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Jul 26, 2006

The Warriors free screening

posted at 22:09 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

OK, I know this is total corporate PR bullshit…

But! The Warriors! AT CONEY ISLAND!

Wish I was in town :-(

All details here (Netflix promo FYI). permanent link to this post

Artkrush does digital art

posted at 18:27 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

There’s a bunch of new media stuff in the current issue of Artkrush (issue 37):

An interview with Lauren Cornell, Executive Director or (in which your humble net artists MTAA are mentioned)

A profile of Cory Arcangel

A review of Jon Ippolito and Joline Blais’ book “At the Edge of Art”

And more! Check it out… permanent link to this post

1997 - 2006 M.River & T.Whid Art Associates. Some Rights Reserved. is licensed under a Creative Commons License with the exception of Website Unseen titles which are covered by agreements with individual collectors and otherwise where noted.