Oct 30, 2006
MTAA At The Art Opening [part 3]
posted at 21:42 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Go there now! Get your iTunes on.
Part 3 is ready for download. (MP3, 4.4MB, 06’52)
This one features GH busting some Dan Graham moves.
We have a few more parts to go. So settle in… permanent link to this post
posted at 21:06 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Rough version of an interview with Mark Tribe & Reena Jana, authors of NEW MEDIA ART (Taschen, 2006). A shorter version has been published in Flash Art Italia, Issue 260, October - November 2006, p. 73.
Domenico Quaranta: Even from an editorial point of view, your book describes new media art as a movement (such as Surrealism or Conceptualism) rather than a mere possibility of the medium. This is a very interesting point. Do you believe in it or is this a marketing strategy? Is new media art the last avant-garde, and why?
Mark Tribe: Before we discuss New Media art as a movement, we describe it more generically in terms of “projects that make use of emerging media technologies and are concerned with the cultural, political, and aesthetic possibilities of these tools.” I think this is more-or-less what you mean by “a possibility of the medium.” […]
keep reading… NEW MEDIA ART permanent link to this post
MTAA At The Art Opening [part 2]
posted at 01:46 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Get up on it!
Part 2 is ready for download. (MP3, 15MB, 13’11)
Go to To Be Listened To… and upload your own stuff for crying out loud! permanent link to this post
Oct 28, 2006
MTAA At The Art Opening [part 1]
posted at 16:26 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

The title of a series of audio files we’re releasing has been sort of up-in-the-air so I decided (unilaterally btw (sorry M)) that I’m going to call it “MTAA At The Art Opening.” It’s a series of audio recordings that we’ll be releasing via our podcast website “To Be Listened To…”. (See this for more info.)
You can download part 1 of “MTAA At The Art Opening” now! (MP3, 14.4MB, 12’39)
Please stare at this image of MTAA as you listen to part 1. Also, subscribe to the podcast feed in iTunes (iTunes link) or other podcast client (RSS link) to get future parts as they’re released.
Note: alternately, we’ve been calling this piece “2BL2 Rhizome Reception” and “A Live Demonstration of MTAA Art Practice At Rhizome’s Reception For The 2005 - 2006 Net Art Commissions” and having no title at all. It’s all very confusing. permanent link to this post
Oct 25, 2006
Dangling Between The Real Thing And The Sign In The Window
posted at 21:21 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
It’s a shame that most art exhibitions don’t have such a great resource accompanying them. permanent link to this post
MTAA @ NuMu last night
posted at 13:42 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
More at: M.River’s Tinjail/tintype photoblog. Start here and work your way back.
See this and this for more info. permanent link to this post
Oct 24, 2006
McCoy lite™ ?
posted at 19:18 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Friday the 13th: In 7 Minutes is a video on YouTube that…
[…] features every on-screen death in the film series FRIDAY THE 13th, displayed back to back and in chronological order.
See Jennifer and Kevin McCoy’s Every Anvil for context. permanent link to this post
Oct 23, 2006
2BL2 live demo
posted at 15:51 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Making fun… for everyone!
Back from decrepitude!
YES! The long-awaited live demonstration of “To Be Listened To…”!!!
>>> Listen to the exciting announcement in MP3 format <<<
When? Tomorrow Oct 24, 2006, 6:30PM - 8:30PM
Where? New Museum bookstore (google map)
Why? ask Rhizome
How: 1 mic, 1 MTAA, 1 laptop, 1 crowd of new media swells and their hangers-on
>>> Listen to the exciting announcement in MP3 format <<<
As part of the reception for the 2005-2006 Rhizome Commissions.
Be there or be a parallelogram! permanent link to this post
Oct 21, 2006
posted at 13:57 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
a haunted house made out of balloons
ghost in the Tate permanent link to this post
Oct 20, 2006
to give back
posted at 18:20 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Digital Print by MTAA
11 x 17 edition of 20
Made exclusively for Rhizome, this print captures the still frames from the artists’ video contribution to Cory Arcangel’s legendary ‘Infinite Fill’ exhibition, in which Phil Hartman plays Phil Donahue
Rhizome Community Campaign
DC 911 - The Evildoers’ Remix
DVD with unique cover collage
1 hour 10 minutes.
DC 911 is a guerilla edit of the pro-Bush propaganda film DC 9/11 - A Time of Crisis. First shown during the 2004 RNC at Postmasters Galley in New York. The video is a collaboration between new media art duo MTAA, video artist bodyatomic and musician/DJ tinydiva
Turbulence Fundraiser
permanent link to this post
Oct 19, 2006
2bl2 live in store.
posted at 02:19 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
New Museum Store
556 West 22nd Street
October 24, 2006 6:30pm
Participants: Hans Bernhard and Alessandro Ludovico, Peter Horvath, Jason Corace and Vicky Fang, Andy Deck, Jason Freeman, Sean Kerr, Ethan Ham and Tony Muilenberg, MTAA, Thomas Laureyssens, Adriaan Stellingwerff
Admission: FREE
“The Rhizome Commissions Program makes financial support available to artists for the creation of original works of Internet-based art. In 2005, Rhizome awarded eleven grants to an international group of artists. All the works took the Internet as their primary vehicle for exhibition; several also extended off the web as sculpture, video or installation. This evening will celebrate the works with a one-night installation and presentations by several of the commissioned artists. Cocktails will be served.”
update: note to self - never blog with a fever permanent link to this post
Oct 18, 2006
another tinjail shot.
posted at 13:33 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Yeah, I know it’s kinda hard to tell what’s going on but it might sum up the energy of the night. permanent link to this post
Oct 16, 2006
posted at 17:59 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Tinjail pic from the first night.
permanent link to this post
last one out, hit the lights.
posted at 12:28 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Hmmm…Monkeytown Las Vegas anyone? permanent link to this post
Oct 13, 2006
MTAA’s studio on a top block in NYC?
posted at 14:48 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
What they said:
40. North 6th Street between Kent and Wythe Avenues, Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Near the waterfront, this block affords unobstructed views of Manhattan in a quintessential Williamsburg setting, near cutting-edge restaurants, cooler-than-thou bars and trendy boutiques.
Are they insane? (OK, yes, this is N.6th between Berry & Wythe, but you get the idea.)
We do have some Bansky on our building… perhaps that makes it a top block?
And, of course, the inevitable question: does this mean our rent is going up? permanent link to this post
Oct 10, 2006
posted at 16:49 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
More info on Paraskevidekatriaphobia
twhid adds:
the inevitable Wikipedia link… permanent link to this post
Oct 09, 2006
McCoys in WaPo
posted at 15:50 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Our favorites, Jennifer and Kevin McCoy, are profiled in the Washington Post today.
The article bounces back and forth from bio piece:
Kevin, who is 39, is in torn jeans, a plain black T-shirt and scuffed black running shoes. He has long, unruly locks and a mustache that crawls, sluglike, down the sides of his chin. He could pass for a stoner selling used guitars.
His wife, 38, is notably more tidy. She sits near him wearing fresh khakis, a flowery green vest over a clean white shirt (untucked, because she’s pregnant with their second child ) and sparkly little flats. Her straight hair is cut at girlish shoulder length.
To discussions of the art:
[Their recent show in LA] is typical McCoy. It’s built around the cultural theories they were both schooled in in France — structuralism and its descendant, deconstruction — which emphasize the constructedness of all experience. The theories insist, that is, that culture, including silly children’s books, conditions everything we think we know about our world, such as what counts as “special” and “scary,” and maybe also how girls and boys will “naturally” think. (The installations, say the McCoys, were partly inspired by watching Ginger, their 2-year-old daughter.)
But instead of mouthing off about such things, the McCoys’ art tries to flesh them out and test them: If our mental and cultural world is supposed to be constructed, then they’ll craft building blocks of sense and a machine that lets us watch them being put together into an edifice of meaning.
There’s a video accompanying the article that shows snippets of their work. It was a bit strange having to watch an ad for AT&T before seeing a clip of “Horror Chase,” but that’s what comes with main stream press I guess ;-)
Congrats guys!
Artists Who Dissect ‘Starsky & Hutch’ in the Washington Post. permanent link to this post
Oct 07, 2006
The MAMP is phat
posted at 20:30 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/geek
There’s universal, powerpc and intel disk images available. The current (1.3.1) version installs MySQL 5.0.19 (with phpMyAdmin 2.7.0-pl2), PHP 4.4.2 and 5.1.4 (you can choose which to use in a simple preference panel) and Apache 2.0.55. It installs itself on non-standard ports so you can use OSX’s default web config alongside it if you like or, you can set Apache and MySQL to use their default ports (80 & 3306 respectively) and leave the OS X version of Apache off.
The developers recommend their product for local development only. You don’t want to use it as a production web server (especially with the out-of-the-box settings).
It looks like this nice piece of software has been around for about 2 years (Oct 2004 was their initial release). Not sure why I hadn’t caught wind of it until now. Rock on MAMP! permanent link to this post
Oct 05, 2006
Join the foie gras rebellion!
posted at 17:38 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
The money quote:
[…] these ducks aren’t doing anything that a porn star doesn’t do on a regular basis.
And making my point:
Billions of chickens, hogs and beef are being harmed — that’s carnage on a far vaster scale — but big agribusiness is a difficult and powerful target. They don’t get much bang for their buck, from a political standpoint. It’s much easier to go for the small artisanal farmer with little resources and no lobbying group in D.C.
As I’ve said before, regardless of what you think of ‘gavage,’ do you really want politicians and the government enforcing prohibitions on food? permanent link to this post
Google’s not punk
posted at 13:36 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
google shut off the cobain thing :(
If you visit now, instead of real ads you see the public service stuff. If I learn more I’ll post it here. permanent link to this post
And of course
posted at 13:34 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Oct 04, 2006
GH reports from Split
posted at 14:04 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
G.H. Hovagimyan reports on the Split Festival of New Film in which MTAA’s “1 year performance video” was shown. There’s a text review as well as an MP3 interview (direct link) with Branko Karabatic, the head of the festival. permanent link to this post
1ypv reviewed (hebrew)
posted at 13:49 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Here’s the link. According to Avi this is a “a major Israeli computer & culture site”.
Avi was the first person to view 1ypv for an entire year. Thanks for the ink dude! permanent link to this post
Oct 03, 2006
AFC reviews 8 BIT
posted at 21:59 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
check it out: Art Fag City: Video Game Culture Thrives in New Documentary
The film premiers this Saturday at MoMA.
If you’re planning on going note that MoMA has a really inconvenient admissions policy for their films. You have to buy the tickets in person; there are no phone orders nor online orders. You also need to get them the day of, except “[a] limited number of advance tickets are available, no more than one week in advance of a film” and you pay a buck fifty for the privilege. permanent link to this post