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May 17, 2006


posted at 22:02 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Sweet (or dry, depending on your taste): Cork’d!

According to their propaganda:
The simple way to review and share wine.

Cork’d is making life easier for wine aficionados. And it’s completely free. Become a member today and …

* Catalog, rate, and review wines in your Wine Journal.
* Find out what your buddies are tasting.
* Discover and keep track of new wines you’d like to buy and try.

Check it out… permanent link to this post

Free screen capture utility

posted at 00:20 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/geek

A good and FREE (while it lasts) alternative to Snapz Pro:

iShowU by shinywhitebox

check it out… (1.2MB DMG; software is Mac OS X 10.4 only) permanent link to this post

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