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Jun 01, 2006

AIOTD - Walton

posted at 17:02 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

We like Lee Walton’s art. We also like Lee Walton, as a human being and artist, in general. We’ve talked with Lee about doing an online performance in which our two homepages kinda blur for a day. As in, you’re looking at Lee’s homepage and MTAA walk onto it, look around and then walk off. We also thought about a space on the net between out home pages. It would be kinda like a lounge, a resting place away from the net.

We’ve never got around to doing a project with Lee. I hope we will. In the meanwhile, here is an AIOTD. MTAA’s Unofficial Lee Walton Artist Fan Club (ULWAFC). Send me ( an email to join. permanent link to this post

Lee Walton in Belgium

posted at 13:34 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

check it out

From what I can gather, there will be postcards and some low-key, almost invisible, art situations in the true better-look-now-or-you’ll-miss-the-art-or-perhaps-you-
just-need-to-look-very-closely Lee Walton style.

There’s a PDF (6.8MB) that sort of explains things. permanent link to this post

Link-a. Policies of affectivity, aesthetics of biopower

posted at 12:04 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver

MTAA’s Five Small Videos About Interruption and Disappearing in a net group show: permanent link to this post

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