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Oct 05, 2006

Join the foie gras rebellion!

posted at 17:38 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

More on the haters trying to tell you what to eat in Salon today (must click through the ad to read the article).

The money quote:

[…] these ducks aren’t doing anything that a porn star doesn’t do on a regular basis.

And making my point:

Billions of chickens, hogs and beef are being harmed — that’s carnage on a far vaster scale — but big agribusiness is a difficult and powerful target. They don’t get much bang for their buck, from a political standpoint. It’s much easier to go for the small artisanal farmer with little resources and no lobbying group in D.C.

As I’ve said before, regardless of what you think of ‘gavage,’ do you really want politicians and the government enforcing prohibitions on food? permanent link to this post

Google’s not punk

posted at 13:36 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Cory Arcangel’s “punk rock 101” (recently talked up here) has been shut down by Google. I don’t know the details, just received this brief email from Cory:

google shut off the cobain thing :(

If you visit now, instead of real ads you see the public service stuff. If I learn more I’ll post it here. permanent link to this post

And of course

posted at 13:34 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

The show that we’re not in is opening tonight :-) permanent link to this post

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