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Sep 29, 2006

Cory makes Digg front page

posted at 15:13 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

(Yes, this is Cory Arcangel week on the blog (as it always is when Cory has a show opening).)

Just in time for Cory Arcangel’s opening at Team Gallery tonight his net art piece “punk rock 101” made it to Digg’s front page (931 diggs at the time of this posting 959 diggs at the time of updating this post).

Check out the Digg post… (with the lame commentary and all)

This net art work is brilliant. Cory has, with one simple gesture, created a work of art that brings into stark relief both mass media’s lurid fascination with celebrity downfall and the commercialization (monteziation in the parlance) of private lives via web sites and services like MySpace and Gmail. We’re both repelled and fascinated by it.

I fixed the title of the piece, originally I had it as “Kurt Cobain’s suicide letter vs. Google AdSense.”

According to Cory, he made 92USD from the page yesterday (when it first hit Digg) and has made 230USD since he launched it. permanent link to this post

Sep 26, 2006

Cory @ Team this Friday

posted at 15:49 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Swiped straight from Cory’s blog…

So, Ive been pretty quiet for about the last 4 - 5 months,…no new projects posted to the web, … even my delicious linking fell off … well that cause I have been working on an art show I have opening this Friday :-) the show is called “subtractions, modifications, addenda, and other recent contributions to participatory culture”. I am happy to be opening Team’s NEW SOHO GALLERY!! There are some new videos, a few computer hacks, and even a 12inch vinyl record. Source code for the projects will appear here eventually, but for now there is just a real world version. So please come and check it out. Here are the details:

Team Gallery
83 Grand Street, between Wooster and Greene
Friday, September 29, 6:00PM - 8:00PM

and here is the press release.

via: Team Gallery Soho Opening! Sept 2006 permanent link to this post

fall travel, part 2

posted at 15:38 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

1ypv at the Split Film Festival, Split, Croatia. permanent link to this post

Sep 25, 2006

fall travel

posted at 13:20 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Eteam’s new project, INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT MONTELLO in Artforum Diary

permanent link to this post

Sep 22, 2006

Rough Want

posted at 15:57 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Our first rough steps into turning Want into the world-conquering video installation that we envision…

permanent link to this post

Sep 21, 2006

you will not need to wrap it.

posted at 17:44 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

In case you are still wondering what to pick up for my birthday on Friday, here is a link for the limited edition 75th Anniversary 19’Bambi Airstream Thanks. Love ya. permanent link to this post

Warhol documentary part 1

posted at 13:45 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Well, it definitely seemed like a documentary about an artist. I always find it weird when art historians give great weight in dating things really, really specifically (“he started using silk-screen in april of ‘62”). Of course you want to know when things happened, but to use the fact to prop up the fallacy of a progressive linear continuum in art isn’t good history.

Still, I enjoyed the documentary very much.

One thought I had while watching is that what Warhol did for the mechanical image in art still hasn’t been done for the digital image. permanent link to this post

Sep 20, 2006

Burns’ Warhol tonight

posted at 13:51 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Ric Burns’ (no not his brother Ken Burns. I was confused too…) Warhol documentary is airing tonight and tomorrow night on PBS stations (NYT).

Go here to find the schedule on your local station. permanent link to this post

Sep 19, 2006

photo documentation of…

posted at 01:21 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

M. River and the ghost of James Lee Byars permanent link to this post

Sep 16, 2006

In the future everyone will be anonymous for 15 minutes

posted at 14:14 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Look. There are lots of photos of Bansky’s opening in LA (scroll down past the celeb photos for the actual art work).

My fave? the bobbies grappling with wildstyle graffiti.

And, of course, the update of Warhol’s prediction. permanent link to this post

Sep 15, 2006

Walton leaves Union Square…

posted at 18:17 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

…never to return.

(open image in new browser window for full-size)

Background info here.

Photo provided by Marisa.

I’ve decided that it is now my life’s mission to trick Lee Walton into entering Union Square again. permanent link to this post

E7 rolls on.

posted at 12:49 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Earlier this summer, the E7 (Aljira Emerge 7) show was reviewed in the NYT with a nice mention of MTAA’s 3’ High and Rising, Newark. The show gets another good review in the paper toady. This time Holland Cotter gives it his thumbs up. No mention of MTAA (Rats, Holland Cotter is one of my favs) this time but it’s great that the Emerge artist, the show, Aljira and the city of Newark is getting some love and support. Rise Newark Rise.

E7 is slated to come down Sept 30, so check it out. permanent link to this post

Sep 14, 2006

vlog preformance

posted at 16:21 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

“the birth of a new art form” ???

Wikipedia tries to sort out the unfolding story of Lonelygirl15 permanent link to this post

Sep 13, 2006

more from conflux 06

posted at 16:18 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

From our art pal Lee Walton, a sad day of self exile from Union Sqaure. No tears Lee, no tears.

On Friday, September 15th effective precisely at Noon- Lee Walton will leave Union Square Park never to return again.

Following a self-imposed life restriction, Walton’s world will get a little bit smaller. In the morning, Walton will be spending his final hours in the park before his departure. Exactly at noon, he will descend the steps of the park and begin walking south in search of a cold valedictory beer.

Any additional company and support on this difficult day would be welcomed and appreciated.

Hint: The 4th floor windows at the DSW shoe store on 14th street yield an excellent view of Walton’s final descent down the steps of Union Square Park. permanent link to this post

Sep 12, 2006

Port Huron Project

posted at 15:30 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Also, as a part of the Conflux Festival, Mark Tribe’s Port Huron Project 1: Until the Last Gun Is Silent Saturday, September 16, 5 PM, Central Park West. permanent link to this post

10 Pre-Rejected, Pre-Approved Performances: Midnight In The Deli
2005, web page, $100 worth of deli goods, digital video, wood
Artists' Space, We are all Together: Media(ted) Performance

“10 Pre-Rejected, Pre-Approved Performances” was a list of performance-based artworks that had been rejected by curators at various venues worldwide. An on-line vote via the MTAA website determined which performance was created. Documentation of the performance and voting process was shown as the final piece.

read more »

permanent link to this post

Sep 12, 2006

Conflux Festival this week

posted at 13:43 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Powered by Glowlab, from the PR:

Conflux is the annual NYC festival for contemporary psychogeography where international artists, technologists, urban adventurers and the public put investigations of everyday city life into practice on the streets. Currently in its third year, Conflux will take place September 14 - 17th in Brooklyn. Over 80 artists from across the US and countries including Canada, UK, Spain, Germany, Finland, Sweden and Australia will come to Williamsburg to present projects including experimental walking, biking, boat and public-transport tours; street games and tech workshops; mobile broadcasts, performances and temporary installations.

Get all the info at the web site of course. permanent link to this post

Sep 11, 2006

Sept. 11, 2001

posted at 14:48 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Fuck you George Bush and fuck you to your criminal administration.

Fuck you Dick Cheney.

Fuck you Karl Rove.

Fuck you Donald Rumsfeld.

Fuck all the motherfuckers that took this heinous crime and used it for their own pathetic political powerplays. Their cheap and disgusting tactics have done more harm to the US and the world than 1000 Osama’s could ever hope to do.

Congratulations motherfuckers! Happy September 11!

update 9/12:
A less hysterical take: Olbermann . permanent link to this post

Sep 10, 2006

Cory Arcangel using AppleScript?

posted at 15:16 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

It’s right here in his osx category.

He says:
dont tell anyone, but i might be using applescript for a project……

So… ya know… um, keep it cool. permanent link to this post

Sep 09, 2006

art festival

posted at 14:50 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

back from vacation
permanent link to this post

Sep 06, 2006

Have you no sense of decency, sir?

posted at 14:10 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/politics

Keith Olbermann on Bush’s disgusting speech of yesterday:
It is to our deep national shame—and ultimately it will be to the President’s deep personal regret—that he has followed his Secretary of Defense down the path of trying to tie those loyal Americans who disagree with his policies—or even question their effectiveness or execution—to the Nazis of the past, and the al Qaeda of the present.

Today, in the same subtle terms in which Mr. Bush and his colleagues muddied the clear line separating Iraq and 9/11 — without ever actually saying so—the President quoted a purported Osama Bin Laden letter that spoke of launching, “a media campaign to create a wedge between the American people and their government.”

Make no mistake here—the intent of that is to get us to confuse the psychotic scheming of an international terrorist, with that familiar bogeyman of the right, the “media.”

The President and the Vice President and others have often attacked freedom of speech, and freedom of dissent, and freedom of the press.

Now, Mr. Bush has signaled that his unparalleled and unprincipled attack on reporting has a new and venomous side angle:

The attempt to link, by the simple expediency of one word—“media”—the honest, patriotic, and indeed vital questions and questioning from American reporters, with the evil of Al-Qaeda propaganda.

That linkage is more than just indefensible. It is un-American.

full transcript on MSNBC

video on Crooks & Liars permanent link to this post

Sep 05, 2006

More moolah for artists

posted at 13:33 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

United States Artists is going to start dropping $50k on individual american artists as reported by the NYT. Nice. permanent link to this post

Sep 04, 2006

McCoys first solo show in LA

posted at 14:40 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

If you’re in LA this coming Friday brings the opening of the McCoys first solo show in your city! It’s at Fringe Exhibitions:

For their first solo Los Angeles exhibition, the McCoys present two new works. Both pieces are inspired by the language and themes of childhood. In the upstairs gallery, their project Special Things explores a super-charged utopian childhood of cavorting lambs, romping youths, and chiffon rainbows. All of this is rendered sculpturally in fragments across sixteen small hanging sculptures. Each sculpture consists of a miniature scene, a small video camera, and a mirrored word layered across the front of the sculpture. On a nearby screen, images of the sixteen scenes and their words are rapidly intercut, creating new sentences and shifting meaning: “The children feel special today” or “You can smell the flowers”.

In the downstairs gallery, the McCoys present Scary Things whose images come from simple elements of nature that can be frightening to children. This sculpture uses a similar technique of tiny cameras, sculptural miniatures, and acrylic text, but here the terrain is one integrated platform. Although the sculpture contains only ten words, hundreds of sentences are created, forming a reduced poetry of fear: “Dogs are fighting scary things” or “Lost birds are scary “.
permanent link to this post

Sep 02, 2006

Sol LeWitt on new materials

posted at 15:07 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Robbin Murphy reminds us of LeWitt’s warning…
New materials are one of the great afflictions of contemporary art. Some artists confuse new materials with new ideas. There is nothing worse than seeing art that wallows in gaudy baubles. By and large most artists who are attracted to these materials are the ones who lack the stringency of mind that would enable them to use the materials well. It takes a good artist to use new materials and make them into a work of art. The danger is, I think, in making the physicality of the materials so important that it becomes the idea of the work (another kind of expressionism).
Sol LeWitt, “Paragraphs on Conceptual Art”

I remember taking a photography class in college (I was a painter at the time). I liked it quite a bit and considered changing my focus. But I realized that I was infatuated with the tech, I knew that I would simply follow the tech down a hole. It was the non-tech of painting, I thought, that would help me focus on the ‘art.’

So it’s ironic to me that I ended up working as a new media artist for so long… perhaps this is why we feel part of the ‘new media ghetto.’ It’s a good thing that MTAA has M.River, who, on many levels, doesn’t give a shit about the tech.

M.River adds: Wow. I just found out interweb is not about “trucks”. It’s about “tubes”. Why doesn’t anyone tell me these things? Luckily the government is on top of all of this. permanent link to this post

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