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Aug 30, 2006

Schlock artist actually a con artist

posted at 01:26 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

The LA Times writes..

The FBI is investigating allegations that self-styled “Painter of Light” Thomas Kinkade and some of his top executives fraudulently induced investors to open galleries and then ruined them financially, former dealers contacted by federal agents said.


“It was a program of lies and deception, predicated on Christian values that weren’t there,” said Joseph Ejbeh, the Michigan attorney who tried the arbitration case.

via Boing Boing

My wife points out what the The Mercury News wrote about this affair:

Critics - including highbrow art aficionados, satirical bloggers and starving artists annoyed by Kinkade’s marketing success - snicker at his work.

And then asks…
My question is, which category are you in, honey? All three I suspect…. :-)

To which I reply, yes, except for the starving part of course! permanent link to this post

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