. It was a really fucking good pickle. It was, perhaps, even better than Guss’ Pickles. But I think I should treat my wife and myself to a taste test to decide.
Mmmmmmmm, test taste… I mean mmmmmmm taste test… permanent link to this post
Nov 03, 2006
just another cool show alert…
posted at 18:57 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Dread will be showing at Aljira this fall with Jerry Gant, and Robert Pruitt. Sounds like it will be a great show. So, check it out.
Aljira: a Center for Contemporary Art
³…But I was Cool²
November 9, 2006-January 27, 2007
Opening reception Nov. 9, 2006 5:30 PM 7:30 PM
Exhibition with Jerry Gant, Robert Pruitt and Dread Scott
Panel Discussion with the artists Sunday Nov 12, Noon
Artists Talk Nov. 12, 2006 12 noon 2:00 PM
permanent link to this post
Nov 02, 2006
MTAA At The Art Opening [part 5]
posted at 16:50 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Part 5 is ready for download. (MP3, 5.3MB, 8’26)
In which M.River talks with the one and only Mark Napier as T.Whid goes AWOL in order to smoke. permanent link to this post
Nov 01, 2006
Olia Lialina in NYC
posted at 15:59 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery
601 W 26th Street, Suite 1240
New York, NY 10001
November 2, 2006 6:30PM
In conjunction with the exhibition On and Off at the Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery, celebrated artist and pioneer Olia Lialina will discuss her work with curator Caitlin Jones. Using her iconic work “My Boyfriend Came Back from the War” as a springboard, Lialina will address issues such as the changing aesthetic and thematic landscape of the web, new models of authorship and participation; and the outward expansion of network based ideas and practice into off-line spaces and contexts.
Lialina is one of the original net.artists. All the true heads will be in attendance I’m sure ;-) And note, this is also in conjunction with Rhizome’s Tenth Anniversay Festival. permanent link to this post
MTAA At The Art Opening [part 4]
posted at 14:28 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Part 4 is ready for download. (MP3, 11.6MB, 17’23)
This one features MTAA babbling about the opening and a short interview with Patrick May, artist and Rhizome’s Director of Technology.
Also, some files were uploaded to 2bl2 that we think are in arabic (and look to have been uploaded from an ISP in the United Arab Emirates). The uploader neglected to add them to a feed so I added them to the ‘…in a park in Europe as you wait for the sun to rise and the snow to stop’ feed. If anyone knows arabic, please enlighten us as to the content. We’re curious. permanent link to this post