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May 24, 2006

And even more random bits

posted at 14:33 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid network
I just discovered the network feature in Add me to your network if you want lots of links to js news and tutorials, php news and tutorials, web video, net art and other crap.

If you maintain bookmarks, let me know and I’ll add you to my network :-)

Michael Bell-Smith
MBS has a show up at Foxy Production (ends May 27 extended through June 3 (thx Barry)) and he’s had a review of it in the NYT. Congrats! Read Tom Moody’s take on it.

The GIF Show
A very belated link. oops.

The GIF Show, an exhibition opening May 3rd, at San Francisco’s Rx Gallery, takes the pulse of what some net surfers call ‘GIF Luv,’ a recent frenzy of file-sharing and creative muscle-flexing associated with GIFs (Graphic Interchange Format files).
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