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May 31, 2006

Taschen’s “New Media Art” @ NuMu with Rhiz too

posted at 18:58 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Meet the trailblazers of the online collaborative revolution.

Taschen’s “New Media Art: Art in the Age of Digital Communication” is a history of net art movement written by one of its grand poobahs, Mark Tribe along with Reena Jana, Wired reporter and one of the first witnesses (and reporters) of this digital revolution.

Hosted by: and the New Museum Store
Location: The New Museum of Contemporary Art
556 W 22nd Street at 11th Ave, NY, NY
When: Friday, June 2, 6:30pm to 8:30pm

via: dailygotham

And, yeah, we is in it :-)

update: M.River took a little pic. permanent link to this post

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