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Nov 14, 2006

Wiley Wiggins comments on Cory

posted at 18:23 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Wiley Wiggins, star of Dazed and Confused has commented on Cory Arcangel’s Untitled Translation Exercise (scroll down). Read Wiggins’ blog post.

Note: “Untitled Translation Exercise” is Cory’s video that re-dubs Dazed and Confused using Indian outsourcing workers.

Also, Cory would, presumably, be publicly executed under the Realtime Art Manifesto. permanent link to this post

Realtime Art Manifesto

posted at 18:08 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

It’s safe to say that I disagree with the majority a whole bunch of this (including the idea of writing a manifesto at all…).

An interesting read none-the-less.


Realtime Art Manifesto by Auriea Harvey & Michaël Samyn

1. Realtime 3D is a medium for artistic expression.
2. Be an author.
3. Create a total experience.
4. Embed the user in the environment.
5. Reject dehumanisation: tell stories.
6. Interactivity wants to be free.
7. Don’t make modern art.
8. Reject conceptualism.
9. Embrace technology.
10. Develop a punk economy.


m.river adds:
“including the idea of writing a manifesto at all…”

We did write one.


twhid responds:
Yeah, but ours was ironic.

Irony, under the Realtime Art Manifesto, is punished by having kneecaps shattered. permanent link to this post

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