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Jul 16, 2006

A short interview with RSG about LCL

posted at 19:05 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

(via IM)

MTAA: why is it ‘liberated’?
RSG: politically liberated
MTAA: how so?
MTAA: (this is an interview for the blog now)
RSG: lol RSG doesn’t do interviews :-)
MTAA: too late
(a few minutes pass)
MTAA: ok.. i guess i’ll have to print that…
RSG: haha

Check out Notes for a Liberated Computer Language permanent link to this post

Notes for a Liberated Computer Language

posted at 19:05 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

New from RSG: Notes for a Liberated Computer Language

From the Control Structures section:
Executes a code block by evaluating an entity according to its current value as well as all previous values.

Designates an abnormal flow of program execution and guarantees that it will never be handled as an error.

A branching construct that moves flow control from the current instruction to a stray position in the program.

Allows for possible, but not guaranteed, execution of code blocks.

Guarantees that a block of code will never be executed. This is similar to block quotes in other languages, except that “never” blocks are not removed during compilation.

Evaluates an entity only according to as yet unrealized possibility.

Check it out permanent link to this post

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