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Nov 13, 2006 @ [DAM] Berlin

posted at 18:07 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

This is a tad late, but the show runs through December 5th.

Internet Art / Software Art

Exhibition 06:
10th November 2006 – 5th December 2006

Doron Golan collects artwork, which have been developed for the internet. He concentrated on an aspect of contemporary art, which was consindered as not marketable. The different pieces, which were developed specifically for the Web are free available for everybody. In many cases the internet, with its specific possibilities, is an integral part of the artwork. By aquiring these pieces he enables the persistence of these artworks online. The collection is internationally and you´ll find some important artists, which were already known for internet-art in the 1990s. We present his collection as a projection in the gallery.

[DAM] Berlin
Digital Art Museum
Tucholskystr. 37
D-10117 Berlin

Tue- Fri 12-6 pm | Sat 12-4 pm

There’s a lot of great stuff in Doron’s collection. It’s a very valuable resource, so check it out! permanent link to this post

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