Mar 31, 2006
It’s my birthday
posted at 17:23 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
So far I’ve gotten an Airport Express, a DeWalt cordless drill and 3 nice shirts. Plus, nice cards and well-wishes.
Off to Columbus, OH tomorrow to speak about net art and MTAA at my alma mater. I’ll let you know how it goes. permanent link to this post
Mar 29, 2006
Baghdad: peaceful, calm
posted at 17:38 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/politics

enlarge image
Look how calm, orderly and peaceful this downtown intersection in Baghdad is!
(If you don’t get the joke, see this, this, this and this.) permanent link to this post
Mar 28, 2006
Paddy interviews Cory
posted at 14:44 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Check it out… permanent link to this post
MTAA at the big dance…
posted at 12:36 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Concept Trucking / Leisurearts just wrote to say -
“MTAA has made the final four as a number 11 seed! Your success was modeled/is hitched on George Mason University’s in the NCAA tourney. I will be posting an updated bracket soon! Guess you better start rooting for the Patriots to win it all.”
twhid adds:
I have had zero (or, more likely, negative) interest in this so-called March madness… until now! Go George Mason!
(more update)
The chart is updated. Check it out… permanent link to this post
Mar 25, 2006 no graph paper for sale
posted at 15:15 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Check it out… permanent link to this post
Mar 23, 2006
busy, busy, busy, busy, busy
posted at 22:47 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
They might have caught the guy that stole our stuff. Not sure if/when we’ll get the stuff back.
I scored a new Mac mini g4 to replace one of the one’s that got stolen; these things are getting harder to find now that the intel version is out.
My birthday is the 31st of this month, feel free to send me money via paypal.
I’ll be 37 and that’s getting pretty old.
For the last two years we’ve done the Drinkin’ and Drawin’ Championship on my birthday but we’re not doing it this year. If anyone wants to steal the idea you have our blessing. permanent link to this post
Mar 20, 2006
first round
posted at 01:34 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Mar 19, 2006
The fucking USA is nuts
posted at 15:51 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid/politics
Bloggy has a ton photos from the fairs
posted at 15:38 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Mar 16, 2006
Paddy’s day is the 18th
posted at 20:26 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
To find out how, go here for the more details… (direct link to the invite)
(I was thinking about posting this but once I read AFC’s interview with ARTList, in which she mentions MTAA as one of the most influential artists working today, I just had to didn’t I? Thanks Paddy :-)) permanent link to this post
McCoys interviewed on Artinfo
posted at 02:13 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Their latest exhibition, “Directed Dreaming,” opened at Postmasters Gallery in New York on March 4.Check it out… permanent link to this post
It comprises a series of complex, kinetic sculptures that are covered with tiny tableaux that they call “fragmentary, miniature film sets.” An array of tiny cameras are trained on these tableaux, and, as part of each installation, a sequence of greatly enlarged images are projected on to a wall of the gallery. The works are at once funny, bizarre and somewhat worrying. Immediately after the opening at Postmasters, Jennifer and Kevin McCoy spoke to ArtInfo about their work.
Mar 15, 2006
Oil Standard
posted at 18:27 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
This is a wonderful piece of net/conceptual/political art. Good job Michael! permanent link to this post
net art prints…
posted at 13:45 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Mar 14, 2006
IOTD - Website Visitations
posted at 13:47 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Mar 13, 2006
MTAA in the studio
posted at 15:16 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
We talk mostly about “10 Pre-rejected, Pre-approved Performances: Midnight In The Deli.”
Mar 10, 2006
MTAA has bad luck
posted at 15:08 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Things seemed to go fine until the entire building was evacuated by the FDNY. That wasn’t horrible, except that it pre-empted the press preview.
The bad part was after we got back. Our piece, 1YPV, had been shut down by someone and rebooting the computer wouldn’t work. I’ve never had this happen on a Mac before. On boot, I kept getting an error message telling me I needed to reboot the computer. Disk utilities supposedly fixed problems, but the computer wouldn’t read the hard disk as the boot disk or even recognize the hard disk as a drive capable of installing an OS. It seems the hard drive died :-(
Luckily, Jason Van Anden was there and offered to loan us a Mac mini for the duration of the fair. I’m heading over there soon to set it up. Keep your fingers crossed!
Thanks for all the help Jason! permanent link to this post
Mar 05, 2006
Two openings last night
posted at 18:14 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
The first was Inka Essenhigh at 303 Gallery. Inka’s a long-time friend (I’ve known her since college) and her current show is really fantastic.

“In Bed,” 2005 (link to larger image)
I’m unclear as to when Inka moved from painting with household paint to oil (the paintings at 303 aren’t the first, but I think the earlier ones were shown in Europe). Inka’s use of line has always been phenomenal and now with the oils, she has added brilliantly executed volumetric forms and space. For me, this creates a richness to the picture, a greater depth and complexity.
It also allows her to add more detail to the faces, fingers, toes etc. Which is interesting, since they seem to be more and more resembling her figurative work from college. (The more things change…) Her work in undergrad was very figurative and I’m proud to say that one of the only portraits in existence by Inka is of yours truly. I’m continually conniving a way to gain possession of it but it belongs to her parents! :-(
The next stop was Jennifer and Kevin McCoy at Postmasters for their exhibition entitled “Directed Dreaming” (press release).
The show consisted of two major new pieces: “Double Fantasy II (sex)” and “Dream Sequence.” Both pieces follow the formal and technical achievement of their seminal work “Soft Rains.” They are mini-sculptural tableau’s with bunches of tiny video cameras driven by software algorithms to cut together never-ending cinematic narratives.
image of “Double Fantasy II (sex)” photo courtesy of Tintype
The McCoys’ work is great, in my opinion, for their formal technical achievements. Their work effortlessly marries sculpture (sometimes kinetic, bonus!), video, film and new media. There is a lot of complex technology going on, but it never interferes with the work. The way their work externalizes the usually hidden processes of film-making I find endlessly fascinating. The twisted metal tubes that hold the cameras and lights reminds one of those robots from “The Matrix” and work as a metaphor for the hungry beast of the entertainment-industrial complex, greedily and endlessly slurping up images.
image of “Dream Sequence” photo courtesy of Tintype permanent link to this post
Mar 04, 2006
SNAD readme for March 2006
posted at 14:37 GMT by M.River in /news/mriver
Actually, that’s exactly how we created the print we’re selling. M.River downloaded the Illustrator version from the web, imported it into a 16” x 20” Photoshop document, scaled it to fit comfortably in the frame of reference and then sent it off to a digital output joint.
So. What’s the deal?
First, the SNAD is free. Yes, thanks to a generous Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license, you can do with it as you will. Which naturally leads to this question: If it’s free, what are you buying for 625 bucks?
The answer: Production.
Yes, that’s right. You will be paying for the cost, time, and expertise of having MTAA make the work for you. As the production was done by a member of MTAA, the work may be thought of as an “Official Production SNAD” or, more obtusely, an “OP-SNAD.” However, it’s completely legal and even encouraged for others to print their own SNADs and sell them. If you buy a SNAD print from someone other than a member of MTAA you will have an “Entrepreneurial Production SNAD (AKA EP-SNAD). If you print it yourself, you will have a “DIY Production SNAD (AKA DIY-P-SNAD)”. For us, EP-SNADs or DIY-P-SNADs are both nice choices for your home, office, gallery or museum. Although, if you’re short on time, have the money and can actually find one, an OP-SNAD is the way to go.
If you happen to buy a 16” x 20” OP-SNAD, what will keep MTAA from making more? The short answer is “nothing,” but there are some reasons that we probably won’t:
1. We’re lazy.
2. We tend not to repeat ourselves. Sure, someday we might make a 48” x 60” on canvas OP-SNAD or maybe a 32” x 40” light box OP-SNAD, but chances are you will be the only one in the world with a 16” x 20” OP-SNAD from 2006.
Get it? Got it? Good.
(Note, this is a rare post that was written by both members of MTAA. The first draft, by M.River, was edited by T.Whid for this final version. It should probably go in the Texts part of this web site, but it seems too time-relative to belong there.) permanent link to this post
MTAA @ Upgrade! Joburg
posted at 14:22 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid

Thanks again Nathaniel, wish we could have been there. permanent link to this post
Mar 02, 2006
Some early Whitney Biennial posts from blogs
posted at 18:18 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
My first impression is that there are a lot more artists with whom I was unfamiliar, unlike the previous one. I’m pleased to see that, because I don’t want the Biennial to show a lot of work that regular New York-based gallery-goers have already seen.
And there’s also an Art Dirt Redux podcast:
2006 Whitney Biennial. Actual artists statements mixed with Rob & my comments. The first mash-up of its kind. The statements are as inane as the exhibition. Oops, am I being insensitive? The political stuff was OK. Deep Dish TV was great. The big deal was the remake of Di Suvero’s Freedom Tower from the 1960’s protest days. It’s a simulation of an actual protest piece.
Don’t miss one of the curator’s blogs (wink wink, nudge nudge).
Artnet’s review by Jerry Saltz
There’s some Flickring going on over there too. permanent link to this post
Mar 01, 2006
Near perfect commute
posted at 14:41 GMT by T.Whid in /news/twhid
Today I had that pleasure. First, the train arrives just as I’m walking onto the subway platform (2/3 Borough Hall station in Brooklyn). It’s timed perfectly: I don’t need to rush; I don’t need to wait. Entering the train, a prime end seat in the sparsely populated car presents itself. Before sitting down, it’s offered to an older woman; she declines. What luck! a perfect guilt-free seat.
After that, nothing happens — that’s the point. I sit quietly listening to my iPod (The Brian Jonestown Massacre) and reading my book (“A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius” — yeah, I might be going thru a 90s revival…). Arriving at the 34th and Penn station, it’s also quiet and easily navigated, practically ushering me with white gloves to my comfortable office where I sit typing this. permanent link to this post