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Nov 01, 2006

Olia Lialina in NYC

posted at 15:59 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

A Conversation with Olia Lialina
Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery
601 W 26th Street, Suite 1240
New York, NY 10001

November 2, 2006 6:30PM

In conjunction with the exhibition On and Off at the Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery, celebrated artist and pioneer Olia Lialina will discuss her work with curator Caitlin Jones. Using her iconic work “My Boyfriend Came Back from the War” as a springboard, Lialina will address issues such as the changing aesthetic and thematic landscape of the web, new models of authorship and participation; and the outward expansion of network based ideas and practice into off-line spaces and contexts.

Lialina is one of the original net.artists. All the true heads will be in attendance I’m sure ;-) And note, this is also in conjunction with Rhizome’s Tenth Anniversay Festival. permanent link to this post

MTAA At The Art Opening [part 4]

posted at 14:28 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Part 4 is ready for download. (MP3, 11.6MB, 17’23)

This one features MTAA babbling about the opening and a short interview with Patrick May, artist and Rhizome’s Director of Technology.

Also, some files were uploaded to 2bl2 that we think are in arabic (and look to have been uploaded from an ISP in the United Arab Emirates). The uploader neglected to add them to a feed so I added them to the ‘…in a park in Europe as you wait for the sun to rise and the snow to stop’ feed. If anyone knows arabic, please enlighten us as to the content. We’re curious. permanent link to this post

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