May 31, 2006
Taschen’s “New Media Art” @ NuMu with Rhiz too
posted at 18:58 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Meet the trailblazers of the online collaborative revolution.
Taschen’s “New Media Art: Art in the Age of Digital Communication” is a history of net art movement written by one of its grand poobahs, Mark Tribe along with Reena Jana, Wired reporter and one of the first witnesses (and reporters) of this digital revolution.
Hosted by: and the New Museum Store
Location: The New Museum of Contemporary Art
556 W 22nd Street at 11th Ave, NY, NY
When: Friday, June 2, 6:30pm to 8:30pm
via: dailygotham
And, yeah, we is in it :-)
update: M.River took a little pic. permanent link to this post
May 28, 2006
AIOTD 3’1”
posted at 19:44 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Artwork titled after De La Soul’s 1989 debut album which was titled after the Johnny Cash song “Five Feet High and Rising” (“How high’s the water, Mama?/It’s three feet high and rising”)
MTAA proposes to raise Aljira Center for Contemporary Art’s reception desk 3’1”
The rising of the desk (and chair) will be accomplished by a platform and steps made of salvaged wood from an unnamed New York art museum combined with material gathered from the streets of downtown Newark, New Jersey. permanent link to this post
posted at 19:17 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Context: MTAA is getting ready to make the 3rd in a series of what we like to call “Reception Desk Mods”. We have walled in White Columns’ desk and caged 31 Grand’s. This July, we will raise Aljira Center For Contemporary Art in Newark’s desk by 3 feet 1 inch. More info to come soon. permanent link to this post
May 27, 2006
AIOTD: abandonedcomputers
posted at 12:59 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
The other day I saw a great still life of an abandoned computer, desk and monitor. The entire set-up was sitting on the sidewalk in the west village. I suppose it was a beige box at one point, but all the plastic (and even the formica desk) had become a sickly yellow color with light tan blotches. It’s hard to describe, but it was amazing and I was kicking myself for not having a camera.
Then, a day or two later, I saw another little set-up on the sidewalk in my neighborhood in Brooklyn. This one was different, a later model that was still a nice chalky light grey. The cheap box had a little blue accent on the front which perfectly matched the little blue VGA connector on the monitor. Again, no camera.
So I thought, “Hey! wouldn’t it be cool if someone created a series of photos of abandoned computers?”
Then I thought, “Hey! Fuck that. This is a networked culture! Wouldn’t it be cool if someone created a web site where anyone could post photos of abandoned computers?” Maybe I, being a net artist, could do that?
But then I thought, “Damn, that would be a lot of work to build a web site for people to upload photos when there’s already Flickr! All we need to do is get the idea out there that people should post photos of abandoned computers on Flickr and tag them: abandonedcomputers.
So. Go do that. Presently there is nothing there.
From Marisa: something similar… permanent link to this post
May 25, 2006
Two on NYFA
posted at 14:01 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
The history of most artistic disciplines is full of figures that fulfilled several roles at once, often out of necessity. When mediums or concepts are new and inaccessible to the writers, curators, and producers who can help solidify and critically frame a discipline, it’s often left to the artist to explain the new thing. Here, Paddy Johnson surveys various New Media artists who, faced with chronic lack of institutional recognition, have proactively shaped the discourse around their medium through writing and curatorial work.
and Hey! GH has some Rants & Raves:
G.H. Hovagimyan is a New York-based artist, one of the first to begin experimenting with digital and online work in the early ’90s. He has curated and participated in shows since the early ’70s and his practice has encompassed poetic manifestoes, “faux conceptual art,” and a notorious 1994 public billboard commissioned by Creative Time titled Hey Bozo, Use Mass Transit, among many other projects. The co-creator (with Peter Sinclair) of the “techno-driven word jam” Rant/Rant Back/Back Rant, it seemed clear that Hovagimyan would be a natural ranter and raver.permanent link to this post
May 24, 2006
And even more random bits
posted at 14:33 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
I just discovered the network feature in Add me to your network if you want lots of links to js news and tutorials, php news and tutorials, web video, net art and other crap.
If you maintain bookmarks, let me know and I’ll add you to my network :-)
Michael Bell-Smith
MBS has a show up at Foxy Production (
The GIF Show
A very belated link. oops.
The GIF Show, an exhibition opening May 3rd, at San Francisco’s Rx Gallery, takes the pulse of what some net surfers call ‘GIF Luv,’ a recent frenzy of file-sharing and creative muscle-flexing associated with GIFs (Graphic Interchange Format files).permanent link to this post
May 23, 2006
Lee Walton in China (almost)
posted at 22:23 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
The resulting video Western Shift can be viewed by visiting the following site then clicking on WESTERN SHIFT permanent link to this post
May 17, 2006
posted at 22:02 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
According to their propaganda:
The simple way to review and share wine.
Cork’d is making life easier for wine aficionados. And it’s completely free. Become a member today and …
* Catalog, rate, and review wines in your Wine Journal.
* Find out what your buddies are tasting.
* Discover and keep track of new wines you’d like to buy and try.
Check it out… permanent link to this post
Free screen capture utility
posted at 00:20 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/geek
iShowU by shinywhitebox
check it out… (1.2MB DMG; software is Mac OS X 10.4 only) permanent link to this post
May 15, 2006
Marc Garrett interview on Art Dirt Redux
posted at 20:40 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Check it out…
direct link to the MP3… (30 min; 22MB)
Part 2 of the interview posted (MP3 link, 24.1MB) permanent link to this post
May 13, 2006
Americans = 41% sheep
posted at 22:22 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/politics
Has the Bush administration gone too far in expanding the powers of the President to fight terrorism? Yes, say a majority of Americans, following this week’s revelation that the National Security Agency has been secretly collecting the phone records of U.S. citizens since the September 11 terrorist attacks. According to the latest NEWSWEEK poll, 53 percent of Americans think the NSA’s surveillance program “goes too far in invading people’s privacy,” while 41 percent see it as a necessary tool to combat terrorism.permanent link to this post
May 10, 2006
More Infinite Phil World Tour
posted at 19:45 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Yeah, yeah…I know I could have put a bunch of links all over this post but I did not. Also, I think Phil now holds the MTAA record for most widely exhibited artwork. S.N.A.D comes in a close 2nd. permanent link to this post
Brooklyn College bullshit
posted at 01:51 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
I just need to go on the record: what is happening is completely outrageous, disrespectful and disgusting. Argh! James Wagner says it better than me: Brooklyn College: the assault of the philistines continues. permanent link to this post
What new on the 2bl2?
posted at 00:14 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
May 09, 2006
Practical Performances In The Wilderness Part II
posted at 13:58 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Check it out… (direct link to DVblog post) permanent link to this post
May 08, 2006
NYTimes on art fabricators and etc
posted at 00:38 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
I find this article very interesting as we’re working on a fairly large-scale video shoot right now that is requiring lots of folks to help and I was wondering how to credit them. I’m thinking that a large wall label will be sufficient… permanent link to this post
May 06, 2006
Gina and Ronda and myspace
posted at 11:34 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Also down in Florida is a women named Ronda Storms. She’s the Hillsborough County Commissioner. She successfully banned the county government from acknowledging gay pride “in any way, shape, or form.” She also got gay pamphlets out of the public Library. Ronda make us shake our heads and wonder how bigots get government jobs
Anyways, here is the sad story of how Gina got canned from her job for posting a snarky comment on myspace about Ronda.
TAMPA - A tbt* pop music critic resigned Thursday after acknowledging she had posted negative comments on a profile that parodied Hillsborough County Commissioner Ronda Storms.
The messages posted by Gina Vivinetto, a columnist for the free tabloid daily, which is published by the St. Petersburg Times, were “inappropriate,” Neil Brown, the Times’ executive editor and vice president, said late Thursday.
The comments, which Brown declined to describe in detail, were “mocking Ronda Storms in a somewhat sexual nature,” he said.
more from the st. pete times
Note you can go to Bombshell’s myspace site for Gina’s take on the story. Seems “mocking Ronda Storms in a somewhat sexual nature” is not as depraved as it sounds. I think she said posting something about Ronda leaving underwear in Bombshell’s bathroom. Yeah, it’s juvenile but not that depraved. permanent link to this post
May 05, 2006
Is LOST a repeat?
posted at 02:24 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/geek
May 03, 2006
they still show art in Brooklyn (part 2)
posted at 14:15 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
May 02, 2006
New Media Art by Tribe and Jana
posted at 01:44 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Here’s a complete list of the artists in the book:
Cory Arcangel, Jonah Brucker-Cohen and Katherine Moriwaki, Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, Vuk Cosic, Mary Flanagan, Ken Goldberg, Paul Kaiser and Shelly Eshkar, Jennifer and Kevin McCoy, Mouchette, MTAA, Keith and Mendi Obadike, Radical Software Group, Raqs Media Collective, RTMark, and John F. Simon Jr.
There are lot of duos and collectives. I guess it’s the nature of new media. Congrats everybody! permanent link to this post
May 01, 2006
Cary Peppermint & Christine Nadir, Practical Performances
posted at 15:10 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
“A Series of Practical Performances In The Wilderness, Summer 2005” is a video performance work made in the woods and on rural back-lots. Performative chapters on the DVD include, Move This Rock, Waiting On Bob, DoAble, Home Economics, Sticks Like Snakes, Digging for Chicory, and Springwater Finale. This video is the first in a series of forthcoming performance-art videos by Peppermint & Nadir which engage issues, ideas, and mythologies of the American concepts of wilderness, space, the frontier, and humans’ ethical relation to animals, forestlands, and nature. permanent link to this post