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Jun 16, 2006

The Fair Use Network

posted at 19:06 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

A new on-line resource from the Free Expression Policy Project at the Brennen Center of Justice at NYU School of Law, The Fair Use Network introduces itself thusly:
How much can you borrow, quote or copy from someone else’s work? What happens if you get a “cease and desist” letter from a copyright owner? These and many other questions make “intellectual property,” or “IP,” law, a mass of confusion for artists, scholars, journalists, bloggers, and everyone else who contributes to culture and political debate.

The Fair Use Network was created because of the many questions that artists, writers, and others have about “IP” issues. Whether you are trying to understand your own copyright or trademark rights, or are a “user” of materials created by others, the information here will help you understand the system — and especially its free-expression safeguards.

If you have received a “cease and desist” letter from a copyright or trademark owner, or a notice from your Internet service provider about a “takedown” letter, you’ll also find useful information on this site.

The site contains what it terms “basic legal guides” on copyright, fair use of copyrighted works, trademark and more. I’m assuming this all pertains to US law, but I haven’t looked the site over extensively.

The Fair Use Network, check it out… permanent link to this post

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