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Sep 12, 2006

Port Huron Project

posted at 15:30 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

Also, as a part of the Conflux Festival, Mark Tribe’s Port Huron Project 1: Until the Last Gun Is Silent Saturday, September 16, 5 PM, Central Park West. permanent link to this post

10 Pre-Rejected, Pre-Approved Performances: Midnight In The Deli
2005, web page, $100 worth of deli goods, digital video, wood
Artists' Space, We are all Together: Media(ted) Performance

“10 Pre-Rejected, Pre-Approved Performances” was a list of performance-based artworks that had been rejected by curators at various venues worldwide. An on-line vote via the MTAA website determined which performance was created. Documentation of the performance and voting process was shown as the final piece.

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Sep 12, 2006

Conflux Festival this week

posted at 13:43 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Powered by Glowlab, from the PR:

Conflux is the annual NYC festival for contemporary psychogeography where international artists, technologists, urban adventurers and the public put investigations of everyday city life into practice on the streets. Currently in its third year, Conflux will take place September 14 - 17th in Brooklyn. Over 80 artists from across the US and countries including Canada, UK, Spain, Germany, Finland, Sweden and Australia will come to Williamsburg to present projects including experimental walking, biking, boat and public-transport tours; street games and tech workshops; mobile broadcasts, performances and temporary installations.

Get all the info at the web site of course. permanent link to this post

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